My Mate is Little Wife
By Queen girls212
Date: August 19, 2024
Ch. 14Nightmare and Confessions of Love

POV Cander

Cander and his friends were enjoying themselves running through the woods when suddenly, his heart began to race uncontrollably. He experienced an intense, excruciating pain that didn’t seem to come from within him. He sat down, clutching his chest as it pounded furiously, feeling as if it were going numb.


The sound of Vina’s scream was deafening, filling his ears. The wolf within him howled in pain, crying out as it had never done before. Even when Cander’s parents had passed away, this wolf had always been a source of strength. Now, for the first time, it was crying out in agony.

Cander sprinted towards the source of the sound, finding himself in front of a large house. Without hesitation, he forced the door open and caught a faint whiff of his lover’s scent, though it was starting to fade.

"Akkhhhh... Please..."

Vina’s voice grew louder, filled with desperation. Cander rushed to a wooden door, kicked it open, and discovered Vina lying on the floor in a white dress stained with blood. He immediately embraced her fragile form, which seemed to be struggling for each breath.

Tears streamed down his face as he gently brushed her disheveled brown hair, noticing the tears streaked on her cheeks. Looking closer, he saw a small sword embedded in her heart. He grasped the hilt and, with careful precision, removed it. Vina’s breathing gradually steadied. He held her tightly, kissing her forehead repeatedly.

Her bloodied right hand weakly touched his left cheek. He helped her lean against his chest, indifferent to the blood staining his shirt.

"Da...da...darling, hah... hah... a.. a.. I.. I beg.. save... me," Vina stammered.

Cander kissed her lips briefly. "Forgive me for being late, honey. I am here now, and you are safe with me. Don’t be afraid!" he cried, still holding her.

Vina weakly lifted her index finger, pointing forward. "He... he... he is... a... will come," she said. Cander saw Willian not far from them, smirking in that damned Vampire King way.

"How do you like my surprise, Cander? The girl will die by my own hand... hahaha," the Vampire King’s laughter jolted Cander awake.

He checked his watch; it was 10:00 PM. The wolf inside him growled in surprise at his reaction. He no longer felt any pain from Vina.

"It was just a dream," he muttered to himself, feeling a wave of relief.

"What’s wrong?" Black asked, puzzled.

"I had a dream where Vina was in danger, and the vile Vampire was after her!" Cander explained slowly.

"Quickly... check on our mate. I don’t want her to be in danger," Black ordered, now genuinely worried about Vina’s well-being.

Cander grabbed his clothes and, using Black’s power, dashed out of the palace. He ran so swiftly that several trees fell in his wake. He felt a sense of relief upon seeing Vina’s house, which appeared secure. He approached her room carefully.

Noticing that the lights were off, he smiled in relief as he heard her steady breathing from outside. He tapped on the glass window. Vina woke and walked to the window, opening the curtains and revealing herself in a thin shirt and shorts that exposed her underwear. Despite the cold outside, Cander remained unaffected. However, his body felt a strange mixture of warmth and chill.

"I couldn’t sleep knowing I was away from you!" he admitted, seeing her face flush red.

"Fa...alright," she said, allowing him entry and stepping aside.

He immediately embraced her, checking her neck for any bite marks or injuries. He saw her necklace still hanging around her neck and smiled, kissing her slowly. Vina reciprocated the kiss gently.

Since she seemed unaccustomed to kissing, he tried to be patient.

Unfortunately, the wolf within him was demanding more, urging him to deepen the kiss. He pressed the back of her head, intensifying the kiss.

Vina began to wake and attempted to push him away. He smiled and broke the kiss, looking into her eyes. Her chest heaved, her heart racing, and her lips were swollen.

"Sorry... Black was thinking all sorts of things earlier. Managing that wolf is quite challenging," he explained.

"It’s okay," Vina replied, appearing shy.

He guided her to the bed, where they lay together. He held her close, using his arm as a pillow for her head. He stroked her hair gently and kissed her forehead from time to time. He noticed Vina’s eyes slowly closing, though he knew she was trying to calm her racing heart.

"Darling... why don’t you stay with me in my pack?" he suggested.

Vina opened her eyes and looked at him. "I want to, but what about my aunt?" she asked, concerned for her only family.

"If she wants, she can stay with us too. You’ll be safe with me and the others!" he assured her.

"Okay... I’ll talk to my aunt, but what about Scarf and the house?" Vina inquired, thinking of her beloved cat.

"The house will be looked after by my guards, and as for Scarf... how about giving her to a female friend?" he suggested.

"But I want to keep Scarf with me," Vina insisted, burying her face in his chest.

"Ah... alright," he conceded, allowing her to bring the cat along.

**POV Marc**

Marc gazed out at the bleak, desolate night landscape from the hill where his castle stood. No animal sounds could be heard, and no human would dare approach the mountains for fear of being caught and killed by Vampires.

He grimaced at the sight. As a Vampire with a penchant for targeting those who wronged him or his father, he found the hatred and sorrowful looks of others distasteful. The image of the girl he encountered earlier that day brought an unexpected calm to his heart. While everyone else feared and judged him, she had shown bravery and kindness. This interaction warmed a heart that had long felt empty, making his chest feel alive and his heart race.

"What's on your mind, my son?" William's voice startled him as he appeared silently behind Marc.

"Nothing," Marc replied flatly.

"Is someone troubling you?" William, familiar with Marc’s demeanor, often sought to understand his personal life.

"Nothing," Marc reiterated, turning to face him.

"A girl," William continued, seemingly aware of Marc’s feelings.

"Don’t lie to me. I know someone has captured your interest," William said, now standing beside him, observing the moon.

"She’s nothing," Marc insisted, trying to avoid eye contact.

William glanced at him, smiling. "Your heart flutters when you’re near her, and you call it nothing?" he prodded, causing Marc to remain silent.

"She’s just a fleeting presence in my long life," Marc thought aloud, trying to convince himself of his own words.

"We’ll see if she is merely a passing fancy or your final destination and source of weakness. Don’t forget the mission to eliminate Cander’s mate. I despise wasting time!" William commanded before vanishing.

Marc turned back to the quiet night scene, now consumed by thoughts of the girl he had just met. It seemed absurd, but he felt a genuine fascination and connection with her that he couldn’t quite explain.

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