Just Wanna Live in The Place
By Lista
Date: July 28, 2024
Ch. 9PLAN PT.1

As planned, early in the morning, around half past six in the morning, at a time when the gates hadn't even been opened by security yet, to the point where she had to climb over the wall, Matcha deposited the camera on top of the locker opposite, adjusting its position until Sky walking up to Blue's locker made her look over briefly, then made sure it was in the right position. The camera was obstructed by a black cloth, but the lens was still given room.

"Not yet?" asked Sky. The man had come, just to confirm the position of the camera.

So, Matcha cleared her throat. Then walked out of the room, but as Sky preceded her, she was moved to say, "Since when... did you realize I was Matcha?"

Sky just turned his head, shrugging his shoulders. Then he walked back, leaving Matcha who already wanted to throw away the shoes she was wearing now. However, her intention had to be aborted because the bell rang, demanding Matcha to enter the classroom. She saw that Violet was preparing for the presentation, storing the laptop on the desk, and connecting the trouble projector, moving Matcha to approach the girl with the pink bandana.

"That's wrong, your laptop must use VGA. It won't work. Your laptop is not the type-"

"What the hell? Is my laptop old?" Violet replied sarcastically. Matcha didn't say that she felt. Of course, she didn't mean that because Violet's laptop wasn't old-fashioned just because it had to use a VGA.

Matcha took the VGA cable out of the bag she'd bought yesterday, ignoring Violet who kept trying to insert the projector cable. She took it out by force, eventually breaking it, and took over Violet's laptop. "Usually new releases are like this."

"So, you know." Violet was about to grab her laptop again, but the first look of her PPT on the screen silenced her. "How could you?"

Can he throw Violet out?

"You don't know anything, most of the time."

Violet's words just now made Matcha's body straighten up, looking up, staring at Violet with dislike. Of all the scathing remarks she often got from others, Violet's remarks in such a frivolous tone were the ones she hated the most. Even though it was directed at Blue, not her, it still felt the same.

"Rather than you, you know," Matcha replied casually. As if that was a common thing Violet had to hear. Their argument began to invite some of the eyes in the class to turn their heads, watching.

Violet's eyes narrowed in surprise.

From behind, Sage and Green both watched, in more detail. "She seems to be possessed by Matcha lately."

"Like, that's not really Blue." Green muttered, his arms crossed.

Matcha only turned her head at that remark, but only briefly. Her focus was now on Violet who spoke, "Me? You know? You forgot what rank I am?"


Matcha swallowed saliva. How could she know? So, she glanced at Green, the man held up one index finger. "One?"

She... lost. Either Matcha or Blue, because back then, Matcha was only in second place.

"Why? Do you want to compete with me?" Violet chuckled. Her frivolous look was becoming increasingly obvious. She took a step forward, her arms crossed over her chest. "TO Science and Technology this week, let's see."

"Okay!" Matcha nodded, seeing Matcha's attitude, making her suspicious. The only person who seemed to dislike Blue, was Violet. "Just... if I win, you don't bother anything, it's all about me."

Violet agreed. So, now, Matcha kept herself locked up in her room to review the material, looking at Blue's empty exercise book, which still looked nice and neat because it was rarely used. She only went out twice to get food, even though she ate while working on practice problems. In fact, Green only sent drinks to her from the bedroom window.

Anyway, no matter how strong Violet's brain would be, for this time and so on, Matcha would not be defeated by people like Violet and Matcha stood confidently, until the time came, working on the UTBK TO in a room different from the usual class.

"The announcement is usually when?" asked Matcha when she came out, along with Green and Sage.

"It will be announced soon." Sage replied, taking a seat on a chair near the front Mading of the science one class.

"You're really sure, huh?"

Matcha looked down, adjusting her shoelaces as she replied, "Yeah sure!"

"Are you sure you're going to lose," Green said softly. For some reason, it was the man who looked worried. "Right?"

Matcha glared, "Just because I bet with your brother."

"But I'm here, you know, not with her." Green pointed at Violet who had just left the room with his chin. "Who am I supporting then?"

"But you don't seem convinced."

"Poor thing, you have no one to support you," he quipped, immediately getting punched in the back again. Green grimaced.

"AH. Not Matcha, not you."

"I'm not sure either." Sage joined in, laughing immediately. "What do I need to be confident about?"

"Monkeys are all my friends!"

Sage laughed even more, until the man picked up his vibrating mobile phone, "There it is."

"FOR WHAT!?" Green blinked, turning to Matcha, "What did you just eat?"

"I got first place, didn't I?" Matcha grinned. Her confidence level increased even more when she picked up Green's cell phone and saw Blue's name at the top of the list, with a score of 820, and Violet second with a score of 750. "What I said."

"I didn't see anything wrong with my eyes, did I?" asked Sage. The man was still stunned. Then, "Okay. Starting on the 23rd, I'll mark you. We study together."

"Wait, what's the date? 23?" Matcha remembered the camera. She stood up, running hurriedly towards the locker room. The school was quiet, she should have gotten it anyway. Then, Green, Sky, and Sage followed her. She picked up the camera, trying to watch it, as they approached.

However, from the first minute to the last, there was nothing suspicious. There was no terror. There was no sender. There were only a few kids passing by to get to them or meet up with girlfriends here.

Matcha handed Green the camera, then she opened the locker, and sure enough. There were only her gym clothes in there and a change of uniform, then two binders.

"Nothing," Matcha whispered, closing her locker, and turning around, leaning against it. "I think he knows or saw us?"
"Did anything leak yesterday?" asked Sage.

They shook their heads, not knowing. Matcha picked up the camera again, walking thoughtfully towards the Science 1 class, about to put Navy's camera in the bag, but the next second, Matcha moved back reflexively, her chest hurting even more. She looked away, saw Sky, Green, and Sage walk in and saw... a dead bird in Matcha's bag.

Sky clucked, closing Matcha's bag. "I'll take care of it."

"For a long time, Langit became a bird dealer," Green joked.

Matcha walked away, not saying anything, just carrying the camera and the cell phone, money in her pocket, she boarded the bus that led to her school, approaching the shop again even though she had little patience left.

Grandma Ayu who was holding the kitten behind the display case looked up, seeing Matcha press the glass again, making her glare. "What the hell, I'm already frustrated!"

"Your hands!"

Matcha chuckled, stepped back, and sighed heavily. "I'll just take out a loan. Honestly, I haven't found the access card yet."

"How can I owe you." Grandma Ayu stood up, then her gaze traveled behind Matcha. At first, Matcha didn't care, but... "You came again."

So, Matcha turned her head, her heart almost breaking when she saw a tall man in the same high school uniform as her standing there, smiling at Nenek Ayu after closing the door, then turning to Matcha, she spontaneously covered her mouth, shocked.

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