My Mate is Little Wife
By Queen girls212
Date: August 11, 2024
Ch. 6An Unexpected Encounter

At that moment, Cander and his six best friends, who also served as guards at his palace, were walking around the city as usual. Everyone looked at them with various expressions. To be honest, he had no interest in the women around him. He walked coolly into one of his favorite cake shops, where they ordered food, joked, and laughed. The other visitors remained quiet, perhaps intimidated by their presence; he didn’t know for sure. What mattered most was that he paid, and everything went smoothly—that was how humans operated.

The scent of roses, vanilla, and other calming fragrances filled the air, making Cander’s heart race. The wolf inside him howled wildly, urging him to search for the source of that soothing aroma. His best friend appeared confused and began to ask questions, but Cander remained focused on the delightful scent.

When the shop door opened, a delicious aroma wafted through the air. He spotted a petite girl wearing a dress and a jacket to keep warm. A smile spread across his face as he watched her greet a woman nearby.

“Alpha… what are you doing?” one of his Beta friends asked.

“I’ve been observing you, Alpha. You seem very nervous,” he exclaimed.

“Who is that girl, Alpha? Do you know her?” Ducan asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

“She’s your Luna,” he replied, and suddenly all eyes turned to the girl.

When their eyes met, her expression shifted to one of tension and fear. She quickly looked away, clearly uncomfortable under his gaze. Cander noted her petite frame, even standing next to her, she would barely reach his chest. Her body was neither too thin nor too heavy-it was just right for a hug. He observed a waiter approaching her while she placed her order, and to his dismay, it seemed the man was interested in her.

“What’s your name? I’ve never seen you here before,” the waiter said, attempting to strike up a conversation. Cander felt a surge of anger.

“My name is Elvina Beax. You can call me Vina,” she replied, and Cander couldn’t help but smile, delighted by her name-so lovely and fitting for her.

“Nice to meet you,” the waiter said, extending his hand. Cander was ready to stand up and crush every finger on that hand, his mind filled with violent thoughts.

“Alpha, calm down. The guy is just making small talk,” Felix intervened, sensing Cander's rising tension.

“Look at that hand. I should cut off the hand of that self-serving man,” the wolf inside him growled.

“Alpha, if you transform here, Luna will be frightened,” Rayner warned, prompting Cander to regulate his heartbeat and suppress the emotions swirling in his mind.

He watched as the petite girl awkwardly shook the man’s hand, a slight smile on her face.

“Nice to meet you too,” she said. Cander struggled to keep his wolf in check as he wanted to crush that innocent man.

“I have to go home. See you soon,” the girl hurriedly said as she left.

The waiter continued to smile, watching her go while nervously scratching his head. Cander and his friends exchanged glances, the tension palpable. Cander felt a surge of protectiveness toward his future mate.

“Alpha, I have urgent news from the pack. There’s been an attack by vampires, and this time, the victims were humans,” one of his friends announced.

“You said the rotten vampires had left my territory,” Cander replied, anger boiling inside him at the thought of the bloodsucking creatures still lurking in his domain.

“They only returned to find food because their territory is barren,” Darry explained.

Cander stood up abruptly, and the others followed suit. He had just discovered his soul mate, yet now he had to focus on hunting down those fanged monsters.


Elvina escaped the uncomfortable gaze as she arrived home. Immediately, she began preparing various dishes. She noticed Scar sleeping on the sofa. After cutting the vegetables, she set them on the table and covered them. Glancing at the clock, which read 3 PM, Scar woke and approached her. An idea sparked in her mind.

“Scar, how about we play in the forest? I’ll take some pictures of you,” she said, picking up her cat and grabbing her camera. The streets were covered in snow, transforming the brown trees into a winter wonderland. She smiled as she lowered Scar, who joyfully hopped around. She began snapping pictures of her fluffy cat when a loud crash startled her, making her stop and look around.

Curious, she followed the sound, which was now replaced by an eerie silence. Approaching the source, she discovered a car crashed into a large tree. She walked closer, but there was no sign of anyone inside.

Suddenly, the voice of a wolf echoed in her mind, causing her hair to stand on end. From a distance, she spotted a massive black wolf emerging from the forest. Fear rooted her to the spot, paralyzing her.

As the black wolf approached, Elvina shut her eyes tightly, feeling its breath on her face. Overwhelmed by fear, she muttered, “Don’t eat me… Don’t eat me,” hoping the wolf understood her pleas.

After what felt like an eternity, she noticed the wolf had stopped breathing heavily. She slowly opened her eyes to see the great beast sitting, its paws resting comfortably.

“Go… go… there,” she said, taking a few steps back.

The wolf remained still, wearing a sad expression. Unsure of what to do, Elvina’s hand moved instinctively to stroke its head. She ran her fingers gently through its fur, and the wolf rolled playfully, making her laugh.

“Whose dog are you? You have such soft fur,” she asked, uncertain if the creature understood her.

Another wolf approached, looking down at her, and she smiled as the large wolf rested its head on her lap. She resumed stroking its fur, feeling an unexpected sense of comfort wash over her. The wolf gazed back at her, and she returned the smile.

“My name is Vina. What is your name?” she inquired, realizing how foolish she must sound.

The wolf simply stared at her, unblinking, and she grinned, acknowledging her own silliness.

“How about I name you Blake? Your fur is black,” she declared, and the wolf affectionately licked her cheek.

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