Revenge For My Ex-Husband
By Aulshe Queen
Date: July 26, 2024
Ch. 5Chapter 5: With The Prince

Frans' family happened to be gathered on the living room sofa. Maura and Maxime were also there. Maxime was hugging his son. They entered the Frans' house for the first time after hiding for a month.
Arabel saw the atmosphere in a different way. Unlike before, Siska and Frans saw Maura favorably.
"They are very happy, Auntie," Arabel said to the maid. Arabel stood in the middle of everyone.
She greeted her ex-husband and her ex-in-laws. Not forgetting, Arabel greeted Maura. "Hi everyone, I came back to this house to see my son, not anyone else." Frans, Maxime, and Siska said nothing. Maura pointed out that she didn't know Arabel.
"I'm Maxime's ex-wife, are you his new wife? Congratulations. You deserve Maxime." They flirted as Arabel shook Maura's hand.
Although her heart was disturbed by Arabel's presence, Maura smiled faintly, trying to maintain her composure. She really knew Arabel, Maxime's ex-wife, who a few months ago became the subject of controversy due to the marriage of a famous CEO to his secretary.
However, Maura also realized that being Maxime's wife made her position in the Frans family even stronger.
"Greetings, Arabel," Maura replied briefly, trying to show a polite attitude in front of her husband's ex-wife.
Arabel continued to stare intently at Maxime who was still holding their child. Although it broke her heart to see Maxime happy with his child, she had to strengthen herself to take action.
"I want to see my son, where is he?" Arabel asked in a trembling voice, trying to hold back her anger.
Siska, who was sitting on the sofa with Frans, looked at Arabel coldly. Frans' family still didn't like Arabel's presence in their house, especially after the divorce and the agreement that Arabel had agreed to some time ago.
"What's the need for you to come back, Arabel?" asked Siska in a sharp tone. Showing her dislike.
Arabel swallowed, trying to gain courage in this tense situation.
"I've come to see my son." said Arabel, looking back at Siska sharply.
Then Siska looked back at her. "I have the right to see and care for him. According to the agreement, you no longer have rights over this child."
Frans tried to emphasize Arabel's current position by saying, "We will take care of her properly."
Arabel took a deep breath. She couldn't give up so easily.
"I understand the deal." In a high tone, she replied.
"But I am the mother of this child and I want to be a part of her life, she is my child, so I have the right to take my child from you." Arabel retorted.
Maura, who had been silent because she didn't want everyone to get suspicious, began to speak up. "Arabel, I know this is difficult for you. But please understand that this situation is not easy for anyone including you. This child needs his father's love. We will do our best for him. You just calm down," she said in a soft voice, trying to reassure Arabel.
"You don't know what's best for my son," Arabel said while looking at Maura coldly.
"That's enough, Arabel!" said Siska, trying to stop the conversation.
"I am her mother, and I will do everything I can to protect her." Arabel retorted in her defense.
"We don't want this problem to get any worse." Siska again opened her voice to stop Arabel.
Arabel sought support by looking around her. She realized, however, that she was the only one who could help here. She needed to find a way to regain custody of her child from Frans' family.
"In this one month, I have prepared everything. I will not back down even if I have to face all this," Arabel said firmly.
After a few days, Arabel sat alone in the room. She glanced at the photo of her son, which she always kept in her pocket. She kept thinking about her son and wanted to be with him always.
He was interrupted by the sound of the phone ringing. Arabel quickly picked it up, perhaps Siska's housekeeper would tell her something important about her son.
"Yes, auntie?" greeted Arabel anxiously over the phone.
"Arabel, I've got some important information. There's a good opportunity for you," said the maid in a careful voice.
"Tell me, auntie. What should I do?" asked Arabel quickly.
"My friend has a lawyer, and he can help file a child custody suit. He has a lot of experience in handling cases like this. We need to quickly gather strong evidence to support the lawsuit." The maid excitedly stated,
Arabel nodded, although she knew this would not be easy. "Alright, I'll prepare everything. Thank you, auntie for helping me all this time. I really appreciate your help," Arabel said with a happy smile.
The maid seriously said, "You must be careful, Arabel. The Frans family won't just let this child go."
"I know. But I have to do it for my son," Arabel replied.
Within a few weeks, the preparations for the child custody suit had been completed. Arabel and her lawyer had gathered sufficient evidence to face the next hearing.
Arabel sat tense in the courtroom. Although she was trembling, her resolve remained firm. It was time to fight back and obtain her motherly rights. Arabel listened to every word of the opposing lawyer as the hearing began.
She desperately hoped that the judge's decision would be favorable. The decision was finally made after several hours of conferences. The judge ruled that Arabel had custody of her child on the condition that she must visit him regularly.
The decision brought Arabel to tears. She felt at peace that her fight had succeeded. She could now spend time with her child and provide the best for him.
That night, Arabel rented a small apartment where her son slept soundly on her lap. She cried with happiness on her cheeks.
"Honey, we can finally be together. Mama will never let us separate again," Arabel said in a soft voice, kissing her son's forehead with affection.
Her child fell asleep peacefully in her arms. Arabel was grateful that her struggle was not in vain. She would be a strong mother to her child, providing protection and boundless love.
Maxime and Maura, on the other hand, celebrated their happiness as a newly married couple abroad. They did not expect that Arabel would finally receive custody of her child. Meanwhile, Maura was still experiencing the shadows of the past that plagued her.
Maxime held Maura close and said, "We'll be happy together, baby. We'll have a perfect family."
Maura with a sly smile to Maxime said, "I'm much happier if I can get what I want from your family."
But their happiness won't last long, as there is a big secret about to be revealed that will change everything.

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