By Alya Trisnawati
Date: July 30, 2024
Ch. 5Bab 5

The atmosphere that had been hot and tense was now slowly starting to subside. The warriors and integration officers returned to their respective places back to their work.

In a luxurious room, several middle maids were seen changing the clothes of a beautiful girl who was now lying on a luxurious bed. After finishing their work the servants returned to their duties and left the room, replaced by a doctor who examined and treated the girl.

"Is she okay?" Asked the Alpha with a worried look at the girl who was sleeping on her bed, indeed she had always been here to see her girl who was being treated by the medical officer.

The medics exited the room after finishing their duties leaving behind a doctor who would relay the state of his patient. "Luna is fine Alpha, you don't need to worry as Luna only has minor injuries and it's also likely that Luna will be a little traumatized after what she experienced earlier. So after Luna wakes up from her sleep you should not ask many questions that will stir up her trauma. "

"Alright you can go, thank you and take your pay after this," said the Alpha to the doctor who had handled her death, after the doctor's departure the Alpha sat next to her deathbed looking at the girl who was fast asleep on her soft bed.

An hour passed...


A whimpering sound was heard from the luxurious bed where a beautiful girl was sleeping, after opening her eyes she looked around her, her forehead wrinkled when she realized the place she was currently in was an unfamiliar place, this room was also not her room even this room was three times more luxurious than her room at home. His eyes wandered around the unfamiliar place.

After regaining full consciousness he recalled the events before he fell asleep or fainted, he even remembered why he was in this place. He remembered that a few hours ago he was chased by several wolves until he was separated from his friends and now he looked around again and found none of his friends or anyone in this room.


The sound of a door opening made her look away as the luxurious closed door opened to reveal several servants carrying trays of food and drinks.

"Are you awake Luna? Do you need anything?" A waiter walked over while directing the servants behind him to set the food and drinks he had brought on the table in the room.

"I need some drinking water, can I get some drinking water? " The girl who was none other than Nana settled the woman in the maid outfit who was standing next to her bed.

The servant-clad woman smiled as she said, "of course Luna," the pattern-clad woman handed her a glass of water that had been brought by the servant behind her.

After the servants had finished arranging the food and drinks brought to the table the woman in the maid's outfit directed them out of the room. Now it was just the two of her and the maid in the room.

"Luna, we brought lunch for you, would you like to eat soon?" Asked the sailor-clad woman as she smiled gently at the gares who was none other than Nana.

Nana or QUEENNARA looked at the woman next to her with a complicated look.

"Luna? Who do you mean by Luna? My name is Queennara not Luna, I also don't know who Luna is and my name doesn't have the word Luna in it," she said looking confused because this woman had always called her Luna while her name was Nana not Luna.

"So can you just call me Nana? I'm not used to people calling me by other names because my name is Nana not Luna," she pleaded with a complicated look.

Suddenly the servant woman dropped her body and knelt down facing Nana while saying words of apology and also banging her head several times on the floor as an apology, mana who saw this was shocked and immediately got up from his seat trying to help the servant to get up immediately because he had never experienced this before and no one had ever prostrated under his feet.

"I'm sorry Luna sorry please forgive me, really I didn't dare do that you are our Luna and we all have to call you Luna, if Alpha finds out we are calling Luna's name then our heads will be at stake, please once again forgive me Luna," pleaded the servant woman again prostrating herself at the feet of the girl.

"Who is Luna and who is Alpha why is it so foreign, I have never heard those calls before and once again my name is kuenara call me Nana or Nara don't call me Luna because my name doesn't have a single element of lunacy and why should your head be at stake? Your head is yours your body is yours no one has the right to separate your limbs, I don't know where I am right now so can you help me?" Nana looked pleadingly at the servant woman in front of her, the servant woman had already returned to her feet with a downcast look that made Nana uncomfortable with that look.

"Sorry Luna, we are only allowed to call Luna by Luna and we don't have the right to call you by your own name because you are our Luna that's what Alpha said before."

Mana who was already at her wit's end just let the woman next to her call her Luna even she didn't know what it meant, the female servant led Nana to eat her lunch as instructed by the Alpha before leaving.

As if forgetting the various questions that were running through her head, Nana followed the maid who seemed to be her personal servant and even forgot to ask the name of the maid who had been helping her and accompanying her in this room.

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