The Promise
By Nam900
Date: July 29, 2024
Ch. 7Chapter 7

"Darling, why are you still here?" Adam suddenly stopped when he saw Kayla holding a woman's hair tie that turned out to belong to Selina and was left in the wardrobe. Adam quickly grabbed the hair tie from Kayla's hand.

"Darling," Kayla called out, surprised when her husband took the pink hair tie. "Whose hair tie is this? I found it inside your wardrobe."

"Oh, this is a hair tie belonging to one of my employees who usually comes to pick up items. It might have been left inside earlier," Adam replied, trying to appear casual so as not to raise Kayla's suspicions. Adam felt unlucky that Selina's hair tie was left in the wardrobe, even though he had ensured Selina left safely with all her belongings.

Kayla looked at her husband suspiciously, unsure if the hair tie truly belonged to one of the employees or not. "Darling, why can your employee open the wardrobe? Isn't that a privacy concern for you? You just bought this apartment a few weeks ago. How could your employee be so bold to enter without permission?"

Adam sighed heavily and gently held Kayla's hand. "At that time, my hand was injured, so I asked for help to retrieve clothes from the wardrobe. Darling, I wouldn't allow another woman to touch my personal belongings. You don't need to worry, besides, you must want to relax here, so let's just have a meal together, okay?"

"Darling, I promise that after this contract ends, we will choose a surrogacy program," Kayla said as she unbuttoned her shirt one by one. She just wanted to please her husband before flying back to America. Meanwhile, Adam was actually very tired and didn't want to do it, but to please Kayla, he tried to muster up desire to be able to please her.

Kayla closed her eyes while holding the bedsheet, as if it were the first time. She always felt satisfied with Adam's treatment, even though they hadn't met for several months. Kayla's love for Adam remained the same as before they decided to get serious.

"I love you, Darling," Kayla said in a soft voice that reached Adam's ears.

"I have to finish this quickly," Adam said, with a fast pace to complete his release. Adam couldn't relax even though Selina must have been taken far away by Secretary Kenzo.

Selina got into a taxi and returned to the apartment provided by Adam. Although the apartment was fully equipped, Selina felt empty. It seemed like Selina had no place to go back to after officially becoming Adam's wife, even though their marriage was not legally valid.

"I can't possibly feel jealous of Mrs. Kayla. Clearly, she is the woman chosen by Adam and introduced to both of his parents. I should realize my position and eliminate those negative thoughts, Selina," Selina said while hitting her thigh. It had been almost three hours since she left Adam's apartment, and she couldn't imagine what Adam and Kayla were doing.

"From the beginning, you should have realized your position. You were just deceived by such treatment; Adam only loves your body, and you're paid with money, so you don't need to feel the comfort he provides." Selina closed her eyes, tears starting to flow unnoticed. She clenched her clothes tightly.

"Miss, are you okay?" Suddenly, the taxi driver saw from the rearview mirror that his passenger was crying. He braked suddenly, feeling sorry seeing the woman crying alone. "Miss, it's better to go home. I'm worried if you go out in this state."

"No, sir. Just continue the journey; I'll pay extra. I'm also fine," Selina replied with still swollen eyes, with no intention of returning to the apartment. For Selina, her actual home was the hospital where her father was lying and would soon undergo surgery. Selina didn't want to let emotions interfere with the partnership she had with Adam.

"Thank you, sir, here's your change. Please take it," Selina said sincerely.

Selina ran quickly when she saw her father's bed being wheeled out, pushed by several nurses. "Dad, you have to be strong. Selina is here to help. Dad, stay calm, Selina will never leave you." Selina was stopped by the medical team when she tried to enter the operating room.

"It's better to wait outside and please don't create a disturbance. Keep praying for the smooth operation," said one of the medical team members.

"May the operation go smoothly, oh God. Please save my father," Selina said with tears streaming down her face. She then picked up her vibrating phone, indicating an incoming call from Mr. Adam.

"Where are you now, Selina? Come here quickly, I miss you so much. You don't need to worry; Kayla has left my apartment."

"I'm sorry, sir, but this time I can't. I can't serve you, sir."

"What do you mean! I paid a lot for you, and now you're ignoring my desires. I won't accept any excuses. Come here now and serve me."

"Should I go there, even though Dad is undergoing surgery," Selina thought in dilemma.

Selina stood outside the operating room, her heart heavy with worry for her father. She paced back and forth, offering silent prayers for a successful surgery. The minutes felt like hours as she anxiously awaited any news from the medical team.

As she waited, Selina's phone vibrated again, indicating another call from Mr. Adam. She hesitated to answer, knowing the tense situation with her father's surgery. However, a part of her felt compelled to respond, unsure of what Adam might say this time.

With a deep breath, Selina answered the call. "Mr. Adam, I'm sorry, but I can't come to you right now. My father is undergoing surgery, and I need to be here with him."

On the other end, Adam's voice was filled with frustration. "How dare you prioritize someone else over me! You belong to me, and you will come to me immediately."

Selina felt torn between her duty to her father and her complicated relationship with Adam. The conflicting emotions weighed heavily on her as she tried to navigate the challenging situation.

Despite Adam's demands, Selina knew that her place was by her father's side during this critical time. She braced herself for the difficult decisions that lay ahead, determined to stand firm in her choices, no matter the consequences.

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