I gently pressed the power button to turn on my second phone that containing contact numbers of people who were not very close to me. A little surprised, the battery is still fully charged, no wonder, i believe it because I rarely use it.
The phone vibrates briefly before the light turns on, a sign that the phone is active. It takes a few seconds before entering the main screen. After connecting to the apartment's wifi signal, notifications of new messages come in droves. There are almost hundreds of them, although I rarely use them to send messages.
Idly because there was no work, I began to open and read one by one the incoming messages before deleting them. Some messages are just spam, there are also messages from some guests who have asked for my contact number, the contents invite to meet outside Wonderland. For me, these messages are not important, so I immediately delete them.
Reading and deleting unimportant messages on the phone is effective enough to make me feel sleepy. I began to yawn and almost fell asleep until my eyes were fixed on a different message.
"Miss Rose, how are you? Thank you for the night a few days ago. Talking to you is comforting. May you always be healthy and successful."
Several times I reread the message. The sleepy feeling that had appeared suddenly disappeared. My eyes were glued to the message, and somehow, I felt sure that it was from Mr. B!
Curious, I opened the details of the message information from the unknown number. The message came in about a month ago. I'm trying to synchronize with the events of the night of the wine spill. Looks like the timeline is almost in line. I hope my intuition is correct, that the message is from Mr. B.
Should I reply to this message? Between hesitation and curiosity, I tapped a finger on the kitchen table. After arguing with myself, I finally decided to reply to the message.
"My news is quite good. Sorry I can only reply to your message now. I rarely check my incoming messages. Thank you for your prayers and attention. I also wish you to always be in good shape. Success is always for you."
I reread the message I just finished writing. Should I send it in the morning? Considering that it is now almost half past two in the morning. Seconds pass and become minutes, I still hesitate to send a reply message that I have already written. Ah! I close my eyes while touching the icon to send a message. Not long after, a reply message from me was sent immediately.
The lost sleepiness is now replaced by impatience and curiosity. I can't wait for that message to be read. Although it is unlikely that he will read and reply to messages from me. My guess is wrong. Moments after my message was sent, it was instantly read! My heart is now pounding. Oh my God, why am I acting like a young girl waiting for a message from a crush!
Triing! Incoming message notification sounds from the phone that is on the table in front of me. I bit my lip, grabbed my phone, and pounded incoherently.
"Are you still awake, Miss Rose? What are you doing at this hour? Are you having trouble with sleeping time?"
Oh, my God ... I blushed reading the message that just came in on my phone. Trouble sleeping, he said. I laughed to myself. Impatient, I immediately typed a reply message, "I woke up hungry. Unfortunately, after eating, my drowsiness even disappeared."I then sent a photo of an empty milk glass and a biscuit jar that was near me.
The reply message from the unknown number came back.
"You drink milk, Why don't you drink wine?"he wrote while imbued with laughing emoticons.
Badum! My heart is pounding harder. It's true! The sender of this message must be Mr. B! Instantly my hands were cold with joy. My heart seemed to jump up and down because it was too full of joy.
"Is this you, Mr. B?"I sent that message with mixed feelings.
"Guess what?"he again sent an ignorant smile emoji.
I have not yet had time to send a reply message, the incoming message from him was again read by me.
"Miss Rose, next time I'll call you again. The man I've been waiting for has arrived. Good to hear from you again."
I sighed softly, feeling a little sad about having to end a conversation that had just made my heart flutter.
"Thank you for your time, Mr. B."I added a cute smile emoji. After sending a reply message for Mr. B, I put the phone back on the table. Only this time this backup phone made me feel good about receiving incoming messages.
I woke up at half past nine in the morning. As soon as I woke up, I immediately looked for my spare phone. The phone that I usually I never noticed, but now it's the phone that I'm looking for first than the main phone that I usually use.
I unlocked the screen, hoping for a new message from Mr. B. Unfortunately, my expectations only bear fruit of disappointment, new incoming messages only from spam are not as clear as usual. I threw the phone in any direction on the mattress, while throwing the body, lazily curled up under the covers.
Unfortunately, I remembered that I had to come to Wonderland to finish my annual leave, and the promise to come to Sarah's House. Finally, half-reluctantly, I kicked the blanket that covered part of the body, then lazily moved towards the bathroom.
From the front, the salon, which is the first entrance to Wonderland main office, looks less crowded. There are only a few salon employees who look busy cleaning up and arranging equipment. A saloon officer walked up to me.
"Oh hi, Rose, I'm so sad! Why do you did not want to cut my hair with me," the male employee, hanging spoiled in my arms. I smiled, " sorry, Jane. I got a sudden haircut."tell me honestly, because at that time I had no intention of cutting my long hair!
"Oh my God, do you know what. Your hair is so beautiful!"he said while stroking gently my hair. I laughed slowly at his behavior. I understand the way he treats me, because it is already so nature, always flirtatious to all employees in Wonderland. Although flirtatious, but he never do outside the bounds of decency.
"I'm going upstairs, I need something."I said goodbye.
"Okay, my love, don't forget, next week's facial schedule should be the same!" Jane said while pinched my arm before letting me go to the office upstairs.
"Yes, I will remember."I smiled and waved goodbye.
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