My Big Boss is My ex-Husband
By Widya Ayusmana
Date: August 18, 2024
Ch. 13Enough, Luciana!

Sheryl walked into the lobby after finishing her conversation with James. There was a lot of arguing. But in the end, Sheryl decided to give in. It was true that she felt jealous when she saw James with Luciana. But that didn't mean she wanted to go back to James.

"I'll never marry Luciana."

That's what James said when a heated argument broke out between them. James was really looking out for Sheryl. But Sheryl had to think carefully about the invitation. She didn't want to make a son disobey his mother.

Sheryl could have done this without thinking about Maria's feelings. But she was reluctant. Maria had indeed behaved badly toward her. It's just that Sheryl doesn't want to avenge that crime.

"Sheryl O'Conner."

Feeling her name being called, Sheryl turned her head to the left. Now she faced a beautiful woman with a sexy body and beautiful eyes. Her style of dress also seemed luxurious. And she was Luciana.

"Yes, I am," Sheryl replied.

"Can we talk for a minute?"

"Of course."

"But we're not going to talk here," Luciana said with a smile.

Sheryl frowned. "So where are we going to talk?"

"Come, follow me.”

Luciana went first, followed by Sheryl. Without thinking, Sheryl followed the beautiful woman. She got into Luciana's luxury car and it slowly drove away from James' office.

All the way Luciana remained silent. While Sheryl kept humming to get rid of her embarrassment. She was used to riding in luxury cars like Luciana's. But it was the atmosphere in the car that made Sheryl feel uncomfortable.

Thirty minutes had passed, but there was no sign of the car stopping. Sheryl wanted to ask, but she was too scared. Luciana's face looked frightening when she was silent like that.

Sheryl tried to calm herself with a sigh. She needed to ask Luciana where they were going. "Sorry about before. Where are we going? Why did you keep silent and not say anything? What did you want to tell me? Why didn't you tell me before?" she asked.

"Noisy!" Luciana snapped at Sheryl. This surprised Sheryl, "Don't ask too many questions. Just follow me and you'll know where we're going. Shut up and sit quietly. I don't like noise."

"All right." Sheryl relented.

Meanwhile, back at the office, Rebecca is talking to James in James' room. Rebecca tells him that Sheryl is with Luciana. This obviously surprises James. It was unusual for Luciana to ask Sheryl out. After all, they had just met during the meeting. It was impossible for Luciana to ask Sheryl out on a date.

"Are you sure of your vision?" asked James to make sure.

"I am sure, sir. It was Miss Luciana who took Sheryl. I heard Miss Luciana wanted to talk about something. Are they in business, sir?”

James shook his head. He didn't know Luciana's intentions either. "I don't know. I don't know either, Rebecca. But it's unlikely they're in business. Sheryl is not a businesswoman, and I know Luciana's character. She wouldn't do business with a commoner like Sheryl. You know that yourself."

"You're right, sir. Miss Luciana is very selective when it comes to business," Rebecca confirmed.

"Have you tried contacting Sheryl?" James asked later.

Rebecca shook her head. "Not yet, sir. Do I need to?"

"Yes, you do," James replied. "Well, call her. Ask her where she took Luciana. If necessary, have her send you the location now."

"Yes, sir." Rebecca hurried to make a private call to Sheryl. Rebecca waited a long time, but there was no answer from Sheryl. Her call was even rejected by Sheryl, "My call has been rejected, sir."

"Oh my God."

James began to panic. He felt that something bad was going to happen to Sheryl.

"I'm going to trace her cell phone number, sir. I'm sure Sheryl is not well," Rebecca said.

James nodded in agreement. "You're right. Do it as soon as possible and send me the location."

"Yes, sir.”


Three hours later, Luciana and Sheryl arrived at a large mansion far from the city. Sheryl stared at the huge, tall building in amazement. She had never lived in a mansion before, even though James was a billionaire. She had only lived in James' luxurious apartment.

Luciana got out of the car, followed by Sheryl. They both entered the mansion.

"Why is the mansion so abandoned? Isn't anyone taking care of it?" Sheryl muttered to herself. She continued to look around. The mansion was completely abandoned and dirty. All the items there were also covered with a white cloth.

Luciana stopped when Sheryl didn't follow her upstairs. She snorted softly when she saw her rival staring.

"Hey, you!" Luciana shouted as she pointed at Sheryl. Sheryl just turned to Luciana without saying anything, "Hurry up and follow me!"

Sheryl chuckled softly as she followed Luciana. She was annoyed that the woman seemed so arrogant and unfriendly. If it weren't for her curiosity, Sheryl probably wouldn't have followed the woman so far.

Once on the top floor, Luciana turned her back on Sheryl and took in the view of the mansion. It had been a long time since she had left the mansion. The mansion had been inherited from her father.

In the past, Luciana had spent more time in this mansion. But since her father passed away, Luciana decided to leave so as not to be reminded of her father. Meanwhile, her mother had long since left with another man while Luciana's father was still alive.

Now it was all just a memory for Luciana. And after a few years, she decided to return to the villa to commemorate her father's death.

"Now we are here. Hurry up and say what you have to say. I don't have much time," Sheryl said.

Luciana smiled wryly. She turned and looked at Sheryl from head to toe. The appearance of the woman James liked was simple and far from luxurious.

Luciana even laughed when she saw Sheryl's appearance. This clearly confused Sheryl. "Why are you laughing?" Sheryl asked.

"It's nothing. I'm just thinking about James. How can an ugly woman like you be liked by a rich man like James? Aren't you ashamed, huh?" said Luciana sarcastically. "I am ashamed of you. You don't deserve to be with James. You're just trash to rich people like us."

Sheryl fumed, but tried to be patient. "Yeah, you're right. I'm not rich like you. But at least I have a lot of self-respect. Unlike you," she retorted.

"What do you mean by that?"

Sheryl smiled. She had managed to annoy the arrogant woman. She took a step forward to approach Luciana. "James told me all about who you really are. You're just a lowly woman who had the good fortune to be born into a wealthy family," she said.

"Tell me the obvious!"

"Hey, calm down. There is no need to get emotional," Sheryl said with a laugh.

"Are you trying to insult me?"

"Yes, that's right.”

"How dare you insult me!" Luciana yelled, then slapped Sheryl on the cheek. Her emotions were out of control. She had tried to be calm when she arrived at the mansion, "Listen, Sheryl O'Conner. You don't deserve to insult me. You're just trash!"

"I may be trash, but I would never lower myself to have James!" Sheryl snapped back at Luciana, "You came to James' house with the intention of marrying him. You even asked Maria to agree to your plan. But Watson turned you down. How are you different from me? You are even lower than me, Luciana."

An angry Luciana immediately pulled Sheryl's hair. She pushed Sheryl's body to the end of the balcony. She wanted to take Sheryl's life.

"How dare you! I'll kill you!" Luciana screamed.

"Let me go!" Sheryl rebelled, "You'll regret this!"

Luciana laughed out loud. She found Sheryl's words very funny. "It's you who should regret this, not me! You'll die and I'll have James all to myself!"

"Enough, Luciana!”

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