The Promise
By Nam900
Date: July 28, 2024
Ch. 5Chapter 5

"Sir, it's best to just go home and wait there." Selina shifted her body, avoiding skin contact with Adam, still deeply traumatized from being in the office and meeting Mrs. Kayla in person, realizing how incomparable she was to Selina.

"Why are you telling me to go home? Besides, you are my home," Adam replied, placing his head on Selina's shoulder. They seemed like a married couple, not like a mistress to Adam. After several days of living in the same apartment, Adam felt the seeds of love beginning to grow again.

"I'm just afraid that Mrs. Kayla will find us." Selina gently stroked her husband's hair. She then gave him a tender kiss on the forehead.

"For the duration of our marriage contract, I want to spend time with you, and she probably won't come here." Adam behaved like a spoiled pet during their marital relationship with Kayla, never feeling the warm touch.

Adam's hand began mischievously caressing Selina's favorite parts. "I've never felt this warmth from my first wife, it's all in you."

Selina looked anxious. "Wait a moment, Sir, I forgot to make lunch for both of us."

Adam gently nibbled on Selina's neck. "You don't need to prepare food, just serve me in bed."

Adam's heavy breath made Selina unable to move, her eyes locking with Adam's, filled with desire. Sometimes, Selina forgot her identity, getting caught up in Adam's gentle play until she forgot that she was just Adam's mistress.

"Your luscious lips always make me want to devour them, Darling," Adam said with a warm smile, sweeping Selina away. She caressed Adam's handsome face.

"Sir, it seems the water is boiling." Selina released her embrace with Adam and immediately stood up to turn off the stove and brew some hot tea. "Let's do it later, you need to rest as you look very tired, Sir."

Selina removed Adam's clothes one by one and began applying massage oil, giving him a slow massage. One thing Selina excelled at was satisfying him in bed and massaging a man's stomach. Despite loving Kayla deeply, Adam never felt the same satisfaction with her, as Kayla was always busy with her own affairs.

"You always know how to satisfy me, Selina. What if we change the way you address me?"

Selina paused massaging his back. "What do you mean, Sir?"

"We are officially husband and wife now, maybe you want to call me by a more familiar term. It's up to you what you want to call me."

"I'm not sure what to call you, but Sir, I mean no offense." Selina felt confused, especially since the contract clearly stated that she was only Adam's mistress, and for a year, Adam had financed all of Selina's father's hospital bills.

"What if you call me 'My husband'?"

Selina nodded hesitantly. "Alright, My husband. I will use that term, but please turn around, my massage isn't finished yet."

The smooth hands continued to massage Adam's back gently.

"You don't need to massage my back, just focus on the upper part." Adam reached for Selina's tiny hand and kissed it softly. Once again, experiencing something entirely different from what Adam was used to.

"I miss that warm touch, Darling." Adam had resigned himself to Selina being on top of him, they continued as they did at the beginning when Adam successfully won over Selina, as a man, he was thoroughly satisfied with the intimacy.

As the game continued, shortly after, Adam's phone rang, indicating an incoming call.

"My husband, you should answer first, it seems to be an important call," Selina said in a playful tone. She then shifted away from being on top of Adam.

As Selina reached for clothes to cover Adam's body, he stopped her. "I like your innocent body, Darling, let me handle it."

Adam uncovered the thick blanket that covered his innocent body, giving a sweet kiss on Selina's small lips before deciding to answer the phone on the table. With a hint of annoyance, he picked up the call, once again from Kayla. For the past few days, Adam had been avoiding her calls after a heated argument as Kayla refused to return to Indonesia.

"Darling, where have you been, why aren't you answering your phone? I'm sorry, for the past few days, I haven't had time to call you back because I've been busy with numerous photoshoots, especially with the gallery opening. Please don't be mad, please don't be mad."

"Is your business finished?" Adam moved the phone away from his ear, tired of hearing similar statements. For over two years, Kayla had been pursuing her career, and Adam had never demanded her to stop chasing her dreams.

Before their marriage, Adam had agreed that Kayla would never stop pursuing her career or dreams. The more freedom Adam gave Kayla, the less his wife was at home, leading Adam to seek companionship elsewhere, even though he still loved Kayla deeply.

"Darling, now go to the front door of the apartment and open it, I'm in front."

Adam's face tensed immediately. How could Kayla be in Indonesia already, and now his wife was at the front door of the apartment.

"Selina, quickly hide! Oh no, my wife is here." Adam hurriedly took each of Selina's clothes, instructing her to hide.

"B ... but where do I hide?"

Adam immediately told Selina to quickly get inside the bed column, grabbing his own clothes and putting them on in a rush. The knocking sound from outside continued.

Knock, knock

The apartment door opened, and Kayla stood there with a sweet smile, holding a bouquet of flowers. She then ran towards Adam and gave him a sweet kiss.

"Darling, I missed you so much, I'm sorry I couldn't even find time to return your calls. I was afraid something might happen to you, so I flew straight to Indonesia. I looked for you at the office, couldn't find you, searched at home, still couldn't find you, and then, well, here at the apartment."

"H ... how did you know about this apartment, Kayla?" Adam's face paled, as he had never shared the address of the newly bought apartment with Kayla.

Kayla took a deep breath. "I thought it would be a surprise for you, but it seems you're not happy I came. Are you playing with fire behind my back?"

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