The Rise of Poor Man
By Queen Mee
Date: August 4, 2024
Ch. 3Chapter 3

Beryl heard a voice that was so close to him. Although the person calling did not mention the name of the person being called, Beryl reflexively looked back. Because the call, already felt familiar to the ears and many called Beryl by that title.

A black Yamaha All New R15 motorcycle stopped right behind Beryl. Seemingly watching Beryl from top to bottom, the man who owned the motorcycle laughed.

"Why are your clothes like that, huh? You don't have any water at home so you have to bathe in the sewage, huh." The man sneered.

"It was a reckless driver who splashed a puddle on my shirt." Beryl explained to the man named David. Who was a coworker.

"Oh, really? Do you think that I'm the culprit?" asked David.

"No, I don't. That guy was just using a normal motorcycle. Not like you," Beryl replied.

"Well, what's the point, I ask. But, look at your appearance! Are you going to work in that condition? You know, look even poorer." David continued to tease Beryl. His stomach heaved with laughter.

Beryl had more patience. It was daily food to be insulted by many people. He knew he was dirty today. He could only clean his clothes with water later.

"Never mind. Why bother with your life." David restarted his motorcycle and left Beryl behind.

Beryl resumed his steps. People couldn't help but notice his shabby appearance. Some of them whispered, but Beryl didn't care. He turned a deaf ear to what they were saying.

Beryl finally arrived at his workplace. He was only assigned as a dishwasher. The dirty clothes Beryl wore became the subject of other coworkers' attention. They whispered about his clothes.

Beryl didn't care about that. He immediately went to the bathroom to clean himself. He took some water and slowly cleaned his clothes. It couldn't be completely clean, it was still visible. However, it wasn't as bad as before.

"Beryl, get the big cauldron in the warehouse!" The call came from one of the cooks at the stall.

Beryl immediately carried out his orders. The storeroom was at the back and the door was unlocked. As soon as he entered, Beryl glared at David, who was smoking in the shed.

"David, forbidden smoking here. Why are you still doing that? There are many flammable items in this warehouse," Beryl asked.

David stared fiercely. He didn't like Beryl's presence. He put out his cigarette. "What do you care, whatever I want to do!"

"But it could be dangerous!" concluded Beryl.

David got up quickly and grabbed Beryl's shirt. He gripped his chest tightly. Making Beryl grimace.

"You've got some nerve with me!" he shouted. Unwilling to fight, David chose to leave the warehouse. As he left, David flashed a faint smile.

Beryl glanced at David's departure and shook his head. Then he looked for the big cauldron and brought it to the chef.


At noon, all the workers in the food stall were suddenly put on trial by the owner of the food stall. The food stall was big and sold well, so it could afford to pay many workers.

"Which one of you is disobeying the rules! How can you just throw cigarette butts carelessly in the warehouse. What if there's a fire there, huh. Who will take responsibility?"

The stall owner, a bald-headed man, looked furious. On his fingers were two cigarette butts as evidence that someone had done that. Earlier, the stall owner had entered the warehouse to record what cooking utensils were still suitable and not suitable for use. He accidentally stepped on a cigarette butt and found two of them.

"I swear, I didn't do it, sir!" One person immediately confessed quickly. He moved his hands to the right and left.

Beryl began to get suspicious. It could have been David who he caught smoking in the warehouse once. He could have been doing that a lot.

"I saw Beryl smoking in the warehouse, sir." David said loudly. Before Beryl started complaining, it was better for him to tell the false truth.

"What? Beryl." The owner was incredulous, staring at Beryl.

Accused of something he didn't do. Quick to defend himself.

"I didn't do that, sir. It's true that I went into the warehouse today. But what I found was David smoking." Beryl denied the slander.

"Hey, don't twist the facts. Instead, accuse me carelessly. I clearly saw you smoking. Sir, if you don't believe me, just look in his shirt pocket, there must be a cigarette butt."
What David said just now, made the shopkeeper decide to look into the shirt pockets of Beryl's uniform.

"What is this, Beryl? It's you!"

The shopkeeper found a cigarette butt in his shirt pocket. Beryl gasped, not knowing where the evidence had come from.

"I don't know how that cigarette butt ended up in my pocket, sir!" Beryl defended.

"You're already wrong, you don't want to admit it!" The stall owner became even angrier. Emotions exploded, making his face red like a boiled shrimp.

Beryl thought back to two hours ago when he and David met at the warehouse. David didn't like being caught, got angry, and grabbed Beryl by the shirt. Strangely, David didn't grab him by the collar, but by his chest and pockets. Beryl realized one thing, David had secretly put the cigarette butt in his pocket.

"Do you still have the confidence to come here dressed like that? I know you're poor, but you look like this, ruining your appetite and the sight of others. Dirty, shabby, you look like a homeless kid." The stall owner satirized Beryl severely.

"I will deduct your salary as a fine for breaking the rules!"

"You can't do that, sir. The clothes problem was caused by a reckless driver. I didn't smoke in the warehouse. I'm being slandered, sir!" Defending myself, trying to avoid a cut in already meager salary.

"My decision is final. I gave you a warning letter. You are still grateful that I didn't fire you. Get out of here right now!" the stall owner exclaimed.

Beryl was kicked out. The stall owner didn't trust him anymore. Looking down, he walked out of the stall. Before going home, he glanced at David who was smiling with satisfaction.

"This is all David's doing!" Beryl thought to himself.

Beryl returned home. It was still working hours. His footsteps stopped when he reached a gold shop on the side of the road. Beryl's eyes squinted in surprise. He felt familiar with the woman whose back was to him. Having fun chatting and looking at gold with the salesperson.

Beryl stepped closer to get a better look at the face.

"Mom!" exclaimed Beryl.

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