Contract Marriage of the Sole Heir
By Emilly Ann
Date: July 27, 2024
Ch. 2Boy Yudhistira

In the center of a city full of the hustle and bustle of the world, one man severely limits himself to women. He is Boy Yudhistira. He has a perfect physique, and many women are very jealous. Undoubtedly, he is always the center of attention wherever he is.
Whatever he wears, even if it's just a plain T-shirt with long jeans, radiates his handsome aura. Moreover, he became one of the most successful young businessmen, and he entered the top 20 via Forbes magazine, so women were willing to lower their self-esteem to become a Boy's lover.

Unfortunately, no matter how they flirted, it never once swayed him until many women complained that Boy was gay, impotent, and other bad news. He didn't care about the news; instead, he was helped by the rumors.
Originally, Boy is just like many other men who sometimes also want satisfaction but are always suppressed because there is a trauma that is still imprinted on his heart. The trauma of being in love again with someone else...


In the past, Boy had a girlfriend named Almira Cantika. They were in love for four years, and the longer their dating style was out of bounds, the more deadly the seduction became. The Boy's seduction made Almira willing to give up her crown for the sake of the idol.
After getting everything, Boy changed over time and often ignored Almira, making her lover think badly and even suspect that Boy was just playing with her. Finally, there was a big fight.
"Boy, we need to meet," Almira said via chat.
"What's wrong, honey?" replied Boy, not suspecting anything.
"You'll see, we'll meet at the apartment at 6 p.m.," Almira replies matter-of-factly.
"Ok, Honey." Boy replied lightly.


When the time finally showed 5 p.m., he hurried to his lover's apartment. Before leaving, he felt bad and was also nervous, but he immediately brushed it off and continued to meet his lover.

At the apartment:

"Hi baby, I miss you," said Boy, kissing Almira on the forehead.
"Hi baby, me too." Almira replied coldly.
"What's wrong with you? Why are you so cold?" asked Boy in surprise.
"I should be the one asking, after getting everything, why have you changed? Is this why you approached me?" accused Almira angrily.
"What do you mean?" asked Boy, not understanding.
"Never mind.... There's no need to pretend anymore. I know your purpose in approaching me is just to play with me, right? You're planning to destroy me, aren't you?" accused Almira.
"What are you talking about? Why are you talking nonsense? I don't want to play with you, let alone destroy you. I love you very much," Boy argued unhappily.
"Bullshit. What is this?" Almira showed a picture of a boy with another woman in a bar.
"Ah, you're making a big deal out of this picture! You should know better! I go to bars all the time, and for this, you seem to be overthinking it. It's just the two of us sitting together; where did I kiss or touch her? Don't make a fuss," Boy argued irritably.
"Did you forget you promised you wouldn't come to that place again? And in the past few months, why have you been avoiding me? What did I do wrong?" Almira asked for an explanation.
"I came to that place at the insistence of my friend, who organized a party there. Avoiding you? Never once did I intend to stay away from you," Boy argued.
"Why is it that every time I want to see you, you make so many excuses? Are you tired of me?" Almira is accused again.
"You're talking more and more nonsense the longer you talk! Honestly, what do you want? I'm sick of being blamed all the time," Boy challenged angrily.
"I ask you to be honest; are you tired of me?" asked Almira to make sure again.
"Who is bored with me or you? Don't twist the facts! I have always fulfilled all your wishes, but you are never satisfied with them," Boy said.
"Me? Why me?" asked Almira, annoyed because she felt cornered.
"Yes, you are! All this time, I have always been silent every time there is news that you are walking with this one. But I always believed you; did I ever ask you about it? Then why is a photo of you sitting together in a bar a problem? We haven't been dating for a month or two. We've been dating for almost 4 years, but this is the first time you've made a big deal out of something so trivial; if you turn it around, who's bored here?" The Boy quipped with a smirk that made Almira die.
"WHO TELLS YOU IF I'M WALKING WITH ANOTHER MAN?" screeched Almira unacceptably.
"There's no need to know who it was! The important thing is, as long as I don't see him directly, you and he are still safe." The Boy's sarcasm made Almira shudder in horror.
"Who told him? Oh my, I'll die if I get caught! I haven't completely drained his assets," Almira thought anxiously. "Why? Panic? Restless? Don't know how to explain? I told you, if I don't know directly, it's safe; I'm too lazy to argue like a child. I'll take my leave, dear," Boy said, not wanting to prolong the problem, and left.

A few months later, Boy saw Almira walking with a man in a mall. Without thinking, he approached and immediately beat the man who dared to touch Almira.
"Who is he?" asked Boy, surprising Almira and then releasing the hug on the guy's arm.
"Who is he, dear?" asked Boy, confused.
"Oh, this is your new favorite," quipped Boy, and Almira was nervous.
"Hmm, boy, I'm here," Almira replied nervously.
"How come you're so nervous? You're usually loud when explaining; why did you get caught red-handed?" she asked. And for you, how long have you been in love with my girlfriend?" quipped Boy with his fierce face.
"Oh, this is Boy? I'm Askara, and as you can see, I'm Almira's lover," said Askara bravely, holding out his hand.
"Good," replied Boy, who could not hold back his emotions anymore and immediately beat Askara unthinkingly, causing a crowd in the mall. Finally, Boy and Askara were taken away by security.

Since that incident, there has never been a word of love or woman in his life, and he chose to grow into a cold, cruel, and selfish man. Even after the incident, he left his family and decided to live in Singapore. There, he became the leader of a gangster who was famous enough that many were reluctant to follow him. Not wanting to continue to be a street troublemaker, he founded his own company with the existing capital until it could stand as successful as it is today. Although it had experienced a crisis, thanks to the help of his friends, it can now rise again.
A service that Boy will never forget to his friend who has helped him selflessly.

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