Revenge For My Ex-Husband
By Aulshe Queen
Date: July 28, 2024
Ch. 10Chapter 10: Maura's Evil Threat

After making sure they got everything they needed, Arabel and Rakha rushed out of the villa. They managed to get out undetected, thanks to the help of Dina who distracted the security guards.
Back in a safe place, they handed over all the evidence to Reza. "This will be enough to bring Frans down," Reza said with satisfaction. "We need to hand this over to the authorities immediately and ensure protection for all of you."
However, Arabel knew that it wasn't over yet. Frans would definitely do everything he could to get revenge. But with the evidence they had, they had a real chance of ending this terror.
That night, Arabel slept with a sense of relief but remained vigilant. She knew that this fight was not over, but she felt stronger and more confident than ever. With the support of Rakha and Reza, she was ready to face whatever came.
Elsewhere, Frans received bad news about the intrusion at his villa. He was furious, but he also knew that this was the end of the game. With his pride battered, he vowed to do everything he could to survive.
This battle was not over, but for the first time, Arabel felt that they had the upper hand. They had gathered enough evidence to bring Frans to justice, and she was prepared to face anything to protect her children and get justice.
They found a small safe behind a large painting. With Rakha's expertise in unlocking, they manage to open it and find some important documents that link Frans to various illegal activities, including human trafficking and smuggling of illegal goods.
However, just as they were ready to head out, Arabel got a message from Maxime on her new cell phone:
"We know where you are, Arabel. If you think about handing over that evidence to the police, your children will pay the price. Don't forget who you're dealing with."
Arabel froze. The threat was real, and she knew Maxime was serious. She looked at Rakha with a face full of anxiety. "I can't do it. They'll endanger my children."
Rakha grasped her hand, trying to calm her down. "We'll find a way to protect them. We can't let them get away with this."
Arabel shook her head. "I can't take that risk. My children are everything to me."
Rakha understood Arabel's concern. She knew how important her children's safety was. They had to think of another step. They couldn't give up the evidence now, but they also couldn't let Frans continue to rule.
"Let's keep this evidence in a safe place," Rakha said. "We gather more evidence and support. When the time is right, we'll make our move."
Arabel agreed reluctantly. They returned to their safe place and stored all the evidence they obtained in an undisclosed location. They knew that they had to be very careful from now on.
The following days, they worked harder to get support from authorities they could trust. Reza helped them contact some high-ranking officials who were willing to help them in secret. They also began to build a stronger protection plan for Arabel and her children.
Arabel continued to feel anxious every day, but she knew that she was not alone in this struggle. With the support of Rakha, Reza, and several other officials, she felt a little calmer. They continued to monitor Frans and Maxime's movements, ensuring that they were always one step ahead.
A few weeks later, they got word that Frans was planning a big meeting with some other criminal syndicates. This was a great opportunity for them to get more evidence tying Frans to his illegal activities.
Carefully, they devised a plan to infiltrate the meeting. Rakha and Reza would enter as intruders, while Arabel would watch from afar with her children in a safe place. They hoped this would be the decisive moment to gather all the evidence they needed.
That night, Rakha and Reza managed to enter the meeting undetected. They recorded every conversation and obtained important documents that revealed more about Frans' illegal operations. However, as they prepare to exit, one of Frans' men realizes their presence.
A fierce battle ensues inside the building. Rakha and Reza fought tooth and nail to escape with the evidence they had obtained. Outside the building, Arabel waited tensely, hearing gunshots and clashes from inside.
Rakha and Reza finally made it out, albeit wounded. They ran to where Arabel was waiting and immediately escaped to safety. Arabel was relieved to see them return, but she knew that the threat from Frans and Maxime was still very real.
With the new evidence they had gathered, they now had a better chance of bringing Frans to justice. However, they had to be more careful than ever. Arabel knew that the battle wasn't over yet, but with unwavering courage and determination, she was confident they would succeed.
A few weeks later, Arabel, Rakha, and Reza prepared to hand over the evidence to the authorities. However, when they were on their way to the police station, they were intercepted by a group of people sent by Maxime. There was a fierce fight, and in the chaos, the important documents they were carrying were lost in flames.
Arabel and Rakha managed to escape with minor injuries, but they felt desperate because the evidence they had collected so far had just disappeared. They realized that Maxime and Frans had anticipated their move and were ready to destroy all their efforts.
"It's not over yet," Rakha said in a firm voice. "We will gather more evidence. We won't give up."
Arabel nodded, though her heart felt heavy. They returned to their safe place, trying to formulate a new plan. They knew that they still had a long way to go, but with unwavering determination and courage, they were determined to fight to the end. They would not allow Frans and Maxime's crimes to continue without a fight.
In their temporary shelter, Arabel felt exhausted after losing the evidence they had collected. However, the fight was not over yet. She knew that she had to stay strong to protect her children and fight off the threats from Frans and Maxime.
One afternoon, while Rakha was out looking for food, there was a loud knock on the door. Arabel felt anxious, but she tried to stay calm and opened the door. In front of the door, stood Maura with a tense face and eyes filled with hatred.
"Maura, what are you doing here?" asked Arabel, trying to keep her voice calm.
Maura stepped in uninvited, giving Arabel a sharp look. "I know you know who I really am, Arabel. You know I'm your biological sister."
Arabel nodded, closing the door behind them. "Yes, I know. Why did you come here?"
Maura approached with a threatening look. "I came to tell you that you can't tell anyone about this. If you tell Frans' family who I really am, I will make sure you and your children will never be safe."
Arabel felt angry and scared. "Maura, how could you do this? You lied to everyone just to get their treasure. You betrayed your own family."
Maura smiled sarcastically. "I did what I had to do to get out of poverty. Maxime and his family trusted me, and I won't let you destroy that. If you open your mouth, I'll make your life a living hell."

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