Trapped in the love of a hitman
By Alifia_Saja
Date: August 24, 2024
Ch. 23Bab 23

To get to the dining room La Rossa had to pass through several rooms, a little more complicated than what La Rossa had imagined.

"What is this place exactly?" thought La Rossa. She continued down a long hallway full of twists and turns, before finally coming to a room that had a long table with many chairs.

Gilbert was already waiting there, sitting in the main chair. Then there was Jonathan and some unknown people.

"Sit down Ros!" ordered Gilbert, pulling up a chair right next to her.

La Rossa looked at the people in front of her one by one, watching their faces with her usual cold gaze.

Gilbert, who saw La Rossa staring at them with a displeased look, began to introduce her.

"Ros, these are my confidants," Gilbert introduced them one by one.

"To Jonathan's right is Susan, she is a sniper expert,"

"Then next to her is Morgan, she's a hacker,"

"Then next to him is Mac, he is a great and tough fighter,"

"What are you gathering great people for?" La Rossa was surprised by what Gilbert was doing.

"Of course to protect you, they will be the team to protect you," was a very romantic answer to La Rossa.

"But...," La Rossa's speech was cut off.

"I don't want you to be in danger Ros, you know Komrad's men are still after you. One more thing you need to know Komrad is the younger brother of the head of the biggest mafia in Russia called...," La Rossa cut off Gilbert's explanation.

"I know he is the younger brother of the BLACK WOLF, right?"

Gilbert nodded his head, knowing that La Rossa must have known this too. He was sure that La Rossa must have thought it through before making this decision.

Someone like La Rossa would not act rashly. Especially when it came to the people she was protecting. Gilbert was sure that La Rossa must have had her own reasons when she decided to kill Komrad.

The people around him were silent. They simultaneously looked at La Rossa. Perhaps they were wondering how a girl as cute and sweet as La Rossa could know the "BLACK WOLF".

"Let me introduce to you, her name is La Rossa. Don't look at someone by their appearance, sometimes appearances are deceiving," Gilbert explained.

They looked at each other, then nodded simultaneously. The breakfast program continued, they ate the dishes in silence, no one dared to open their mouths except with Gilbert's permission.

"Who are you, Gilbert?" wondered La Rossa.
La Rossa looked at Gilbert with a probing gaze. She couldn't believe that Gilbert had such great power. How could that be possible, hadn't Gilbert never left his mansion? Then when did Gilbert start to organize and build up his power? Question after question arose in La Rossa's mind.

Gilbert felt La Rossa's probing gaze. But, he pretended not to notice. Gilbert again offered La Rossa to come with him.

"Come with me Ros!" Gilbert pleaded.

"No! I can't, I'm sorry," La Rossa again refused Gilbert's offer.

"All right. I won't force you. But, wait until I return, then you can investigate the deaths of your parents," Gilbert relented and did not force La Rossa to come with him.




It was La Rossa who finally relented. La Rossa got up from her seat and left Gilbert and his friends. She returned to her room, her whole body feeling very tired.

"I'm going back to my room," La Rossa said. Gilbert nodded.

Gilbert looked at La Rossa's back until he couldn't see her, and Jonathan watched Gilbert from beginning to end. Apparently Gilbert's love for La Rossa was so great.

"Jon!" called Gilbert, which made Jonathan gasp in surprise.

"I-iya boss!" Jonathan replied a little nervously.

Susan, who was beside him, stared at Jonathan in silence. Gilbert looked at Jonathan suspiciously, 'what is he thinking,' Gilbert thought.

"How is Uncle Alfredo?" asked Gilbert.

"Mr. Alfredo is better, he's still in the hospital recovering," Jonathan explained.

"And the company?" continued Gilbert.

"The company is recovering, it seems there is someone behind Mr. Alfredo's success in recovering the company from bankruptcy," Jonathan explained to Gilbert.

"Who?" Gilbert was curious.

"We are investigating, sir, it seems that Mr. Abyakta's accident also had their involvement," Jonathan continued to explain.

Gilbert was silent. He thought it was likely that his father had been murdered, not purely by accident. He had to find out and investigate the death of his parents himself.

"And there's one interesting thing, you won't believe this news," Jonathan made Gilbert curious.

"Don't conjecture with me, tell me quickly!" Gilbert emitted a cold aura on his body that made the temperature in the room turn cold.

Jonathan didn't dare to keep Gilbert waiting anymore, so he immediately delivered the news he had just gotten.

"Mrs. Magdalena, she's still alive."

Jonathan's news made Gilbert's eyes widen, he couldn't believe what he was hearing so he repeated Jonathan's words.

"M-magdalena is alive, how is that possible?" Gilbert couldn't believe the news that Jonathan had brought.

Jonathan had guessed that Gilbert would deny the news this time.

"How could that be? She obviously died right next to my father. So if Magdalena is still alive then who was buried at that time?" Gilbert muttered, asking himself.

Jonathan took out the proof of his words, he handed over a brown envelope. Gilbert took the envelope, and saw that it contained photos of Magdalena with various activities that she was doing.

It was evident that the photos had been taken secretly.

"It's really similar. Who is she really? Have you gotten any proof of the truth?"

"Not yet Boss!" we are investigating further, to confirm the truth.

"Find out the truth until you get it!" Gilbert ordered.

"Where did you see it?"

"Then these photos, how did you get them?" asked Gilbert.

They're from...
Silent, not a word came out of their lips. Both Gilbert and La Rossa were silent and lost in their own thoughts.

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