My Big Boss is My ex-Husband
By Widya Ayusmana
Date: August 15, 2024
Ch. 9I'm leaving now

"You're screwing everything up, James!"

Sheryl was very angry with James. James' presence made her happiness disappear. For the past few days, she had been waiting for Dave to propose to her. The goal was to prevent James from getting close to her again.

But in reality, James came and ruined everything. Sheryl really couldn't understand James' attitude. She had also promised Maria to stay away from James. But James continued to approach her.

"Stop interfering in my life! We've broken up and please find another woman, James! Don't come into my life anymore!"

"Please don't forbid me to see you. I realize that my life is incomplete without you. I want us to go back to the way we used to be. Living life together. I promise I will change my old ways to make you happy," James said.

Sheryl shook her head and said, "That will never happen, James. Our love story ended two years ago. We have new lives to live with new partners. Me with Dave and you with your new partner. I'm sure you'll find a better wife than me.”

"I told you, I will never look for another woman! All I want is you!" James insisted. "You are all mine!"

"Don't be selfish, James! I'm not yours anymore!"

Immediately James knelt before Sheryl. He was crying. "Please, Sheryl. Think again. I just want to be with you. I want to make up for everything I've done to you. Only by being with you can I make it up to you."

"There's no point in you doing all this, James. My mind is made up. I will never come back to you. I will go on with my life with Dave. Go on. Find a replacement for me. I'm sure you'll be happy with someone else."

Sheryl walked away, leaving James waiting outside her house. In the room, Sheryl cried. To be honest, she couldn't bear to see James begging like that.

But what could she do? Maria had told her to stay away from James. There was no point in her going back to James because Maria didn't like her.

"I'm sorry, James. I can't be with you anymore.”


At exactly 9 a.m., Sheryl arrived at Bayfront Park. She was used to meeting Dave at the park. She sat on one of the chairs and played with her cell phone.

Dave would arrive in half an hour because of the traffic. Sheryl also had some problems on the road and she thought Dave had arrived first.

"Hello, Dave."

"Hello, Sheryl. Are you at the park yet?" asked Dave as he called Sheryl.

"I'm here. Where are you?"

"I'll be at the park in a minute. Wait for me."

"Okay. I'll wait for you."

"Okay. See you."

"See you too.”

Sheryl kept her cell phone in her pocket. Then she looked at some children playing with their pets. She smiled happily at the little ones.

Sheryl had wanted a child for a long time. But fate said otherwise. After five years of marriage to James, they did not have a child. They had a medical checkup and everything was fine.

She was convinced that God was delaying His gift because James and she were getting divorced. Sheryl hopes to have a child in her second marriage to make her life more perfect.

"Sorry to keep you waiting so long," said Dave, who arrived in a hurry.

"No problem. I understand," Sheryl said. "All right. What do you want to say?”

Before answering, Dave looked around. He was afraid that James would come and mess things up.

"It's safe here, Dave. He won't come here," Sheryl said.

Dave breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God for that. I can rest easy now."

"Say it."

"Okay. I want to take you away from this city, Sheryl. I just want to live with you. We'll live together in another town, without James' interference," Dave said.

"And what about my parents?”

"To hell with them! Even your parents don't like me. What do you care about them for? Leave them here and I'm sure James will take good care of them."

Sheryl shook her head and said, "That's impossible, Dave. I don't care about my dad. But I do care about my mom. I can't leave her here alone. Besides, Maria won't let James take care of my parents. She hates me so much."

"Who is Maria?" asked Dave.

"She's my ex-in-law, Dave. She was also the one who told me to stay away from James. So there is no way she will allow James to take care of my parents."

"Oh, so that's why you quit your job at James' company?"


Dave sighed and said, "Okay. If you still have doubts, I'll hire a nurse to take care of your mom. Then we'll leave town. Just leave your mom here. She'll be fine with the nurse I'll hire."

"Dave, I'm not leaving without my mom!"

"Sheryl, your mom's condition will hinder our escape. You have to understand that," Dave said reassuringly. "You have to trust me. Melinda will be fine here. I'll hire a nurse who has experience taking care of disabled people like Melinda."

Sheryl looked at Dave sharply. She could not believe that her future husband would call Melinda a defective person.

What Dave said was true. But it was not appropriate for him to say it in front of Sheryl.

"How dare you talk about my mother like that, Dave!" Sheryl snapped at Dave.

"I'm telling the truth, Sheryl."

Sheryl stood up and said, "She is disabled. But you shouldn't say that. You insulted my mom, Dave! James never insulted my mom."

"Enough, Sheryl!" Dave yelled. "Don't compare me to that fucking guy!"

"You deserve to be compared to him. Your arrogant attitude is making me rethink our marriage. You've hurt me with your insults," Sheryl said.

Dave touched both of Sheryl's hands as he said, "Honey, please forgive me. I didn't mean it.”

Sheryl let go of Dave's hand. She was already hurt by Dave's words. It was true what James had said. She should rethink her plan to marry Dave.

An arrogant man like Dave didn't deserve to be her husband. Dave's words showed that Dave only loved Sheryl, not her parents.

"Never mind, Dave. I think it's better for our relationship to end here. Let's cancel our wedding plans. I'd rather live alone than with a man who doesn't love my family," Sheryl said.

"What did you say? I don't love your family?"


"I should be the one to tell you this! Your family never liked me at all! They never appreciated my presence either! It's only natural that I don't care about them!"

Sheryl laughed at Dave's words. "Yes, you're right. But you should know one thing, Dave. They have their reasons for not liking you. They don't like your arrogant attitude. Every time you come over, you're never polite to my family. So don't blame my family for not liking you."

"That's not true! I've always been polite to them!"

"Enough, Dave. I'm tired of hearing you yell. As of this moment, our relationship is over. I give up. You've hurt my feelings," Sheryl said.

"Wait, Sheryl. You can't just decide like that."

"I'm leaving now. Take care of yourself," Sheryl said and walked away.

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