We Are Unstoppable!
By Arika Fei
Date: August 27, 2024
Ch. 19A New Journey

After that day, Viana rarely left the house. She stayed indoors for a few days.
Her memory had recovered, and now she was thinking about how to move on.
Did she want to stay here or find another way?
Viana daydreamed for a few days to think about it.
Before she knew it, three days had passed.
During dinner on the fourth day, Viana unexpectedly spoke to Ellie. “Ellie, I think I should go.”
Ellie was wide-eyed with shock. “Go? Go where?”
Viana lowered her head. “Going to find a new way out.”
Ellie, as Viana's close friend all this time, had already been told about Viana's true identity. She said it seriously. “Don't go to the capital!”
If Viana went to the capital and was discovered by the people hunting her, she would definitely experience danger once again!
Viana smiled helplessly. “I know. I won't be that careless.”
Ellie still looked worried. “Do you really have to go?”
Viana nodded without hesitation.
“Then I'll come with you!” exclaimed Ellie determinedly.
Viana was surprised. “Why do you have to come with me? This is your village, your home. Following me will only endanger you.”
Ellie shook her head. “I'm an orphan and have no one here. For me, it doesn't matter where I live.”
Viana frowned.
Ellie reassured her again. “Sister Viana, ever since I've known you, I've felt what it's like to have a big sister. With you, I don't feel lonely anymore. I already think of you as my sister. Let me follow you and help you, accompanying you until you reach your goal.”
Viana's heart both ached and moved.
Her fate was now uncertain. Her path in life might be dangerous and miserable. This girl, who was originally only hired to take care of her until she recovered, now insisted on risking herself to accompany her.
Viana smiled bitterly and rubbed Ellie's head. “No, Ellie...”
Ellie's eyes glazed over. “This is my decision. Whatever happens, I won't regret it, Viana.”
Viana was almost speechless. Her eyes also glazed over. Finally, with a hoarse voice, she let out a little joke. “Ellie, are you stupid?”
Ellie laughed. “Yes, Ellie has decided to be with you. I feel lucky to have met you, Viana.”
Viana couldn't stand it and immediately hugged Ellie.
“I'm also very lucky to have met you, Ellie...”
She had spent the past half year with Ellie. Ellie was kind and sincere, helping her in every way. She was truly a good friend.
Viana said quietly with determination. “If I get my position back in the Harvey family, then I will repay you very well.”
Ellie smiled. “Sure, I'll help you until you get it all back.”
Viana smiled widely, tightening her hug.
At least... she wouldn't be lonely on this long journey.
After a while, Ellie broke away from Viana's embrace. “Now I'll help you pack your things.”
Viana nodded, and Ellie went to her room.
Viana looked at the night sky from the window of the house. The sky was clear and full of stars, as if to rekindle her hope.
Viana closed her eyes and resolved in her heart.
Father, mother, with your blessing, I will take everything that should belong to our family back.
The next day, Viana and Ellie left the house very early. They were like travelers on their way out, carrying backpacks, dressed simply, and with their hair tied up.
Especially for Viana. She wore a black mask that covered her mouth and nose. That way, she would not recognize easily.
They left the house quietly. When they were almost out of the bamboo fence, a voice suddenly came from behind.
“Want to go?”
Viana and Ellie turned their heads in surprise.
It was Alen. He looked at them both and smiled. “No need to be surprised. I expected this to happen.”
At the moment, there were only two options for Viana: go find her own way or stay in this remote place. For Alen, it was easy to guess which one Viana would choose.
Viana was silent.
“Where are you going?” Alen asked again.
Viana shrugged. “I'll go anywhere I can.”
“Do you already have your own plans?” Alen guessed.
Viana was silent for a moment. “Yeah... something like that.”
Although Viana didn't seem to be serious, Alen was sure that Viana was not a careless person. She must have made her own travel plans.
Alen said it sincerely. “I still want to advise you that the safest way is to stay hidden here.”
Viana widened her eyes slightly. Had this lord commander just asked her to stay?
“No, I have to go.” Viana did not waver.
“Because of some things.”
Alen was silent for a few seconds. “You must know it's very dangerous out there. If your identity becomes known to the people who want to kill you, aren't you afraid of facing death again?”
Viana lowered her head slightly. “I have my way. Mr. Alen doesn't need to worry.”
The two of them were silent for a moment.
Finally, Alen sighed and nodded. “Well, that is your decision. I have no right to disturb you,” he said, then looked at the house behind him. “If you don't know where else to go, then come back here. This house was rented in your name and has been paid in full by me. You can move back in anytime.”
Viana was stunned.
Her heart could not lie. This man named Alen was very kind.
Why was Alen so nice to her?
“Mr. Alen, let me ask you a question.” Viana ventured. “Why are you so nice to me?”
Alen was silent for a moment, then smiled. “Isn't this our duty as humans? Because I am capable, and I met you when you needed help, so I helped you. But you're asking me questions like this. Are you questioning my kindness?”
Viana choked slightly and shook her head. “I didn't mean that.”
Alen had helped her so much that she could survive until today. She was just confused about how to repay Alen later.
With money? Now, Viana did not have any possessions.
Viana could only be owed to Alen.
“Do whatever you want to do. Your life is yours. You are free to do anything.” Alen said one last time.
Viana solidified her heart. She suddenly bowed slightly and saluted like a noble princess.
“For your kindness, Viana Harvey expresses her deepest gratitude. Hopefully, someday, there will be an opportunity for me to repay you.”
With this respect, any words she says now will be held in high esteem. This proved her seriousness and gratitude to Alen.
Alen was slightly stunned, then replied with the standard military salute as a subordinate. “I am sending off Miss Viana Harvey. Have a safe journey.”
And until we meet again, Alen added in his heart.
Viana nodded slightly, then turned and left with Ellie. Alen continued to stare at them until their bodies disappeared at the end of the view.
On the road, Ellie said sadly. “What a pity...”
Viana turned her head. “What's too bad?”
Ellie. “I just regret your breakup with Commander Alen. You two looked amazing and fit together so well. It's a shame to part ways now.”
Viana couldn't help but feel slightly amused. “You're wrong, Ellie.”
“Huh?” Ellie was confused.
Viana stared straight into the distance. “This breakup was bound to happen eventually. Either I or he will go first. Do you know, Ellie? Even if I stay there, Alen will still go to the capital someday, because it's not here.”
Likewise, with Viana, it's not here either.
They only met and then temporarily stopped by here.
After this, fate would determine their meeting again.
Meanwhile, at the village house, Alen returned inside with a glint in his eyes.
His lips formed a small smile.
“The new journey has begun.”

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