We Are Unstoppable!
By Arika Fei
Date: August 12, 2024
Ch. 11Helping You Recover

Ellie immediately understood the situation and answered obediently. "Alright, I'll go then," she said and hurried into the house.
After Ellie left, the two were silent for a moment, then Alen asked.
"When did you start practicing walking?"
Viana replied, "It's been a few days."
Alen frowned slightly, then stood up straight. His grip on Viana's arms loosened slightly. "The first step is to stand steadily. When you can stand a little longer, try to walk."
Viana replied with an "Ooh" and nodded. It seemed like she was in too much of a hurry herself yesterday. She couldn't wait to walk normally without using crutches again.
So, this time she took Rian's advice and stood upright using both legs. The cast and bandage wrapped around her right leg had been removed a few days ago. She also didn't wear any footwear this time, so that she could try more freely.
After less than five minutes of standing, Viana still felt a slight tingling and aching in her right leg. She unconsciously frowned because she felt uncomfortable. But she did not give up and continued to stand upright.
Alen noticed her expression and asked, "Is it still uncomfortable? If so, you can rest for a while."
"No, no problem. I can do it," she insisted.
Alen did not push her. His hands were still around her, keeping her safe in case she fell.
Slowly, Viana felt the pain in her right leg begin to fade. She carefully moved her right leg a little but did not dare to go too far.
Viana felt hesitant. "Can I walk now?"
Alen nodded. "Hm, just slowly."
Viana smiled a little nervously and took the first step with her right foot. But because she stood for so long and her legs felt stiff, she faltered as soon as she took a step forward. Her body fell forward.
Alen was always in front of her. Seeing Viana about to fall, Alen reflexively hugged her body.
Viana was completely protected in his arms.
Viana closed her eyes and smiled stiffly. She really couldn't control her legs earlier. She had fallen into Rian's arms and now didn't know what to do.
Alen helped Viana stand upright again. "Come on, I'll support your arm this time. Don't be afraid. You won't fall again," he said reassuringly.
With these swift and strong hands, how could Viana still be afraid of falling? Without hesitation, Viana put all her energy and focus into her legs. She walked slowly.
One, two, three, four...
Viana continued to walk with vigor. This time, she could feel full control over her own legs, and it made her even more determined to walk.
As Viana was engrossed in walking a few steps further, she didn't realize that Rian had released his grip on her arm.
When Viana stopped, she looked back and found Rian a little way away. Rian smiled at her.
Viana was stunned. She could walk now! She could walk normally again!
After half a year of paralysis, Viana was finally fully recovered!
Viana couldn't help but jump for joy. But she was afraid of hurting her bones that might still be vulnerable. So she subconsciously just raised and lowered her body while exclaiming happily.
"Rian, I can walk again!"
Alen looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but feel happy. Viana's smile was now so happy and full of gratitude on her beautiful face. Alen was completely transfixed for a few moments. For some reason, his heart warmed.
It was as if the warm spring breeze and sun were gently hitting his heart.
After Viana had her fill of cheering, Alen approached her, holding her shoulders.
"Don't jump up and down. After this, you can walk often and exercise lightly. But don't lift too much weight, okay?" He advised gently.
Viana nodded quickly. "Got it!"
Alen chuckled softly, then remembered something he had wanted to tell Viana before.
"Do you want to go with me somewhere?"
Viana was slightly surprised, then reflexively asked, "Where?"
Alen smiled, then leaned his face to the side of Viana's face and stopped at her ear, then whispered softly.
"Going for a dinner party."
When she heard what Rian said that morning, Viana immediately froze. Her mind had been busy all day, even after Rian had left her this morning.
Rian asked me to go to a dinner party? Did I hear it wrong? What suddenly made him think of asking me?
Viana's mind kept spinning. She was really surprised by Rian's request this morning. Why did he decide to go with her?
But in the end, her muddled mind agreed.
After a day of thinking about Rian's request endlessly, towards the evening, she asked Ellie to prepare some appropriate clothes for her.
While living in this village, Viana had always dressed very simply. She could wear anything as long as it was appropriate. In addition, Viana thought that the party Alen was referring to was not too big and luxurious because of its rural location. So, she just wore the most appropriate set of simple clothes she had.
The evening came. Viana had finished her hair and dressed up a bit, then went out of the house with Ellie in tow.
Unexpectedly, Rian was waiting for her in the courtyard.
Alen wore a simple suit, not too flashy, but still couldn't hide the handsome and domineering aura that seemed to be innate to him. Viana thought, no matter how simple this man's clothes were, he still looked handsome and extraordinary to her.
"Ready?" Alen asked after seeing her out.
Viana came over to him. "Already. Did you wait long?"
Alen shook his head. "I haven't been here long. Let's go. It should start soon."
Viana looked back to see Ellie. Ellie just smiled and waved at her, then clenched her fist to encourage her.
Viana waved back and walked side by side with Alen, leaving her yard.
"Are we going to walk?" asked Viana.
"Yes," Alen replied, looking straight ahead. "It's not too far, so we'll just walk and enjoy the night air."
The night air in the countryside was cool, but not to the point of sending shivers down the spine as it was still summer. The lights of the hanging houses illuminated the street with their soft light. Two people walked side by side, one tall and one shorter.
After a few moments of silence, Alen suddenly spoke. "This is just a small party in the countryside, so everything will be simpler. I've attended all sorts of big and glamorous parties in the city. Next time, I'll take you there."
Viana was a little surprised.

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