My Mate is Little Wife
By Queen girls212
Date: September 6, 2024
Ch. 27A Haunting Prelude

She awoke to find the man beside her tossing restlessly. Nearly every night, Cander's movements were erratic, disrupting her sleep. However, tonight she felt an unusual curiosity. The swaying of the bed suggested someone was getting out of it.

The bathroom door creaked open, and she slowly opened her eyes. Her suspicion was confirmed—Cander was taking a shower, as indicated by the sound of a large splash. She glanced at the clock on the wall; it was 2 a.m. The door opened again. Quickly, she feigned sleep.

Once more, she felt the bed shifting, this time with someone climbing onto it. A hand wrapped around her waist, and something soft and damp brushed her forehead. Her heart raced as she felt Cander’s arms tighten around her.

“I’m afraid someone might hurt you!” Cander muttered with a hint of panic.

“If Vampires come near you, I won’t hesitate to break every bone in their bodies,” he continued. Her curiosity grew.

“Don’t be afraid,” she said bravely, opening her eyes and offering a sweet smile. Cander looked surprised.

“Honey, what are you doing? It’s still night; go back to sleep,” he said, his voice firm yet tender.

“What are you afraid of?” she asked, her curiosity piqued.

“A werewolf fears nothing, not even death. But there are some things that always trouble me,” he replied, his eyes sincere.

“What’s on your mind?” Her heart pounded with renewed fear.

“This threat has been lingering for a long time, and it concerns you,” Cander said with a soft chuckle.

“Did I do something wrong?” she asked timidly, returning his embrace.

“It’s not you who’s at fault, but me. I made a mistake,” he said, his calm demeanor easing her tension.

“Can’t we discuss this calmly if there’s a problem?” she suggested.

“You can’t understand, honey. Werewolves and Vampires aren’t natural enemies, but there is one issue that makes us fierce adversaries,” Cander explained. She tried to absorb his words.

“What will they do to me?” she asked, biting her lower lip.

“I don’t want to discuss that right now. What matters is that I will always be here for you,” he answered firmly.

She was silent for a moment, her gaze locked with his beautiful eyes. “Alright,” she said softly.

“Go to sleep. I’ll look after you. Tomorrow is an important day for Lena and Lathan,” Cander instructed.

She closed her eyes quickly, her heart still racing. Cander placed her head on his chest, and she could feel his heart beating steadily. Somehow, being close to him brought her comfort.


Elsewhere, a man with a haughty expression smiled as he stared at the moonlight bathing his body. His smile suddenly faded, replaced by a fast-beating heart and the visage of a beautiful girl, which filled him with frustration. "Just wait, honey. I’ll make that wretched woman pay. That foolish wolf will regret this," William, the arrogant man, muttered.

“One more step, and our son will make that woman suffer. I’ll be the first to see Cander in pain,” the Vampire King added with a satisfied smile.

“You must be thrilled to see the man who wronged you suffer. I promise to exact my revenge,” William said as he turned and walked back into the room.

Morning arrived, and the palace was abuzz with excitement. They were preparing to welcome Gemma, the future wife of one of the prominent members of the palace. They were also set to meet their long-awaited Luna candidate.

In Chandra’s room, Zena and the narrator busied themselves with flower arrangements while others attended to their tasks. Cander even helped prepare the room for the wedding party.

The door slammed open, revealing Anna and Sera in a heated argument over a shawl. The two women were Anna and Sera—her aunt and her. The narrator and Zena watched as they squabbled over the piece of fabric. Zena tried to separate them, but neither was willing to relent.

“Anna and Sera, let go of the shawl right now,” the aunt ordered, standing up.

“No,” they both replied in unison.

“A-Anna, you need to let go. This is the shawl Bobby gave me,” Sera said, tugging at the shawl.

“No, I refuse to back down. Release it now, or I’ll bite your ear,” Anna threatened, her resolve unwavering.

“Let go... this is mine, and I’m wearing it!” Anna persisted, hitting Sera’s hand. Sera winced in pain.

“Let go of that shawl immediately,” frustration overtook the narrator, who then watched as both women released the shawl, letting it fall to the floor.

“It’s not my fault, Luna. It’s her fault,” they both said, pointing at each other.

“I don’t want to hear excuses. Go downstairs and help the other maids,” the narrator ordered.

“Okay, Luna,” they replied, rushing away.

“Wow, what strength you have, brother-in-law!” Zena exclaimed, impressed as she clapped.

“Haha, it’s not about strength. I was just annoyed by their bickering,” the narrator joked.

“Alright, everyone, get ready,” the aunt instructed.

“I really don’t know how to dress a bride,” Zena said in surprise.

“I’m not sure either, Aunt. What should we do?” the narrator asked nervously.

“Don’t worry, I’m here!” a gentle voice from behind made them turn.

“Bobby?” Zena exclaimed happily.

“I’m always here for all of you,” Bobby said, approaching Lena with a smile.

With great skill, Bobby delicately applied makeup to Lena’s face. The narrator watched with a smile as Bobby worked diligently. Bobby glanced at her, frowning slightly. Zena admired the displayed dresses, while the narrator adjusted the flowers she would carry later.

“What do you think?” Bobby asked confidently.

The narrator looked at her aunt, who was stunning. Her hair was neatly styled, and the dress fit her perfectly. The face decoration was subtle, enhancing her natural beauty.

“Wow, Aunt, you look so beautiful,” Zena said, rushing to hug her aunt but stopping short of hugging Bobby, who was in their midst.

“Keep your unkempt body away from the bride,” Bobby said with a smirk.

“Uncle, I just want to hug my aunt. Don’t be stingy,” Zena retorted.

“Still not allowed. You’ll ruin my work if you touch it,” Bobby said, annoyed, as Zena playfully hit his arm.

“You barbarian, hurry up and go to your room. Take care of yourself,” Bobby ordered.

“You tightwad, let’s get out of here, brother-in-law!” Zena said, giving Bobby a disdainful look.


At the wedding, the narrator, Cander’s younger siblings, and some of Gemma’s wives walked towards the wedding room. Despite the cold and snow, the room was beautifully decorated. The narrator smiled with happiness upon seeing Cander standing near Lathan. As she approached, Cander embraced her and kissed her forehead. She noticed Anna and Sera receiving the same attention from their partners and gently pushed Cander away to avoid being too close.

After the ceremony, Cander and his friends chatted while occasionally glancing at her. Suddenly, the sound of a flute filled the air. She stood up and followed the music, walking slowly in its direction.

She saw a man sitting on one of the largest trees, his right leg swinging. She hesitated, trying to hide behind a tree so he wouldn’t see her.

“Why are you hiding?” the man called out.

She closed her eyes and held her breath.

“Don’t hide. I know you’re there,” the man’s voice came from behind her.

Turning around, she saw a man with fair skin, tall but not as muscular as Cander, with sharp ears and an aquiline nose.

“A-Are you a Fairy?” she asked nervously.

“Yes, you must be Luna, correct?” the man guessed.

“How did you know? Do you have magical powers?” she asked, amazed and surprised.

“From your necklace. Keep it hidden from the Vampires. I’ll see you later,” he said, walking away and leaving her alone.

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