My Prime Minister
By tamir
Date: July 28, 2024
Ch. 1Trap

In 1808, in the Lacivian kingdom a man in a thick black coat and a hat on his head turned his head left and right, his hand was holding a scroll of paper, about something that could be a revolution for the Lacivian kingdom.
He was carrying a secret, the man who was about thirty-nine years old, walked on wet streets, puddles were even crossed and horse-drawn carriages were everywhere.
Until he came to a building, a large castle that wasn't very luminous at night. He went inside. There was a meeting that was attended by at least four important royal people.
Including the prime minister, this man immediately bowed his head and put the scroll of paper right on the table. Then showed about how the Lacivian kingdom could become the largest industrialised kingdom in the world, and prosper their country.
"You think that paper, could be our way?" asked the prime minister in a sharp cold voice.
"Yes my lord, but at great cost." That answer made the prime minister snort softly.
"If I agree to it all, will you stop investigating about where the money that the king has prepared, regarding the construction before?" asked the prime minister once again.
"I'm sorry My Lord, but I don't know about all that ...."
"Don't lie, Albert, you're the one who complained about the smuggling, right?" asked the prime minister who made this man stunned, he the king's favourite architect but now caught up in the prime minister's dark business.
"No... I didn't do anything," said Albert, he trembled and backed his body away. Then his body was blocked by two soldiers.
"I don't need your grand plan, nor does the king." He walked over to the candle in the corner of the room, grabbed it and set fire to the paper on the table. "No one needs a revolution."
"Don't... My Lord... My Lord don't do this ...."
The roll of paper caught fire. The prime minister dropped the fire in the room. He told his soldiers to leave Albert there. The prime minister walked slowly and Albert fell down.
"Next time, don't deal with the kingdom."
Shouts and screams came out of Albert's mouth, as the fire continued to burn throughout the room, Albert's eyelids stared at the door where the prime minister and his men exited the room.
"My lord!"
Until the voices and screams disappeared, the fire began to spread everywhere, and the large old building began to collapse, piece by piece. Albert's eyelids stared at nothing but fire, only fire until he saw someone in a black and blood-red robe walking towards him.
He was terrified, screeched and could only clutch the roll of paper that had become ashes.
He felt nothing but the touch of the fire, the black-robed figure slowly lifted His body, onto the table, making the fire seem to move away from them.
"You see too much, Albert." A heavy raspy voice, with a face that leaned into Albert's neck, bit hard on the neck. Albert screeched even more and his hands clenched into fists.
Both eyes were closed after being wide open from the pain inflicted by the strange man's bite which was now covered in Albert's blood.
Now Albert was abandoned and he was alone there. Residents who saw the fire ran and put out the flames, then found Albert's body with a bloody and almost charred neck.
Albert was rescued, the residents saved Albert's body and said, "He is lifeless."
The voice grew and no one recognised Albert, because Albert had no one, he was put in a crate and no one cared how Albert ended up.


"How is the architect doing, Jhon?" asked the king Richard VII, who was now ready for the umpteenth battle.
"He will be here in a few minutes, Your Majesty." Jhon Melbourne, the prime minister who looked to be the same age as the king.
"What's his name?" While placing a gold filigree filled with wine.
"Albert Scovict, Your Majesty."
"Ah I've been waiting to see how our industry would turn out, and I can't wait to see what ideas come into his head," said the king. Only to be met with a smile by the prime minister. Shortly after, the door was knocked on by a woman with a red crown on her head.
"Your Majesty." Bowing slightly before the king, she walked towards Richard.
"My Queen." Richard stood up and welcomed his wife's embrace.
Alexander, Queen Alexa hugged Richard tightly and they kissed each other in the presence of Jhon the prime minister.
"I have missed you so much," said the queen. Still hugging the king.
"Well... Unfortunately the next few days, I have to travel again," Richard said and sat down in his chair. Jhon still felt there.
"Geez that'll bore me again, there's always travelling, and ...."
"Never mind my queen, never mind. At least tonight is our night."
Feeling uncomfortable, Jhon chose to say goodbye but there was another knock on the door from outside.
"Perhaps it is Albert, Your Honour." Jhon walked to the door and opened it to see this man standing in front of the door.
"My Lord." He bowed his body slightly.
"Come in."
Albert walked into the room and met the king. Jhon stood in front of the table, along with Albert, while Alexa pecked the king's cheek and chose to excuse herself.
As the queen walked out, she brought her body a little closer to Jhon's, and Alexa's pinky hand rubbed as thinly as possible on Jhon. Then the queen walked away and disappeared. John gave a slight smile, and excused himself to leave the king with the genius architect.
"Forgive me, Your Majesty. But I feel that it is best that your discussion with our Lord Architect, should be just you and him."
Jhon bowed his head and Richard nodded, "Yes, I would like to speak with him. You can go outside."
"Thank you, Your Honour." Jhon left, exiting the room and staring down the long hallway of the palace. He came to look left and right, saw the soldier who stood stiffly then walked to the hallway that led to the palace kitchen.
At the threshold of the palace kitchen, a large urn was displayed there. Jhon lifted the urn slightly and just below the urn was a piece of paper on which was written, TO MY ROOM AFTER YOU READ THIS, MY LORD.

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