My Mate is Little Wife
By Queen girls212
Date: August 17, 2024
Ch. 12Welcome to a New World


Sunlight streamed through the curtains of the bedroom window, and she blinked her eyes repeatedly. When she woke up, Cander was no longer beside her, even though he had stayed with her the night before. She sat up and began to stretch her arms upwards, feeling the aches and pains throughout her body.

Last night's events replayed in her mind, and she smiled warmly, recalling how well Cander had treated her. The way he spoke to her and called her made her heart flutter. She was deeply in love with him, even though she was still surprised to learn that he wasn't entirely human.

Unknowingly, she touched her lips, and suddenly the memory of the kiss flashed through her mind. Her face flushed at the thought of a kiss that should not have happened. She held her chest, which was still pounding rapidly, it felt as though the previous night's events had been very tense and frightening. Unintentionally, she had become involved with mythical creatures she did not believe in, and perhaps she had also become part of the werewolf world as an Alpha's Mate.

The noise that interrupted her thoughts came from outside her room, specifically from the kitchen. She looked around her room and noticed that Scarf was missing. She got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

In the kitchen, Aunt Lena was busy preparing breakfast. But Cander was there as well, having deliberately arrived early in the morning to take his Luna to his home. He also wanted to introduce her to his people, emphasizing that Vina's safety was crucial for the werewolves.

However, since Vina's aunt was human, Cander had to lie and say he wanted to take Vina for a walk as usual. The adorable-looking cat did not like the well-dressed man at all. The plump cat kept causing trouble by knocking things over.

Cander understood the cat's disdain for him, and he himself was not fond of the pampered cat. He was particularly irritated when Scarf sprawled out on the couch.

"Cander, what's wrong?" Aunt Vina asked when she saw Cander watching the cat with a serious expression.

"It's nothing, Aunt. The cat looks adorable," Cander lied, though he wished he could get rid of the spoiled cat from his mate's house.

"Haha... Yes, that's Scarf. If you want to hold him, just go ahead. Scarf is always spoiled by everyone; he even sleeps on Vina's stomach," Lena's comment made Cander wish to remove the fat, furry animal from his lover's presence quickly.

"Haha... I feel like I want to hug him," Cander said with a tone that might have sounded more sinister than intended. Scarf noticed the dangerous look on Cander's face and quickly left the couch, heading towards Vina's room.

Cander became even more annoyed when he saw Vina open the door and gently pet the cat's head, allowing it to enter her boyfriend's room without permission. Scarf also managed to accidentally step on Vina's feet before entering.

"That damn cat... it's asking to be thrown into the cold river!" Cander thought, fuming with frustration.

"Cander... are you still here?" Vina asked when she saw the man sitting at the dining table and smiling at her.

"Cander just arrived..." Aunt Vina exclaimed with a smile.

"Good morning, Vin," Cander said with his sweet smile.

"Good... good morning," Vina responded stiffly.

"Vina, don’t sit there. Quickly sit down; we’re having breakfast together," Aunt Vina ordered.

"Alright, Mom," Vina replied, sitting next to Cander.

"Today we’re going to my place, honey," he whispered in her ear.

Her face turned red. "Y-yes," she stammered.

After finishing a simple breakfast, her aunt went to work, and Cander and Vina set out on his large motorcycle. When they reached a forest that was unfamiliar to her, Cander stopped the motorcycle, and they walked into the woods.

Gradually, the dense trees parted to reveal a scene that took her by surprise. Cander held her hand, guiding her to an unknown place. She saw a tall iron gate, which opened to reveal a handsome man, though not as handsome as Cander.

"Welcome to our home, Luna. I’m Gemma. You can call me Lathan," said the man named Lathan.

"Yes, my name is Vina," she replied, feeling uneasy at the man’s overly formal demeanor.

"Alright, Luna Vina," he said again, bowing respectfully.

"There’s no need to call me Luna; just Vina will do," she responded.

"Darling... everyone will call you Luna from now on, so you should get used to it," Cander said, stroking her head affectionately.

"Lathan, where are the others?" Cander asked.

"They are in the palace, Alpha. They are waiting for your arrival with Luna," Lathan replied.

"Come on, dear!" Cander said, taking her hand.

They walked through a countryside area that appeared more modern, almost urban. The local residents paused their activities to bow and smile respectfully as they passed by. Vina remained silent and awkwardly walked with Cander, who still held her hand, while Lathan followed behind.

They arrived at a grand and large palace. Vina gazed in awe as they approached. Inside, she saw men she had met at the cake shop and some beautiful women with perfect figures and sweet smiles. She felt a bit self-conscious among them.

"Welcome... Luna," the men and women greeted enthusiastically.

"Hi... hi," Vina replied clumsily.

"Ah... so you are Luna. We met when you were buying medicine. Do you remember me, Luna?" asked a beautiful woman Vina had encountered before.

"Yes, I remember. Do you live here?" Vina asked.

"No, this is Luna and Alpha’s house," the beautiful woman said with a sparkling gaze.

"I... this is my house," Vina looked directly at Cander.

"Haha... forgive my wife, Luna. She’s very fond of this place," said another man with a sweet smile, gently pulling his wife closer.

"Haha... excuse my behavior, Luna. This is my husband, Harry," the woman said, kissing the right cheek of the man named Harry with affection.

"Greetings, Luna," Harry said.

Vina smiled and felt comfortable in the new environment. Cander and his friends, along with their wives, shared jokes, which made her laugh and forget about the time. She realized that they were not as awkward as she had initially thought, and Cander continuously held her hand.

At another location...

A young man with pale white skin sat on a bench in the park, wearing a black shirt and black hat. He watched children playing with their pets or peers. The man occasionally drank from a thick red liquid contained in a plastic bag. Suddenly, a strong wind blew, causing the children to huddle against the cold. The foreign man disappeared with the wind, leaving the bench empty.

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