By Rahayu Triningsih
Date: August 21, 2024
Ch. 14Chapter 14

"What do you mean?" asked Nicholas again.

The man in front of him handed Nicholas a file. He read the report carefully, his brow furrowed. How could this have happened?

"Are you sure this report is true?" Nicholas confirmed again. He didn't want to make the slightest mistake.

"Yes, sir, this report comes from a reliable source."

"Go away!"

Nicholas told the man to leave the room. He read the report carefully, and occasionally, Nicholas rubbed his face. He did not know that the woman he would marry could be so wicked. What made Nicholas speechless was that his mother helped Amanda get Sofia off Nicholas' side. Nicholas finally divorced Sofia just like that.

While reading the file, his cell phone rang.

Amanda is calling ....

Nicholas read the text on his phone. He had changed the door password, so Amanda couldn't get through, so she was calling. Nicholas answered the call because he wanted to ask Amanda about it directly.

"Nick! Why did you change it? I can't get in here. Hurry up and tell me what the password is." From the other side of the call, Amanda shouted.

"Okay, I'll open it right now. I need to talk to you about something."

Nicholas opened the front door and Amanda immediately hugged Nicholas' burly body, but Nicholas only returned the hug with a cold stare. His eyes stared at Amanda's smooth, unblemished face. He wanted to slap the face of a woman who was innocent but originally ambitious and would use any means to achieve her desires.

"What's the matter with you, Nick? Why are you looking at me like that? Ah, I know. Is that why you're so quiet, because I must look pretty to you?" Amanda said confidently.

"Cut the crap! Sofia was right. You are cunning, Amanda. If you weren't a woman, I would have beaten you up for trying to deceive me. We're not going to get married, I don't want to marry a liar like you!"

"Wait a minute, Nick! What are you talking about? I don't understand at all. Is there a problem at the office? Or is someone trying to bring me down in front of you?"

"There's no need to beat around the bush! I have proof that you deliberately strategized with that photo to get me to divorce Sofia, right? I know everything!"

Amanda continued to deny it. She did not want to admit that she had actually done something harmful.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I came here to tell you that I've ordered a wedding dress from my favorite designer. It's made of diamonds, I'm sure you'll like it too. Take a look!" Amanda showed her cell phone and tried to tell Nicholas that she didn't care what he said.

"Fuck off! with the marriage. I told you we're not going to get married, Amanda. I don't want to marry you, all right?"

Don't be crazy, Nick! How can you just call it off? I've already rented the whole floor of the hotel, the wedding dress is partially paid for. You can just say our wedding is off. What about the reputation of both of us?"

"I don't care, Amanda. You're the one who forced me to cancel our wedding."

Amanda furrowed her brow. She did not understand why Nicholas was suddenly angry with her, when all this time the man had been silent and seemed indifferent, but never refused anything Amanda wanted.

"What are you talking about, Nick? I thought we were getting along all the time. Even though we've only been together for a short time, we've known each other for a long time. And I know that I'm your first love, right? So there's no reason for us to cancel our dream wedding. I know you love me too, right, Nick?"

Amanda swayed in front of Nicholas and brought her beautiful face right in front of Nicholas' face, trying to seduce Nicholas into falling into her arms. But unexpectedly, Nicholas pushed Amanda, causing her to fall.

"That hurts!" Amanda stroked her bottom on the floor.

"Don't try to seduce me, I did fall in love with you, but that was before you slept with that guy. And don't think I want to marry you because I love you!"

"Then what is the reason, Nick? Tell me why you want to marry me if you don't love me?"

"It's because of my parents. I just wanted to make them happy, but it was all of you who betrayed me again!"

Nicholas threw the file that he had just been reading at Amanda, causing the papers to fly everywhere. Amanda picked them up one by one and understood the contents of the file Nicholas had just read.

"Where did you get all this?" Amanda asked in a panic.

She never thought that Nicholas would find out about her actions so quickly. Amanda immediately thought of an excuse to make Nicholas believe that none of this was true.

"Don't ask me how I got all this. You really disappoint me, Amanda. I had no idea you would slander my wife and force her to divorce me."

"Not me, Nick! I didn't know anything about this. I'm sure this is all your poor ex-wife's doing. She must have been unhappy that we were getting married, so she made up this useless rumor. Believe me, Nick. I never cheated on you!"

"Don't blame her!"

The strong baritone voice of Nicholas made Amanda fall silent in an instant. She had never seen Nicholas so angry with her. Nicholas' shouting left Amanda silent and stunned.

"She is a good woman and you brazenly slandered her to get a divorce from me and I stupidly believed it because you were also in cahoots with my mother!"

"Then what's the problem, Nick? You got married because of a contract, right? You should be thanking me for getting rid of the person who was trying to drain your wealth! Don't get mad at me!"

Nicholas could no longer contain his anger, Amanda was talking too much and he did not like that. At the same time, he missed the figure of Sofia, who could calm him down when he was angry instead of answering his words as Amanda did.

"You are meddling too much in my affairs, Amanda, just so you know, I fell in love with her and I regretted the divorce. Especially when I found out that you were behind it all. Sofia is completely innocent, she never slept with any man, and I just remembered that I was the one who first took her virginity that night. I should have just trusted her from the start and asked her to come back to me," Nicholas continued.

An angry Amanda slapped Nicholas hard on the cheek. She could not accept that Nicholas, who was about to become her husband, would say that he would return with Sofia. How could this shabby woman beat her beauty?

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