Revenge For My Ex-Husband
By Aulshe Queen
Date: July 26, 2024
Ch. 7Chapter 7: My Terror Figure

Arabel led her young son to her apartment quickly. She was getting more and more agitated by the man's presence, and every second felt like time was moving too slowly. The looming danger made her heart race. The feeling of rage that welled up inside her also made her heart race.
As Arabel pulled her through the narrow hallways to the entrance of the apartment, her son, who still didn't fully understand the situation, gave a small cry. The atmosphere was even more tense due to the dim light and the comfort of the night.
After they entered, Arabel locked the door tightly and took a deep breath. She tried to calm her child, who was still crying, and herself.
Arabel hugged her son warmly and said, "Mama's here, son. We're safe now." Trying to provide a sense of security, she kissed her child's small forehead.
But they were not calm for long. They were still startled by a loud noise from outside. Someone was trying to get inside their door.
Arabel held her breath, trying to think of the next course of action. That person wouldn't just stop; she needed to take care of her child. She walked slowly towards the window, trying not to make a sound.
She saw the man still standing in front of the door and trying to open the lock loudly as he looked out. He seemed to be losing hope more and more. Arabel felt a surge of adrenaline. She quickly grabbed her phone and dialed the police emergency number. She had to get help immediately.
However, a loud explosion sound came from outside the apartment before she could dial the number. Quickly, Arabel turned her head and was shocked to see a number of other men standing outside, each wearing all black and holding a gun.
"Mama, who are they?" she asked with trembling.
Arabel couldn't answer. She looked at the scene before her eyes with fear. What was really happening? What was their identity? For what reason were they chasing them?
Finally, the person who had threatened her over the phone came into the apartment through the door. While his friends stood behind him coldly and mercilessly, he smiled triumphantly.
In a voice that gritted his teeth, the man said, "I'm satisfied, Arabel. You won't be able to escape us."
Arabel stared with excitement. Although her heart was pounding, she hugged him tightly, trying to remain calm.
"Never mind, Maxime. Take the child and let's go," ordered one of the men, who seemed to be leading them.
The man's name was Maxime, and he stepped forward with a triumphant smile on his face.
"Don't touch him!" hissed Arabel with a trembling voice. when Maxime reached out to grab the child from her arms.
Arabel showed that she wouldn't give up so easily. Maxime looked coldly at Arabel, saying. "You have no choice, Arabel. This child is now part of the Frans family. You've already lost," he said.
Arabel looked for a way out. However, she felt limited because she was in a small apartment. She had to act before it was too late.
One of the men who seemed impatient suddenly pulled out a firearm from his waist. "Time is up, Arabel. Hand over the child or..."
A loud galloping sound from outside was heard before she could finish her sentence. Police! The siren of the patrol car was getting closer to Arabel.
Apparently the men were startled. They looked at each other for a while before Maxime finally pulled them away quickly. They didn't want to be caught by law enforcement. The moment they left, Arabel felt relieved. She went straight to the door and opened it for the police who came...
Quickly, she said, "Sorry, I'm Arabel. They're after me and my son." She showed her child who was still trembling around her.
The police acted immediately, checking the surroundings and asking Arabel more about the incident. They provided temporary protection and helped her and her son move to a safer place.
Although they managed to avoid this threat, Arabel realized that it wasn't over yet. She must remain vigilant to protect herself and her child from harm.
For now, away from the events...
A man sat on a very large desk, filled with documents and monitor screens. He watched Arabel's every activity carefully, and the expression on his face was unreadable.
"It's too late to stop me, Arabel," he muttered quietly before writing something on the keyboard in front of him.
She turned her gaze to the large window, where the dark night sky looked like an ongoing war between them.
"I'm not done here," he said in a firm voice, before turning his gaze to the screen in front of him.
He turned his gaze to the large window, where the dark night sky seemed like an ongoing war between them. An expression of unwavering firmness now appeared on his usually gentle face.
"I'm not done here," she said in a firm voice, before turning her gaze to the screen in front of her. She quickly selected an important document that would help uncover the Frans family's hidden secrets.
She realized that the decisions she was making would put her in significant danger, but her determination to look after her son and avoid the scars of her past made her strong. Even in a violent storm, Arabel will not back down.
The mysterious man's feet still sounded from outside, though she continued to struggle to find the evidence she needed. Arabel was no longer afraid; she had decided to face the situation calmly and bravely, ready to face any consequences.
Tonight, Arabel showed that she was the mother who protected and fought for the freedom and justice she believed in.
"Arabel! Get out!" the mysterious man said sternly.
Arabel continued to hug her son she didn't want the mysterious man to keep bothering her.
"Relax dear, Mommy will definitely take care of you, you don't need to worry. As long as Mommy is still breathing I will take care of you. No one should dare to hurt you, especially your father," said Arabel by kissing Prince's forehead.
The man's steps were getting closer, then Arabel took the cellphone on the table, she immediately contacted the police.
After a few, the sound of sirens was heard, the mysterious man quickly left. Now Arabel can breathe with relief.

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