The Billionaire Revenge
By SeorinLee
Date: August 6, 2024
Ch. 7Vincent vs Edward

Vincent was still thinking about everything Mr Eduardo had said. Suddenly a good idea came to him. He was going to redevelop his app. The one he had been working on.
Vincent took another look at the microchip model he had just bought this afternoon via an online shop. He would put a microchip of his creation in Milea's phone system. The microchip would function as a radar to track Milea's whereabouts.
For hours, Vincent was still in front of his laptop. In fact, night had already turned into morning. Vincent hadn't slept all night. Today, he would test his microchip on Milea's phone.
"Milea!" called Vincent. When they passed each other, Milea happened to have just come out of her room. She was about to head to the dining room to have breakfast with her father.
"Can I see your phone? Just for a moment," Vincent said, asking her permission.
"What for?" asked Milea. She didn't just hand over her personal belongings to Vincent. She had to know first, the purpose of Vincent borrowing her phone.
Vincent forcibly took Milea's phone, "It'll only take a minute. Well, it's done."
"What?" Milea widened her eyes in shock. Vincent quickly attached a microchip to Milea's phone. Unnoticed by the owner of the phone.
Vincent went ahead. He said goodbye to Mr Eduardo because he had to go somewhere first before office hours. He said he had an urgent business to attend to.
Mr Eduardo gave him permission. So, Vincent hurried off. Alvin was also waiting for him in front of the house.
"Are you sure you want to go to that place first?" Alvin asked. He opened the car door for Vincent.
"Yes. I have to go there right away," said Vincent.
Alvin hurriedly drove away from Mr Eduardo's house to a place that Vincent had told him about.
Vincent opened the screen of his phone that had been connected to the system on Milea's phone. It worked. When Milea was out of GPS range, the tracker managed to locate her. Even though the test was conducted at home.
A few minutes later, Vincent arrived at his destination. His former flat. "Sir, we've arrived. Should I accompany you inside?" Alvin asked.
"You can come with me, Al," Vincent said, inviting Alvin. Because he would also really need Alvin's help to carry his computer equipment.
Vincent and Alvin went to his old apartment, before going to his office. A few minutes later, Vincent got there and was greeted hysterically by some of the residents of the apartment. They couldn't believe Vincent's new look.
Vincent met the fierce landlord. Then, he paid in full all his rent arrears for five months. The lady did not move a muscle. Not only did he pay her in full, but he also gave her more, twice the amount. The lady gaped. She had no idea that Vincent could become one of the richest men in the country.
"Vincent, is it really you, son?" The lady who owned the apartment was suddenly nice to Vincent.
"Yes. It's me, Madam," Vincent replied convincingly.
"Let's move all my computer equipment," Vincent ordered Alvin.
"Yes, sir," Alvin hurried to fulfil his employer's order.
"Wait, Vin!" the lady interrupted.
"Why don't they move them? You sit back and relax. You'll get your expensive clothes dirty." The landlady suggested and offered to help.
Vincent smiled. "Good idea," he thought.
She immediately ordered the men in her apartment to help move Vincent's things. That was just her modus operandi. The old lady just wanted to see what Vincent's fancy car looked like.
"What an amazing car. It must be very expensive," she marveled.
The lady was dazzled by Vincent's luxury car, which looked shiny to her eyes. In fact, she poked around in Vincent's car until the alarm went off.
Alvin immediately switched off the alarm. Suddenly, the lady was shocked to hear it. The security was so tight. One touch, and the car would immediately give a warning. How sophisticated!
Alvin was helped by some of Vincent's friends from his apartment to move all of Vincent's belongings to his car.
"Looking for attention," Vincent muttered.
Once that was done, Vincent headed off to his office. There were some important meetings at the office that he couldn't miss.
Vincent has recovered his computer equipment. His next step was to quietly develop his start-up business without Mr Eduardo's knowledge.
Vincent worked extra hard. He still dreams of becoming the number one app developer in the world. Hopefully, with the super power he has now, that dream can be achieved easily, he hopes.
Not only Vincent, Edward is now starting to move. Edward doesn't want to be left behind or lost to Vincent. The two rivals each made an application system on smartphones. Hopefully, there will be foreign investors who will look at the results of their hard work.
"Vin!" called Milea from outside her room.
Vincent heard Milea calling him. She approached his room. Vincent wondered, what was she doing in his room at this time of night? Vincent got up from his seat and opened the door for Milea.
"Starting tomorrow, I will be working at my dad's company," Milea informed him.
"Oooh," Vincent replied briefly. Milea frowned because Vincent only said 'Oh'?
"Don't you like it when I work at my dad's company?" Milea snapped. She was becoming prejudiced against Vincent.
"I like it," Vincent replied briefly.
"Like it?" Milea was stunned.
Vincent surmised that she would misunderstand him. That's not what Vincent meant. It's just that he was currently out of things to talk to Milea about because he was busy thinking about his app.
"Tomorrow, I'll be working with you. My room is also next door to yours. So, let's go together," Milea suggested.
"I see." Vincent's speech was suddenly stiff. Milea became a little annoyed because Vincent's response was so cold to her.
"That's all. I just wanted to tell you that." Milea turned around and walked quickly away from Vincent. He was still standing there, thinking about what she had said.
Usually Vincent always thought fast when it came to computer programmes, IT technology, and all things related to digital science. However, when it came to women, he suddenly slowed down. Don't expect him to respond well. He's brain-dead.
Well, back to the issue of his app. Vincent started aggressively looking for some foreign investors via the internet. Until he found a start-up competition poster in the IT field. Maybe this is what Vincent is looking for right now.
Vincent signed up for the competition. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for. A prestigious event. A talent show for budding programmers in developing start-up businesses.
Edward did the same thing. After being fired from the company, he received financial support from his extended family. He started his own IT company. He said he would learn to be independent and be ready to compete with Vincent. That was his determination. He was so excited. He wanted to beat Vincent at anything.
"I knew Vincent would sign up for the start-up competition. That's a lot of guts," sneered Edward, who didn't like it. After learning that Vincent had signed up for the prestigious competition.
"I'll beat you, Vin," Edward vowed.

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