My Mate is Little Wife
By Queen girls212
Date: August 31, 2024
Ch. 24The Bitter Truth

Marc surveyed the area around Cander Palace as usual. The dense magic and the protective enchantments of the forest had always made it difficult for him to see the Luna. Additionally, the many fairies that roamed the woods, playing their musical instruments, created an annoying cacophony.

Marc had never actually seen a fairy, but he had heard that they were creatures that often meddled with humans and animals. However, he had also heard from his father that they were formidable allies in war.

He decided to push aside thoughts of the fairies and focus on his objective. He crept deeper into the forest until the distinct scent of human blood reached his nostrils.

"Humans? How could they have entered this forest? There are numerous wild animals and dangerous plants around here." Marc swiftly followed the scent and discovered a girl he recognized sitting in the snow, clutching her knee.

It was Vina. How had she ended up here? His gaze fell on her bleeding knee; she looked terrified. She might have thought he was a vampire eager to drink human blood, though he was not. After a brief conversation, she mentioned that her house was nearby. Just then, his father reached him telepathically.

"Where are you?" William demanded.

"I'm near Cander Palace," Marc replied lazily.

"Return to the palace immediately. The Alpha and his men are advancing toward the palace. They've already captured our last spy, and they’re likely to kill the weak. Hurry!" William ordered.

"Understood," Marc answered quietly.

Despite meeting the girl who frequently appeared in his dreams, Marc had to leave. A disturbance always seemed to prevent him from spending more time with her. He observed Vina struggling to get up from the stone, her injured knee unable to support her. He caught her just before she fell.

His heart raced as he held her waist, feeling the warmth of her body against his. Their eyes met closely, and he could feel her breath, as though a sudden fog had enveloped him.

Slowly, he moved closer, intending to kiss her forehead or cheek, but Vina pushed him away. He was relieved; otherwise, he might have lost control.

He handed her a wooden branch imbued with magical power, a gift from an old witch he had encountered when lost in the rainforest as a child. His father had sent him to fight the Vampire King, and the witch had given him the twig in exchange for a drop of his blood. Now, he was giving it to Vina.

Seeing her smile as she accepted the gift filled him with warmth. He used his strength to quickly return to William's palace, only to find that the Cander and his men were almost upon them. William’s troops had begun fortifying the palace's defenses.

"Son, have you discovered who that Luna is from the foolish wolf?" William asked, his pride evident in his war attire.

"I haven’t seen her yet. I can’t even refer to her as a woman since there is no wedding at Cander Palace," Marc answered with an indifferent tone.

"Of course, the woman who became the Luna of the wolf was a deceitful creature. Now they’re nearing our palace, and a great battle will unfold in this forest," William said with a smug smile.

William's ambition unsettled Marc. He thought that if William weren’t his father, they would be very different. Marc had never met his mother, and William avoided discussing her.

"Where’s that damn Vampire?" a deep voice boomed outside the palace.

Marc looked out the window and saw numerous Vampire corpses, a grim testament to William’s cruelty. He closed his eyes, knowing that William, armed with a golden sword, was outside.

Cander was close, and his unfriendly demeanor only intensified William’s lust for power. Marc observed the Cander’s troops as they arrived—each was tattooed and large, their strength comparable to the Vampires. He had heard that Cander was a legendary wolf among his kind.

Having lived in other lands for so long, Marc had forgotten the enmity that simmered in his own country. William’s laughter embarrassed the wolves before them.

"What is this, Alpha?" William asked casually.

"What are you doing near my castle? What is your purpose in sending spies into my palace?" Cander, adorned with tattoos, stepped forward.

"To kill your Luna. That is my goal. Enough with the small talk. I want you to experience what it’s like to live without a Mate, as I have," William said.

"You’re mistaken. Your Mate ended her own life. If only you knew, your Mate was a woman who loved me," Cander replied.

"Preposterous! My Mate could never love a lowly creature like you. You killed him, and that woman must die too," William exclaimed, remaining steadfast.

Marc remained silent, his curiosity about his mother growing. Was it true that she loved the wolf and sacrificed her life, or did Cander kill her, fueling William's hatred?

"You don’t deserve to be a King. A true King should care for his people, not just his own selfish desires," Cander declared, maintaining his defensive stance.

"Silence, you insolent wretch. You lowly creature," William said, raising his sword.

In a swift motion, Marc restrained his father. If a battle erupted now, the Vampires would face a significant defeat, as none of the troops were prepared. William’s fierce gaze bore into Marc.

"Hahaha... so you’re the crown prince," Cander remarked.

"What do you mean?" Marc asked, startled.

"If you knew, you’d understand why you should have killed the deceitful man you’re defending," Cander said.

"Just shut up and leave my palace now," William commanded, his voice cold.

William exited, leaving Marc to follow him to the top room of the palace. It was always tightly locked, and no one had ever entered it. When William felt anger, sadness, or disappointment, he retreated there.

Inside, William stared at a painting of a beautiful woman with a sweet smile and captivating eyes. Marc wondered if this woman was his mother, though he saw little resemblance.

"What that vile wolf said is outrageous," William muttered.

"Did Mom die because of that Alpha?" Marc asked, seeking confirmation.

"Yes, Cander killed her right before my eyes," William replied, turning to face Marc.

"Why did he kill her?" Marc’s heart felt numb, possibly due to never having met his mother.

"Because Cander despises Vampires and resents his father, who succeeded your grandfather as King," William explained.

Marc fell silent, processing the information.

"What should I do?" he asked slowly.

"Kill their Luna. That’s all. Then all my grudges, and your mother’s, will be avenged," William ordered, handing Marc a white sword adorned with intricate carvings.

Marc took the sword, which gleamed and became clear upon touching his palm.

"I’m counting on you, my son," William said, his gaze returning to the painting of the beautiful woman.

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