The message that just came in from Amelie left me a little confused. "El, i'll see you tomorrow, let's go and get the equipment for induction week. I'll be waiting for you at the near college entrance, okay."
Induction week? What's that? I repeated reading the message from Amelie. After a while, I decided to find out through an online assistant who used to be my mainstay source of information. I immediately typed "Induction week" in the search field. A number of information about induction week immediately appears, it remains only to choose.
Of course, I chose to read from more credible sources , such as the campus ' official website, The Student Aid Center. From there, I finally understood that Induction week was an introduction to college life for new students.
Before starting lectures, freshmen are given an overview of the complete world of university life, from academics to social activities, through a period of days called student orientation or induction week.
It's looks like I have a lot to learn, considering I graduated from high school a few years ago.
I immediately checked my email, as suggested by Amelie. I have an important email that I haven't read yet.
I didn't expect at all that being a freshman would involve a lot of small preparations that had to be done right away.
"The collection of induction week equipment is scheduled two days before the implementation of campus orientation. Supplies can be picked up at the campus Plaza. Starting today, Class 40 students can pick up equipment for induction week, including almamater suits, university-level certificates, and student identification cards."
I immediately replied to a message from Amelie and agreed to go with her to pick up the equipment.
"El, my brother said, by the way, he is an alumnus here, our college building is located at the front campus. So the access will be easier." explained Amelie as we walked to the place to pick up induction week equipment.
Amelie and I smiled with relief after completing the re-registration to pick up equipment near the Faculty of Information Engineering. According to the committee, after all new students complete the registration, a new campus introduction event can be held.
Incidentally, induction week events will be held directly on campus for the next one week. All new students are advised to participate in all activities on campus, including one camping event in the campus area. Amelie seemed unhappy with this stay Policy.
"What is it, Mel? You don't like sleepovers like this, do you?"
"I was traumatized, El..."
"Why Trauma? Is there anything that makes you uncomfortable, Amelie?"
"I'm afraid of the dark, El. If events like this, there is usually a test of courage, like when I was in high school ..."
"Calm Down, Mel. I've been looking for information, it's said that events like this should be educational and focused on campus life and the majors we choose."Despite that, Amelie still doesn't seem convinced by my words.
"Take it easy, Mel. Later I will look for super bright lighting fixtures!"I tried to convince her again.
"Later ... we will join other front campus students, El... You know, right, that means we're gonna sleep with a lot of people."Amelie grumbled again.
I smiled again, "yes, what else can we do... I think the goal is to get us closer to each other
I picked up the phone and rechecked the schedule of campus environment introduction activities. As it turned out, the schedule for my faculty and Amelie was carried out in advance. There are some faculties that will start the introduction period earlier.
"El, after this, can we go to the mall first, huh? We can buy equipment for later. I don't think I want to go straight home, " asked Amelie looks lethargic. Which, of course, I gladly agreed to.
The day before the introduction of the campus environment, all new students were gathered by the seniors to be given various briefings, including the rules of clothing that must be worn during the orientation of new students. So that it looks more neat and organized.
There are some unique accessories that must be worn, such as cloth ribbons that are affixed according to the color of the faculty flag.
During the briefing We were only allowed to do activities in the campus environment. All attributes that have been determined by the senior should not be lost until the orientation period is complete. If violated, Of course, there are penalties from the seniors.
"Come on... let's go, let's go!"the loud voice of senior whose appearance was a little scary made me and Amelie flinch and hurriedly get out of bed.
"Wait, we're still getting ready," I replied, trying to gather consciousness as quickly as possible.
"El, have you seen my red ribbon? Does it carry over to your stuff?"Amelie looked frantically looking for her red ribbon. The tent where we slept was filled with several other participants, so it was natural that our belongings could have been exchanged.
"You got the red part, didn't you, Mel? I'm blue, so there's no way I'm wearing yours," I replied, looking at Amelie's worried face.
"Five more minutes before the morning gathering begins! Come on, who has not yet woken up, quickly get up and immediately get ready!" The senior voice from outside the tent made us look at each other.
"El, my red ribbon really doesn't exist! Oh my Goodness what should I do, El? I'm afraid of being punished, " Amelie panicked even more. I'm trying to think fast. The other three residents are one faculty with us, only different majors. Laras and I majored in communication studies while the other two majored in linguistics and one person, if I remember correctly, majored in English literature. While helping Amelie find her ribbon, I accidentally saw one of the new students, Linda, wearing a ribbon similar to Amelie's. Spontaneous, I called her politely.
"Excuse me, Linda? Looks like the ribbon you're wearing belongs to Amelie. Maybe you took it wrong, try checking first..."I pointed to a string of ribbons tied at the ends of her long hair. The beautiful girl turned to me. "Yes? Linda looked at me sarcastically, " This Is Mine! Do not accuse! Just because you're from an international major, there's no need to be arrogant!"Linda was immediately angry. Though I asked nicely. Why should she be angry?
"What the heck, I'm just asking nicely, not accusing. What does this have to do with college majors?"I don't accept the word 'arrogant' that Linda just said. The girl was even more emotional to hear my defense.
"Hei! Why do you look upset at me!"Linda is now standing and pointing at my face. I certainly stood up to respond to her words.
Amelie hurriedly pulled my hand, " El, never mind, let it go... Please don't make unimportant arguments. It's okay, i don't mind, if I have to be punished. Instead of responding to her, let's go ..."Amelie doesn't seem to be the type to defend herself. I remember she was a victim of bullying, maybe that's what made her reluctant to get into conflict.
Unfortunately, I was already annoyed by the sentence thrown by Linda.
"What are you all doing! Is this a fuss?
Why aren't you all ready for the morning gathering! Come out you guys, stand in the middle of that field!" said the senior towards us putting on a fierce face, while opening the tent cover, he made the five of us who were still in the tent mutter to each other indistinctly.
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