Revenge For My Ex-Husband
By Aulshe Queen
Date: July 29, 2024
Ch. 11 Chapter 11: Harming the Prince

Arabel gritted her teeth. "You can't threaten me, Maura. I will do whatever it takes to protect my child!"
Maura approached closer, her voice becoming colder. "And I will do whatever it takes to defend my position. You think I have no way to destroy you? I can make your life much more difficult than you can imagine."
Arabel felt terrified, but she knew she couldn't give up. "What do you want, Maura?"
Maura looked at Arabel hatefully. "I want you to keep quiet. Don't tell anyone about my true identity. Don't even try to contact Frans or Maxime's family about this. If you do, I will make sure you suffer."
Arabel knew that she had to be careful. Maura was very dangerous and had many ways to hurt them. "All right, Maura. I'll keep this a secret. But remember, I will never stop fighting Frans and Maxime."
Maura smiled with satisfaction. "Good. Remember, Arabel, I'm always watching you. Don't try to betray me."
After Maura left, Arabel felt more depressed than ever. The threat from her own sister made the situation even more complicated. She knew she had to find a way to fight back without endangering the lives of her children.
When Rakha returned, Arabel recounted her meeting with Maura. Rakha listened seriously, then said, "We have to be more careful. Maura could be a big threat if she knows our plan."
Arabel nodded. "We need to find another way to get evidence without involving Maura or revealing her identity. We need to stay focused on our goal."
They continued to plan their next move, trying to stay one step ahead of Frans, Maxime, and Maura. With every step they took, they were getting closer to truth and justice, despite the looming threat.
That night, Arabel sat by her children's bedside, praying for their safety and hoping that strength and courage would always accompany them in this long struggle.
Day after day passed with increasing tension. Arabel, Rakha, and Reza continued to work behind the scenes, trying to gather evidence and plan their next move. They didn't realize that Maura had betrayed them.
One morning, Arabel received an unwanted message on her cell phone. It was from Maura, who had apparently spoken to Maxime about their efforts to uncover Frans and Maxime's crimes. The content of the message was short but clear: *"You will never succeed. Maxime knows about your plan. Run and hide before it's too late. "*
Arabel felt cold sweat on her forehead. She immediately contacted Rakha and Reza to inform them about Maura's betrayal. Rakha and Reza arrived quickly, and they began planning emergency measures.
"Maura's real intention," Rakha said, "is to stop us before we can gather more evidence. If Maxime had known, he would have taken action to protect himself."
Reza added, "We have to hurry. I'll try to contact some contacts in the police department to get temporary protection. We also need to find a safe place to temporarily shelter."
Meanwhile, Maxime was already at Frans' side, bringing news of Arabel and friends' efforts to uncover their crime. "Frans, Arabel and her friends are trying to gather evidence against us," Maxime said angrily. "Maura already told them about our plan."
Frans frowned. "Good, we must ensure they are no longer a threat. I don't want any more risks to my power. We must organize a strategy to stop them once and for all."
Frans and Maxime began planning their countermeasures. They decided to send some people to Arabel's temporary sanctuary to watch over them and prevent them from escaping.
Arabel and her team rushed to the safe place they had prepared. They knew that they had to avoid Frans and Maxime's surveillance while finding a way to uncover their crime without being detected. In a very short time, Arabel and Rakha found a safe haven and devised a new plan to gather evidence without attracting attention.
Over the next few days, Arabel and her team continued to move cautiously, using new strategies to gather the information they needed. They planned an operation that involved infiltrating several relevant locations and using advanced techniques to obtain solid evidence.
However, the threat from Maxime and Frans was never far away. They were constantly vigilant of every step taken and kept the Arabel children safe. Whenever they were close to getting vital information, they had to reorganize their plans to avoid capture.
Outside, Maura was still monitoring the situation from afar, feeling confused and trapped in her moral dilemma. She didn't expect that her betrayal would trigger such a huge reaction. Inwardly, she began to feel remorseful and uncomfortable with the actions she had taken.
With growing determination and a heart full of hope, Arabel and her team continued to fight for justice. They knew they had a long way to go, but they were determined not to give up. With every step they took, they got closer to the truth and finally hoped to complete their fight against Frans and Maxime's crimes.
That night, in the sanctuary, Arabel and her team planned their next move. However, their calm was suddenly interrupted when Arabel received a phone call filled with anger and threats.
Maxime's voice sounded extremely cold on the other end of the line. "Arabel, I've taken a drastic step. If you want your child to survive, you must follow my orders."
Arabel felt trembling. "What are you doing? Where is my son?"
"Prince is in my hands now," Maxime replied. "He was injured because of the unnecessary actions of you and your friends. If you don't hand over the documents you've taken from our base and stop trying to expose our crimes, your son will suffer even more."
Arabel's heart raced. "You have no right to do this! My son is innocent. You forgot Maxime, that he is your flesh and blood too!"
"I don't care! Immediately hand over the evidence you have and stop any attempt to report him to the police, or your son will suffer further," Maxime said threateningly before hanging up.
Arabel couldn't hold back the tears and helplessness. She immediately told Rakha and Reza about the threat. Rakha quickly tried to calm Arabel down and advised them to stay calm and not make any hasty decisions. They decided to quickly plan Prince's rescue and confront Maxime carefully.
That night, Arabel, Rakha, and Reza strategized to save Prince. They gathered all the information they had about Maxime's location and arranged a meeting with their informant, Ardi, to get more details.
Meanwhile, Maxime kept Prince in a very bad condition in a hidden warehouse. Prince was bound and injured, and Maxime seemed to enjoy the innocent little boy's suffering. Maxime thought that this action would make Arabel give up.
When Arabel and her team arrived at the location they had identified as where Prince was being held, they found the warehouse heavily guarded. They had to think of a way to infiltrate undetected and rescue Prince before it was too late.

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