My Big Boss is My ex-Husband
By Widya Ayusmana
Date: August 11, 2024
Ch. 5Fight with him

"I'm sorry, Sheryl. I was busy when you needed me," Dave said when he arrived at the hospital.

Sheryl was disappointed in Dave. She had called him for help but he ignored her.

The woman turned away from Dave. She was embarrassed that she had to involve her ex-husband to help Melinda.

"Honey, please forgive me. I can't hear your call because my phone is on silent," Dave said.

"Never mind, Dave. You'd better go home. Let me take care of Mom. Besides, I've got James here to keep me company," Sheryl said.

"James? Isn't he your ex-husband?" asked Dave.

Sheryl nodded and replied, "Yes. He's my ex-husband. Right now he's out shopping for me. That's why I sent you home.”

"Sheryl, you're hurting my feelings! He's your ex-husband, and now you're dating him again! Are you playing me?" shouted Dave.

Sheryl gave Dave a look. She didn't expect him to yell at her like that. James had never done that to her.

"Be quiet, Dave. This is a hospital, not a club," Sheryl said. "You don't have to be mad at me. You're a bad lover. I've started to depend on you. But you weren't there when I needed you. I had to call James because it was an emergency. You have to understand that, Dave.”

"But I don't like you being close to him, Sheryl. What if he still has feelings for you? You have to be careful, Sheryl. You have to remember that we already have plans to get married," Dave said.

"I know that. But, marriage is hard. I failed once and I don't want to fail again. I have to think before I decide. James can't possibly have feelings for me either. We've been divorced for two years. I think James has someone else," Sheryl said.

Dave didn't believe James had a new partner. He thought James wanted to end his relationship with Sheryl.

"I don't accept you're close to James. Stay away from him," Dave said.

Sheryl laughed. "Dave, I can't do that. James is my boss. I can't stay away because I'm his assistant. Please understand. Don't be selfish.”

"Okay. You'll have to resign."

"I can't, Dave. I need money for my mom's therapy," Sheryl said.

"You can work in my office."

"But Dave..."

"This is my decision.”


James entered Melinda's ward with a sad face. He was holding food for Sheryl.

Sheryl smiled. "Good you're back, James. Mom just woke up.”

James turned to Melinda. His gloomy face turned cheerful, and he smiled.

"Hi Mom. Are you feeling better?" asked James.

Melinda nodded and smiled. She was happy to see James again after two years.

"That's good. Let me know if you still feel pain. I'll call a doctor," James said.

"No need, James. The doctor came while you were gone. Mom's doing better, and she might go home tomorrow," Sheryl said.

"Oh, that's great. I'm glad to hear it," James replied. "Sheryl, can we talk for a minute?”

Sheryl nodded. “Of course, James."

"I'll be out in a minute," Sheryl said to Melinda.

Then Sheryl came out with James. They sat in the waiting chairs, right in front of Melinda's station.

"What did you want to talk about?" Sheryl asked.

James looked deep into Sheryl's eyes. He let out a soft sigh before answering her question.

"I'm sorry. I heard you talking to Dave. Is he your boyfriend?" James asks.

James' words shocked Sheryl. She didn't expect him to overhear her talking to Dave.

Sheryl wasn't ready to tell James about her relationship with Dave. But, she had to explain.

"You're right, James. Dave’s my new boyfriend. We're planning to get married, but I'm not ready yet. I want to stabilize my heart before marrying him. I don't want to fail again," Sheryl said.

“You should rethink that plan. Dave isn't right for you.”

Sheryl frowned. "What do you mean you said that?”

"You can see how she acted earlier. You and him aren't married yet, but he already controls you. Can you afford to marry a man like that? I never controlled you. You wanted this and that, and I never told you no," James explained.

Sheryl was silent. James was right. He had never controlled her. James always supported her. He never got angry with her.

"Sheryl, find someone better than me, not worse," James said.


Sheryl sat thoughtfully in the hospital garden. James' words were true. Dave's attitude was worse than James'.

Although James was cold to her, he never said a harsh word to her. Should she leave Dave?

"If you behaved better, I wouldn't be so disappointed in you, Dave.”

"What did you say?”

Sheryl gasped as she looked up at the person to her right.

"Dave?" she said. "How long have you been here?”

"I've been here all along," Dave said. "What did you mean by that? Explain.”

"I didn't mean it, Dave. Don't worry.”

Dave was annoyed at Sheryl's answer. "James must have influenced you. Tell me the truth, Sheryl!”

"Shut up! Nothing affects me! Your bad attitude has affected my mind!" Sheryl shouted.

Sheryl didn't care where she was. She was tired of dealing with men like Dave.

"You always make things worse just because of little problems. Do you feel good, huh? That you can just yell at me like that!”

"I'm tired of you, Dave! I regret getting to know you! You're no better than James. Get out of here!”

"How dare you kick me out?!" shouted Dave.

"Yes. I'm ending this relationship. We don't need to be together anymore. I'm calmer and happier on my own," Sheryl said.

Dave was angry at Sheryl. He grabbed her hand.

Sheryl was in pain because of Dave. "It hurts! Get off my hand!”

"I'll never let you go! You're mine!"

"You don't have a right to me, Dave! I've ended our relationship, so you have to live with that.”

Sheryl kept rebelling. Her right hand hurt, but Dave didn't want to let her go.

"Let me go!" Sheryl cried. "Help!"

"Shut up!" Dave snapped.

"I won't shut up until you let go of my hand," Sheryl retorted, not to be outdone.

"Fine. I'll make you hurt more.”

Dave pressed Sheryl's hand until she screamed. Everyone in the park noticed them.

"Hey, let her go!”

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