The Promise
By Nam900
Date: July 26, 2024
Ch. 1Chapter 1

"The patient needs to have surgery right away, or else the cancer could spread to other parts of the body."

Like a sudden bolt of lightning in the middle of the day, Selina slumped wearily as the doctor informed her that her father needed urgent treatment.

"How much will it cost, Doctor?" Selina asked softly, looking through the window where her father lay weak.

"Please check with the administration, Miss." The doctor left after explaining the patient's condition.

Selina walked unsteadily to the administration area, handing over the documents given by the previous doctor.

"What's the estimated cost for the surgery for a patient named Arfan, Miss?"

"Please wait a moment, Miss, I'll check it for you." After waiting for almost five minutes, the woman handed her a piece of paper with the total amount that needed to be paid.

Selina's eyes widened at the sight of the total payment. "A... a hundred million, how can I get this much money in a week when my father needs immediate treatment."

"Can I pay in installments, Miss? I promise to pay every month," Selina requested hopefully, but the woman shook her head as a sign of refusal.

Selina felt confused about who she could turn to for help, as her salary would never be enough to cover her father's surgery costs. Suddenly, a man in a black suit snatched the paper from Selina's hand. The man read it seriously.

"Sir!" Selina was surprised when she looked to the side, realizing it was her boss at work.

"Take care of the patient quickly, I will cover all the treatment costs." Adam handed over the paper previously held by Selina, and the administration department quickly began entering the patient's data.

"Come with me," Adam ordered, and Selina quickly followed her boss from behind. Selina was shocked by Adam's decisive action of spending 100 million to help her without hesitation.

"Thank you, Sir, for your help, I promise to work even harder for the company." Selina continued to follow Adam, feeling grateful for the sudden assistance from her boss who had been so helpful.

Upon arriving at the parking lot, Adam immediately instructed Selina to get in. Without much thought, Selina got into the car, assuming Adam would take her back to the office.

Furrowing her brow, Selina was puzzled when the car arrived at a luxurious apartment.

"Sir, aren't we going back to the office?" Selina asked, puzzled.

After entering the password, Adam opened the door and told Selina to come in.

"Nothing is free in this world, Miss Selina," Adam said seriously as he sat on the sofa, looking at his employee.

"I promise, Sir, I will pay every month or agree to have it deducted from my salary."

Adam smiled wryly. "Even in a year of work, you won't be able to pay off your debt, Miss Selina, especially since you often take advances."

Selina lowered her head in fear. "Forgive me, Sir, I really need that money for my father's treatment, that's why I ask for my salary at the beginning of the month."

Realizing her mistake, Selina asked her friend, who handled employee salaries, to advance her pay.

"You can pay off your debts by marrying me and all your needs will be taken care of," Adam proposed.

"What do you mean, Sir?" Selina asked, puzzled by his offer.

Adam repeated, "Marrying me will help you clear your debts faster and fulfill all your needs."

Selina was surprised by Adam's proposal but couldn't accept it, knowing he was already married.

"I'm sorry, Sir, I can't do that. Please ensure my debts are paid off; I can't agree to your offer."

Adam's displeasure was evident, and a male secretary handed Selina a folder showing her debts and her father's surgery costs, pressuring her to accept.

"I still can't, Sir," Selina responded calmly, feeling uneasy. As she tried to leave, two guards forcibly brought her back.

"Ouch!" Selina cried out, feeling pain.

Adam insisted, "Marry me instead of being too proud. No one can help you now."

"No matter what, I will never agree!" Selina stood up, refusing the offer with strong determination even in such a difficult situation.

"Are you sure?" he asked with a flat tone, emphasizing, "You have only a week starting now. Think carefully, even if your father's surgery is successful, can you afford the monthly treatment costs?"

Silent, Selina was touched by Mr. Adam's words, realizing she wouldn't be able to pay all that within thirty days.

Adam released his grip upon seeing tears in Selina's eyes, then straightened his disheveled suit.

"You still have time to think about it." Adam stepped out after delivering the threat to Selina.

"Miss, allow me to escort you out," said Kenzo, Mr. Adam's personal secretary, helping Selina stand.

Exiting Mr. Adam's apartment, Selina felt relieved. While inside, she sensed an odd aura from her boss, even though Adam was already married.

"Should I accept Mr. Adam's offer?" Selina paused, her mind still stuck on Adam's words. Should she accept the offer to be Mr. Adam's mistress, or stick to her principle of never being a third party.

Selina's mind raced as she walked down the hallway, the weight of Adam's proposition pressing heavily on her. Her father's surgery was scheduled for next week, and the cost of his ongoing treatment was a terrifying prospect. She had already exhausted all her savings and borrowed from friends, but it still wasn't enough. The thought of losing her father, the only family she had left, was unbearable.

"Miss Selina," Kenzo's voice startled her. "Are you alright?"

Selina forced a smile, trying to mask the turmoil within. "I'm fine, thank you, Kenzo."

"Mr. Adam is a difficult man," Kenzo said softly, his gaze filled with sympathy. "He's known for his ruthless business tactics and... well, his personal life isn't exactly a secret."

Selina nodded, remembering the whispers she had heard about Adam's affairs. It was common knowledge that he was a notorious womanizer, and his wife, a prominent socialite, seemed to tolerate his infidelity.

"I understand," Selina said, her voice barely a whisper. "But I can't... I can't betray my principles."

"I understand," Kenzo said again, his expression understanding. "But sometimes, life throws us curveballs, and we have to make difficult choices."

Selina sighed, feeling a wave of despair wash over her. She knew Kenzo was right. The situation was dire, and she had to make a decision, a decision that could change her life forever. She had always prided herself on her integrity, her refusal to compromise her values. But now, faced with the possibility of losing her father, her principles seemed to waver.

"I... I need time to think," she said, her voice trembling. "I need to figure out what's best for my father and for me."

Kenzo nodded, his face etched with concern. "Take your time, Miss Selina. Whatever you decide, I'll be here for you."

Selina walked out into the cool night air, the city lights blurring as she struggled to process the weight of her decision. She knew that time was running out, and she had to choose. But how could she choose between her father's life and her own moral compass?

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