Amelie and I walked side by side to the next class. Even though I've changed my appearance, why does it feel like they're still staring at me? I looked down as I passed a group of male students, but suddenly one of them made an impolite comment, "Hmm, it's a pity, her face and body are quite good, but too bad the appearance makes it unsightly." His words were greeted with laughter by his friends. I'm pretty sure what he said was meant for me. It is clearly that the insults weren't aimed at Amelie. Amelie's way of dressing is no different than usual. She looks stunning.
Be Patience, Raveline ... Be patience... I'm trying to calm down to myself. Although in my heart I can't stand wanting to clamp their lips with my bare hand. Since the trouble with Linda, I've been trying to avoid new problems. Moreover, earlier Alexa said that Linda still seems to hold a grudge against me. I obviously can't add any new problems.
Amelie glanced at me with a surprised look, "El...? Aren't you upset about being treated like that? It doesn't make any sense. I didn't expect that you would just shut up and not react to anything!"
"Yes?" I turned my head towards Amelie who is still walking side by side with me, pretending not to know what Amelie was referring to.
"I feel something strange with you lately," Amelie said as she continued to look at me.
I thought to myself, "What's wrong now?"
"It seems, look like you are not the El I first met. Raveline ... maybe you really are ... " Amelie looked at me sharply, and my heart suddenly pounded. Is it possible that Sebastian remembered who I was and told Amelie about it? My bad thoughts drifted far away, until I came to my senses and hurriedly dismissed the strange delusion. Why the hell did Sebastian do that?
"What is it, Mel? Don't make me curious."I was a little horrified, imagining that Amelie had managed to find out who I really was.
Amelie laughed. "Are you have a split personality Raveline? That's what I mean. Oh, come on El ... what’s up with you lately? You’ve been acting so… different."
"Oh my Gosh, Amelie how could you think that far?" I laughed with relief, realizing that my thoughts were too much. I can't imagine how Amelie would react if Amelie found out I was a whore.
"Yes, because you are becoming more and more strange and unclear. At first i thought that you just changed the appearance, uhm, but now it seems that your character has also changed."
"What do you mean, Mel?"I frowned confused.
"For example, the incident just now. If it was El I knew for the first time, I'm sure you would have scolded those nosy people earlier. But, you just shut up." Amelie looked disappointed.
"So, you prefer to be friends with the Old Raveline?" I asked, trying to understand what she meant.
"That's not what I meant Raveline. It's just that I don't like it when you turn out to be as flabby as you were." Amelie's face looks serious.
"I just ... I don't want to be the center of attention, Mel ..." I answered briefly, before we both stopped and went into the classroom. Our conversation had to stop because some other students were also looking for a seat.
Amelie walked quickly, got ahead of me, then took a seat by the front window of the classroom. "Come On, El ... Amelie waved, "let sit here.”
After sitting down and putting down my backpack, Amelie poked my arm. "So, you deliberately changed your appearance because you don't want to be the center of attention? Is that right?"
I nodded quickly, "Yes, it is. I don't want to see any new problems just because of my appearance ... if there is a problem that is deliberately made for me just because my appearance looks fashionable. I think ...That's too bad, right?'
"It's hard to say, but i think you have a point too." say Amelie with a sigh.
"Please El, don't turn to be different person, i like the way you are before."
"Different how? I'm just changed a little bit." I looked Amelie while confused.
"I don’t know… like, you act softer? You’re not the Raveline I know—the one who doesn’t take crap from anyone."
Just heard Amelie said like that, made me laugh. "Oh, come on, Amelie. I’m not trying to change who I am. I just… I don’t want to come off as too harsh all the time."
"But that’s what makes you, you! I mean, you’ve always been strong, confident. I look up to that, you know? I don’t want to see you dimming your light just to make others feel more comfortable."
I slowly sighs. "I get it. But sometimes, being too strong makes people think you don’t have feelings, I'm afraid others will scare and become hate me."
"But that’s their problem, not yours. You can be strong and still have feelings. You don’t have to be soft to show you care." Amelie trying to convince me.
"Maybe you’re right. I just… I don’t know, I’m tired of always being the tough one."All of a sudden I feel sorry for myself.
"Hey, it’s okay to feel tired. Just don’t lose yourself in the process. You’re amazing the way you are, Raveline. I wouldn’t trade your strength for anything."
Listen to Amelie words made me smiles. "Thanks, Amelie. I really needed to hear that."
"For me, changing the style or appearance doesn't matter, El. But I don't like it when you turn out to be as flabby as you were. It does not match the El that is usually who do not like Injustice!"
"Yes, yes. I'm just trying to be a bit of a jerk, but I'm still a tough one and I can make other people feel bad..." Amelie laughed again when she heard my words.
"Please promise me. You must remain the Raveline you once were, no matter what clothes you wear. for your information, I don't care what you wear. as long as you remain the Raveline you once were." Amelie said with a sincere smile looking at me.
"Hmm, okay ... then from tomorrow, my style will still pretend to be innocent, but I won't allow it anymore if anyone dares to make fun of me!"
"Well, that's it! Just act like the Raveline I know." After listen to Amelie words i just laughed.
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