My Hired Husband
By IR Windy
Date: September 3, 2024
Ch. 40presumptuous

That morning Indra arrived at the company in his black saloon car, given to him by Anggoro after he became the rich man's son-in-law. It was undeniable that after becoming Dinda's husband, his life had completely changed from living in a small rented house to a luxurious apartment, and his vehicle, which was only a public transport, to the latest edition of a luxury car.

Yes! Although Indra was grateful for it all, there was a sense of guilt that continued to haunt him when he remembered that this marriage was only a temporary marriage, or, you could say, a fake marriage, the fruit of an agreement between him and Dinda.

"Haa... this is too fancy. Do I really deserve it?" He muttered, staring at the car after he parked it in the basement, "Good thing my driving skills are still useful."

Anggoro, who had even previously assigned a private driver, had to be rejected by Indra on the grounds that he wanted to drive himself because he didn't want to trouble others.

Indra really didn't expect Anggoro to immediately pay attention to him, even though when they first met, Anggoro was indifferent to him. He considered him a burden and a troublemaker because he had impregnated his only daughter, Adinda Hanggoro Wijaya.

However, Indra's smiling face suddenly faded, remembering Dinda's awkward attitude towards him. Although it was quite understandable to Indra because their marriage was arguably a setup, Indra also understood and didn't really mind Dinda's attitude of keeping her distance from him.

"Never mind, there's no point in me continuing to think about it. I have to be ready for this anyway," he muttered. "She must also still be thinking about the child's father."

Indra then entered a lift to the floor, where his private room was located. He looked at his reflection in the glass-like wall of the lift. He looked neat and authoritative.

"It's cool that I'm dressed like this," he murmured as he straightened his tie and smiled to enjoy the morning atmosphere.

But his smile faded as something crossed his mind. "Will it be like this every day?"

Indra was silent for a moment, his mind drifting to an agreement he had made with Dinda that could end at any time or even when Anggoro found out everything at that moment his life would change back to the way it was before.

Without realizing it, fear arose in him. Indra was afraid that he would lose everything, even the woman who slowly managed to steal his heart.

"Ah!" Indra gasped as he felt his mobile phone vibrate, he reached for it and picked up the call.

"What's wrong? I've arrived, and I'm still in the lift."

Indra's eyes narrowed, hearing the caller's explanation.

"Did he mention any names?"

"No, sir. He said he was important and demanded to see you. I tried to restrain him, but he threatened me."

Indra's jaw hardened, a name flashed in his mind. He knew very well the figure who always dared to disturb him, like lately.

"Alright, I'll go see him. Thank you, Shandra."

Indra then hung up the phone. At that moment, she squeezed the mobile phone.

"Sonia... it turns out you ignored my orders. You still dare to show up in this place."

With rough steps, Indra rushed to his office as soon as the lift doors opened, a grim look on his face and a stern, sharp look in his eyes. His chest rumbled with considerable emotional turmoil.

Meanwhile inside Indra's office, a striking-looking woman was enjoying the cozy and cool atmosphere of the office.

"It's not so bad, apparently Indra got a lot of profit from that woman," he murmured as he swept his gaze. Examining every piece of furniture and ornament that adorned the room.

Sonia's gaze fell back on the desk that still looked neat with a few documents and computers on it. She walked over to the desk and grabbed a picture frame.

A sardonic grin began to be etched on her lips that were coated in bright red lipstick.

"Tsk! Your smiles are totally fake... and it fooled everyone." Sonia stared intently at the photo of the two people posing intimately while wearing wedding dresses and suits.

Her chest instantly rumbled, and her eyes narrowed sharply to hold a hatred in her mind. Sonia held the picture frame with a tight grip until it shook violently.

Sonia then chuckled, "I should be the one posing like this with Indra, not you! A foreign woman who only wants to use Indra with your money."

The atmosphere of the still quiet room had now grown eerily cold, filled with the hatred the woman felt. Even the turmoil of her anger was now unstoppable, seeing the intimacy between her former lover and another woman that kept replaying in her mind.

"Should I destroy the false happiness between you?"

Sonia, who had been consumed by hatred, did not care about the situation, even forgetting her own identity, which was no longer anyone to her former lover, Indra. Full of anger, Sonia picked up the picture frame and swung it around. But...

"What are you doing!?"


Sonia's hand movement stopped, her gaze immediately turned to the doorway, which revealed a well-suited but fierce-looking man.

"In-dra?" Sonia widened her eyeballs, realizing that she had been darkened by her anger to the point of losing self-control.

At once, Sonia moved quickly by lowering her hand that was still holding the picture frame and hiding it behind her body.

"Sure... you've come, I've been waiting for you," Sonia said with a wide smile, her face completely transformed to hide the action she was about to take.

However, it wasn't a friendly or sweet reply that came out of Indra's mouth, but a glare and suspicion that emanated from him.

Indra raised one eyebrow, then walked slowly without showing any meekness to the woman who came into his room without any notice.

"I ask... what are you doing here? And what are you hiding behind your body!?"

Instantly, Sonia gasped and was unable to say anything to answer the question after hearing the sarcastic words that came out of the mouth of the man she had loved without ever diminishing in the slightest. Her chest felt tight, and her knees suddenly went weak.

The situation in the room was even more tense, this was the first time Sonia had seen her ex-lover's gaze filled with hatred. Because it could not be denied that during the time Sonia knew and had a romantic relationship with Indra, the man had never shown his anger except after Sonia betrayed him.

As Indra's steps drew closer, Sonia's body trembled even more violently.

"Shit! Is this the welcome I'm getting? It's all because of that woman!"

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