By Ivan Maulana Rizky
Date: July 24, 2024
Ch. 1Chapter 1: The Return of the Prince

The sound of the wind greets the golden yellow mane, the pale white face, the tall, straight body standing looking straight at the expanse of the earth created by God. The white robe and green shawl fluttered in the wind, the clear sapphire irises enchanted everyone who looked at them.

Not interested in the beauty of the world even though he was forced to take the position of Crown Prince of a large kingdom, the ability to conquer the world without anyone daring to doubt when hearing the name Zein Zulkarnain, thin red natural lips are always the desire of women to taste sweetness.

"Arsy … Arsy …" A girl with long black hair fell asleep on the river bank on a pile of dirty clothes that she was going to wash. Her black mane hung down into the clear river.. In front of her, a girl with a ponytail stared at her friend in surprise, how could she fall asleep when ordered by her employer to wash clothes.

"Arsy! How excessive, how could he be sleeping at a time like this. I have to wake him up soon, or else, those cruel Concubine's maids will come and cause trouble.” She was furious, his hand reached out to touch the shoulder of the girl named Arsy.

"Arsy… Arsy… wake up! Don’t keep sleeping!” Shouting right in the ear when waking up someone who is sleeping like a buffalo is the most obligatory thing to do.

"Ezra! Can't you wake someone up in a gentler way?!” Arsy was shocked and almost had a sudden heart attack due to her friend's screams that were like thunder defending the earth right in his ears, making her ears ring.

The girl with long black hair even sat up straight away and instantly her sleepiness disappeared, her eyes bulging sharply as if her eyeballs were about to pop out.

Ezra, the ponytail girl's name, smiled crookedly.”Who was the one who couldn't be woken up while sleeping? Arsy... you should know, we are ordered by the cruel Concubine, so we have to finish the laundry as soon as possible, after that we will . If not, or if we are even a little late, this cruel concubine will give us a whipping, this is the fate of a lowly servant.”

At the end of the words, the girl seemed to lament the bad fate that had befallen them. A lower class servant whose only job is to carry the laundry and has no right to . The kingdom where they work is led by a just King, only they don't even have the chance to complain about the treatment from the King's favorite main concubine named Sekar Wangi.. The main concubine of the kingdom always acted arbitrarily towards the servants, even because of just one mistake, one of the servants was sentenced to death. Ezra was really annoyed with his friend's attitude, always not understanding the situation.

Arsy sneered, his eyes narrowed at his friend's words.”I don't care at all, I'm so annoyed with her. Even though there is a place to wash clothes in the palace, she told us to wash in this far away river. Isn't that very unreasonable," she said grumpily.

"Arsy, we are lowly people. Just a lowly servant, what right do we have to comment? The most important thing now is that we must immediately finish this laundry and then immediately return to the palace,” Ezra replied, also annoyed. But she didn't want to talk too much anymore. It's better to finish the task immediately and go home because there's no point in just talking behind someone's back and not having the courage to do it in front of them.. Whatever the truth, the little ones will always be oppressed by those in power.

""You're right, rather than wasting our breath, it's better if we hurry up and get out of here," replied Arsy, confirming his friend's words.

Ezra nodded, after that she helped her friend clean up all the laundry and then immediately walked away from the place.

"Prince Zein Zulkarnain, I heard that your return this time is to fulfill the wish of Concubine Sekar Wangi, he wants you to marry the Princess of the Slorokan kingdom.." Mahesa Jenar, a man with short black hair, is Zein's personal bodyguard. Walking behind his Master, he deliberately welcomed the return of the Crown Prince of the Southeast Star.

The man with golden hair smiled slightly when he heard his bodyguard's words. They hadn't met for almost five years. but when they met directly they discussed the issue of matchmaking. It seems like there is something wrong with their thinking, he came back not to fulfill his father's concubine's wishes, but rather heard news that the princess of the Lintang Timur kingdom was hiding in the Bintang Tenggara kingdom, while also discussing the problem of cheating and corruption of one of the ministers. Marriage simply didn't register in his mind.

Mahesa didn't know what else to say, being with his Master always felt awkward. The Prince was too cold and seemed to not care about the environment, even though she was sure that the man certainly cared more than anyone else. He actually wanted to ask something more, but held it back so as not to be called an impolite bodyguard.

"Nawang Wulan, have you ever met her?" Zein asked as he walked towards the royal hall.

Mahesa was a little shocked, but he was immediately able to control himself.”Princess Nawang Wulan is a beautiful princess from the Slorokan kingdom, the daughter of Queen Anjani and King Angga Raksa. She is very beautiful and graceful, I am sure that when the Prince meets her, he will immediately like her," he answered politely but confidently.

Pure white embroidered with gold threads fluttered as the wind blew caressing it, The green scarf around the neck reflects a compassionate attitude and a desire to always protect and preserve nature from all forms of crime and maintain the welfare of citizens.


Drag …


Two girls ran across the veranda carrying baskets of cleaned laundry, anxious and worried expressions were very visible on the beautiful faces of the two maids. They passed through a path they should not have passed through, because servants should have passed through the back path, not the path that Princes or royals should have passed through to the Assembly Hall.

""Arsy! Wait for me! We can't go past here, if Selir Sekar finds out, we could be beheaded," shouted Ezra as she ran after her friend.

Brownish Iris was stunned when she saw a beautiful figure with golden yellow hair, sapphire eyes walking in the opposite direction from her. The body is tall and sturdy and remains calm and elegant when the feet step.

A handsome face with pale white skin, and bright sapphire irises like a cloudless sky but still calm when looked at. Even without a crown or any hair ornaments, she still looks charming and charismatic.

Arsy continued to run but her eyes did not move even a little from the handsome figure of the Crown Prince of the Southeast Star, until she did not realize when a support pole was standing in front of her.

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