By Alya Trisnawati
Date: July 25, 2024
Ch. 1Chapter 1

"Didn't I tell you, our trip this time is a bit awkward," a girl with a black backpack on her back glanced at her friends with an annoyed look.

"Oh come on you'll regret it if you don't come."

"Can I not come? Or we can go back now before we really get into the forest," she said again but was ignored by her friends.

The five stubborn youngsters continued to travel by car, ignoring the words of the few people who forbade them from exploring the forest.

"This is the right path, right? Don't let us get lost," said the pretty dimpled girl to her friend who was currently looking at the maps so that their journey would not fail.

"This has entered the suburbs, the road to the forest is still quite far."

The car continues to move through the rocky road, this road has entered the village and has passed the edge of the city, the village here is actually a good road, it's just that some roads look still potholes.

The car stopped right at the end of the dirt road, because there was no more vehicle access that could enter, they had searched for information about the place they were going to visit and it was true that vehicles would only enter halfway, the rest they had to walk alone to get to the place they wanted.

"We have to walk?" The ridiculous question came out of the lips of one of the girls who had been clinging to her boyfriend, the man who was none other than the owner of the crazy idea to explore the forest where rumors of mythological creatures were said to be myths, creatures such as vampires, werewolves and others.

The beginning of their journey through the forest felt normal like exploring other ordinary forests and mountains. Only one girl who had been feeling that something unpleasant was going to happen, she could only grumble because she had to come along on this trip. Her four friends were crazy, there was just something to do. After a few months ago they climbed a mountain that had just erupted, wasn't that a stupid and ridiculous activity.

"Can I not come with you guys?" The girl who was none other than Syaquenna Syakila Elvander, a girl with dimples on both cheeks, a beautiful girl who was predicted to be suitable to become a famous model, in fact she was not very interested in entering the world of modeling.

"Nana! Can you shut up and keep walking, we haven't reached our destination yet, try to see and enjoy the air here, look at the plants here are very green and also fresh, in the city it's hard to find plants as green as this," said the tomboy girl with a gum hang she kept chewing in her mouth, a tomboy girl who was very adventurous.

Nana just chuckled lazily, she walked while looking around, green plants grew lushly, there were many medicinal plants, flowers and grasses typical of the forest that grew, this kalo forest. greener and more beautiful than other forests.

The deeper into the forest, the creepier and darker it looked, the greenery that initially looked beautiful now turned creepy, where large and old trees grew lushly protecting the plants around, their shady leaves protected from the sun, the sunlight was only slightly visible between the leaves.

Whether it was just Nana's feelings or her other friends also felt, she felt that from the moment she entered the deepest forest there were many eyes that were lurking, she looked around then continued her journey like her friends.

"Rik, are we going to keep going without taking a break?" Viona Rosalina asked Erik who was the leader of the trip this time.

"Uh yeah, we've been going in circles, it's been almost three hours, I think the sun is starting to set," he said as he felt the air getting colder and darker.

Erik finally agreed to rest first, he also felt exhausted like the other friends.

"Okay guys now it seems like it's almost night, we should take a break here, it seems like it's suitable to be a resting place, not far from here there seems to be a spring," said Erik who was nodded back by his friends.

The five of them helped each other to build a tent and also lit a campfire, they also did not forget to prepare the dinner they had brought in preparation.

"Woah it turns out that this forest is beautiful too," Elina was busy taking photos as documentation, since the girl was busy alone, she was even reluctant to build her two female friends to cook and tidy up the tent, ja was only busy taking pictures, ignoring her friends who were already exhausted.


All four pairs of eyes looked alert when they heard a sound from the bushes


The noise in the bushes accompanied by the sound of a seriga roar sounded scaryz they looked at each other, only one person was still busy alone ignoring the code from his friends.

"This forest is something wrong," said Nana looking alert around, when the sound in the bush was still noisy, it seemed that there were many dangers lurking around them, not to mention the sound of the wolf's roar that had been disturbing the eardrums, sounding even more terrible in addition to the dark and cold atmosphere.





Three wolves with large bodies and jet black fur came out of hiding, the five of them stared in horror at the three wolves, not to mention the fangs that had been making the five of them shudder in horror.

"I told you, it's very dangerous in this forest," muttered Nana who was still annoyed but all that was replaced with a look of worry and anxiety, not knowing whether they could get out of this forest alive, or even die in this hungry wolf.

The more they walked backwards the faster the wolves approached, "on the count of three the turtles all had to split up," Erik shouted while carrying a rather large tree branch as a weapon if the wolf approached,"

"Erik, this is all because of your crazy," said Nana with annoyance, she tried to say she didn't want to come but was still forced to come.

In the depths of the forest, precisely in a luxurious castle, a man was seen staring at the window, he was enjoying the beautiful stars, not enjoying like most people, he was more precisely just staring at the stars with a fixed gaze.

'Knock knock'

A knock on the door distracted him from the stars above.

"Honey, you always avoid every time mom comes with many excuses," a beautiful young woman looked at her eldest son.

"Yes mom, what is it again? Didn't you visit a few days ago? Is living on the island not fun anymore?" Asked the man to which the mother replied with an annoyed sigh.

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