My Big Boss is My ex-Husband
By Widya Ayusmana
Date: July 30, 2024
Ch. 1My divorce had a big impact on me

"This is a divorce letter.”
James got a letter from Sheryl. He was disappointed with his wife's decision. He didn't expect it to have such a big impact.
Sheryl divorced James after five years of marriage. She was tired of his lack of romance.
Sheryl says James is a good husband. He met her needs, but she wanted more. She desired love, attention, and indulgence.
"Think again," James said.
"No," Sheryl said.
"Have I not done enough for you?" James asked again.
"No," Sheryl said.
James sighed. He looked at his wife.
"Let's talk," James said.
"I don't think we can talk anymore, James. You know why I'm divorcing you," Sheryl said.
"What about our parents? What do I say when they ask?" James asked.
James spoke a lot. He regretted Sheryl's decision. He couldn't accept it. Sheryl made a decision without talking to him.
James wasn't ready for his parents to ask about the divorce.
"Sheryl, you should have talked to me first," James said.
"Why would I talk to you about this? You don't care about me. I'm happy with the materials you give me, but I also need to be cared for. Your love is what I want," Sheryl said.
"Tell me if that's what you want," James said.
Sheryl cleared her throat. "You're more concerned with your work than your wife.”
"I want to be like my friends who are always posting about their husbands on social media. They always share photos of them being intimate. As for me, I can't post anything because you never want to take pictures with me. Even on vacation, you're busy with your gadgets," Sheryl continued.
James was silent as he listened to Sheryl's words. All of Sheryl's frustrations seemed to just spill out in front of James. Sheryl hopes that James can realize all his mistakes.
"I'm saying this because I'm in pain. You stay up late at home. I sleep alone. There's no reason for me to stay with you. You can live your life. From this moment on, we will live our own lives.
"I'm leaving tomorrow," Sheryl said.
Sheryl finished her speech and returned to the room. James was still silent in the living room, staring at Sheryl's departure. The letter fell to the floor. James' body went limp, and he sat on the sofa.
Two years later, Sheryl got a job as a personal assistant at a well-known Florida company.
Sheryl was happy because her mother had a stroke after she and James divorced.
The other side of the family blamed Sheryl for the disaster that befell her own family.
Sheryl applied for a job to pay for her mother's treatment.
"Mom, I'll work in a real company from tomorrow. I'll cover your medical costs," Sheryl told her mother, Melinda.
"You have to work and take responsibility for what happened to your mom," said her father, Mario O'Conner.
Sheryl sighed. "I'll take responsibility. You don't have to worry.”
Mario left upset, while Melinda cried. She couldn't speak, so she cried for her family, especially Sheryl.
Sheryl tried to stay strong. She couldn't be angry because it was her fault.
"I'm sorry, Mom. I just want to be happy. James doesn't understand me. I just want his attention. Am I wrong?" Sheryl asked.
Melinda shook her head and cried. Sheryl cried too and hugged her mother, who was lying on the bed.
"I promise I'll treat you, Mom," Sheryl said.
The next day, Sheryl got ready for work. She wore nice clothes and smelled good. This was her first day at work. She wanted to look her best.
Sheryl went to the dining room for breakfast, but the table was empty.
"Dad, why no breakfast?" Sheryl asked.
"I spent all my money on your mother's treatment. You can have breakfast outside," Mario replied.
"I don't have any money, Dad," Sheryl said.
"It's none of my business," Mario said.
Sheryl left. "Take care of Mom.”
Sheryl left hungry. She walked to the yard.
In the yard, her cousin was ready with his motorcycle. Sheryl wanted to hitch a ride. She had to give up her pride.
"Robert, take me to the office," Sheryl said.
"I can't," Robert said.
"Please, Robert. I can't take the bus. Please," Sheryl pleaded.
Robert sighed. "You're a pain. Your office and mine are far apart. I'll be late if I drop you off.”
"Robert, I'll pay you after my first paycheck. Please," Sheryl pleaded.
"I can't," Robert said. "I don't want to get fired.”
Sheryl was disappointed by Robert's rejection. This was due to her divorce from James. Her family knew James was wealthy. They think Sheryl is ungrateful.
"This is a reply to a wife who doesn't know gratitude. You already have a good life, yet you still demand more," Robert said.
"It's none of your business, Robert!" Sheryl said angrily.
Robert grinned. "It's my business too. You've disgraced our family. What's James lacking? He's rich and can give you anything. But you, you demand more.”
"I just want to be loved and spoiled by him! I want to make James understand that happiness doesn't always come from material things.”
"You're selfish, Sheryl. You sued your husband for a trivial reason. You could have talked to him, but you didn't," Robert said.
“If you don't know, don't speak.”
Sheryl left Robert and went to the office alone. She didn't want to argue with him.
"Get out of here, Sheryl! Go away and don't come back!" Robert said.
"Get off this earth, Robert!" Sheryl retorted.
Robert laughed at Sheryl.
"Stupid woman!" Robert mocked Sheryl.
"Shut up!"
Sheryl came to work looking upset. Today was supposed to be great, but it wasn't.
"Miss Sheryl?”
Someone greeting Sheryl kindly. She looked at the beautiful woman in front of her.
"I thought you wouldn't come, Miss Sheryl.”
"That's not possible. I will definitely come because I need this job," Sheryl said.
"Sure, I'll go with you to see the Big Boss.”
Sheryl just nodded and followed the woman's lead. They were in the elevator on their way to the top floor, which was the boss's office.
"We've arrived, Miss.”
Sheryl smiled and watched as the woman opened the door. When she did, Sheryl was surprised to see who was in the room.
"Is it really him?" Sheryl wondered.

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