By Rahayu Triningsih
Date: August 10, 2024
Ch. 12Chapter 12

Brian took Amanda's hand and pulled her into Nicholas' room. He kissed her brutally, Amanda resisted at first, but over time, she enjoyed the kisses, and they ended up making love.

"Ahh, Amanda. You're so hot! I can't hold it anymore!"

"Fuck me, Brian! Faster!" Amanda sighed again and called out Brian's name.

Brian knew how to treat a woman in bed so that the two of them could finally reach the peak of satisfaction together.

"See? I told you, you can't get away from me, Amanda. And we will never be separated!"

"I don't care, Brian. You better go before Nicholas gets back from work," Amanda said, picking up her clothes scattered on the floor.

"Sure, babe. I love you!" Brian kissed her before he left.

Amanda took a deep breath as Brian finally left Nicholas' apartment. She grabbed her cell phone and went to the kitchen. She took a picture of herself in the kitchen pretending to cook dinner, even though she couldn't cook. After that, she posted it on social media and it immediately got a lot of likes from his fans. Everyone was supportive of her relationship with Nicholas. According to them, Amanda and Nicholas were a good match, beautiful and handsome.

Meanwhile, Sofia, who saw Amanda's post on Instagram, immediately decided to close her account. She could only sigh seeing Amanda replacing her in Nicholas' house. All this time, he was the one who always prepared all Nicholas' needs, both food and clothes, and he enjoyed the task because Nicholas did not mind at all until suddenly his photo with the man in the hotel was spread and made her divorced.

"Why do you always hurt yourself when you see them?" asked Sam, placing a glass of milk in front of Sofia.

"It just happened that the photo came out on my cell phone all of a sudden. By the way, what are you doing here? I thought you're busy with your laptop." Sofia changed the subject, she did not want to talk about them.

"I want to take you somewhere if you don't mind."

"Where?" asked Sofia, but Sam handed her a wedding invitation.

"My friend's wedding. Actually, I'm too lazy to come because everyone will bring their partner. But I'll be happy if you don't mind going with me."

"So because you're single, that's why you invited me?" Sofia continued.

"Yep. If you want to."

"No worries, I'll be your date there. When is the event?" asked Sofia again, finishing the glass of milk.

"Tomorrow night. I'm glad you want to come! see you tomorrow, and don't scroll your ex-husband anymore, or you'll get hurt, okay!" said Sam before leaving Sofia's room, and she replied with a thumbs up.

Since living in the orphanage, Sofia has been able to forget her sadness over her divorce from Nicholas, and meeting many children has made her promise that she'll be a good parent to her child in the future.


In the afternoon, Sam asked Sofia to go out, he took her to the mall, Sofia thought that Sam wanted to buy a gift for her friend who was getting married. They entered a store selling luxurious dresses.

"Sofia, try this dress on, it'll match my tux!" said Sam.

"Okay!" Sofia accepted the dress but was shocked when she saw the price tag.

"Sam, I can't afford it, it's too expensive for me! You know I don't have enough money." Sofia handed the shirt back to Sam, but he wouldn't take it.

"It's on me. Don't worry about it."

"No need, Sam. I don't want to bother you."

"But I insist. You already said yes to come, so try it on, I'm sure the dress will suit you."

Sofia tried it on and as Sam said, the red dress fit Sofia's body perfectly. In her heart, Sofia wondered why she had to wear a red dress to a wedding, but she ignored it because she obeyed Sam's request.

Besides clothes, Sam also bought shoes and bags that cost more than Sofia could afford. So far, she only knows the brand, but this time, the luxury goods are in her hands. Finally, Sam takes Sofia to a salon and in just a few hours, Sofia, normally wearing a shabby dress, is transformed into a beautiful woman.

"How do I look, Sam?" asks Sofia when everything is ready.

"You're gorgeous, Sofia." Sam is stunned to see Sofia's unbeatable beauty.

Sam knew that Sofia had an inner beauty and thought that her face was glowing even though it was never touched by makeup and luxury brand products like modern women in general. According to Sam, Sofia is like a diamond that sparkles in the right hands.

"Thank you, Sam. Then I won't embarrass you if we go there?"

"Of course not. Shall we go now, Princess?" Sam gave her his hand and she took it without a doubt.

Sam and Sofia entered the hotel for the wedding. Sofia was a little nervous because it was her first time at such a lavish wedding. She wondered who Sam really was to be invited to such a luxurious party.

"Sam, I have to go to the bathroom for a minute," Sofia said, unable to hide her nervousness.

"Okay. I'll wait here!"

"No need, Sam, it won't take long. You go first, and I'll catch up."

How could Sofia make Sam wait for her while she was on the toilet? Sofia tried to calm down and told herself that everything would be fine and she would not embarrass Sam who had invited her here.

"It seems I've been here long enough. Sam must be waiting for me!" Sofia muttered. She hurried to catch up with Sam who had entered the hotel ballroom first.

Sofia ran a bit so that she could meet Sam right away, until she accidentally bumped into someone who was on his way to the bathroom and her lipstick hit the man's white shirt.

"I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. I really didn't mean to!" Sofia reflexively apologized and tried to clean it up with her handkerchief, not having time to look at the man's face as she panicked over the accidental stain.


Sofia's hand was held by the man, and when she looked up, Sofia realized that the man she had just collided with was her ex-husband, who had divorced her for no reason.

"Nicholas?" Sofia had not expected to see her ex-husband again.

Nicholas still looks the same, in fact he looks so handsome in a tuxedo that somehow has the same color as the dress Sofia is wearing. Fate seemed to be playing a game with them as they looked like a couple wearing matching clothes. Nicholas was momentarily mesmerized by the beauty of his ex-wife that he had never seen before.

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