Just Wanna Live in The Place
By Lista
Date: July 28, 2024
Ch. 8threat

Sky hurried downstairs, picked up the box and put the thrown bird inside, putting the box on the seat of the bike. Sky was going to throw it away, away from this house. Meanwhile Matcha was still silent, just watching Sky who was now starting to get back on his motorcycle. Sky turned his head, looking at Matcha.

"Lock the house, and the rooms, don't open them if there are deliveries," Sky ordered before driving off. Matcha just nodded, obeying. Throughout the night, she kept herself occupied; memorizing Korean vocabulary, programming syntax, studying, and anything else that could keep her busy.

The activity that Matcha had been doing for several years was successful. Matcha was able to sleep quite peacefully and was even able to arrive on time at Green's house for filming. The girl took a seat on the side of an elongated wooden chair near the plants, holding a pillow.

"First scene. Did you memorize it, Green?" asked Sage.

"A little."

Matcha glanced at Green, the man looked relaxed in a khaki T-shirt and shorts and was holding a cup of coffee, for a student who hadn't memorized his lines.

"Really. I remember, a little." Green repeated the answer, making Matcha's hand move to hit his back. Green turned his head, grimacing. "What again?"

Matcha's sardonic gaze drifted over, fixed on Green, making the newly arrived Neon blink for a moment. "I don't want us to have to take all day for just one scene, really do it!"

He does not hesitate to yell or scold.

Green rubbed his back after setting the glass on the table in front of them. "It's true."

"I won't hesitate to remove your name from the group list later!" said Matcha. "That's right."

"Yes!" Green chuckled, stood up, and picked up the script that had become a scroll. Then muttered, "What are you doing with Matcha?"


"We're starting the first scene, hurry up!" Matcha began to command. She pulled Green's hand toward the bicycle leaning against a tree in the center of the courtyard. There was a rock on the side as a foothold. Green protested, but Matcha ignored it, not caring.

The camera Navy was holding now began to focus on the two of them. The man waved his hand to the left side. "Move a little, closer."

Matcha complied, shifting slightly. When it came to duty, the girl always forgot her discomfort. She took a few more steps as Navy kept telling her to move, but her uncompromising legs twisted, so that in a brief moment of movement, Matcha was about to fall, only almost because Green deftly caught her arm, then blinked. Slowly.

Matcha felt... dejavu. She thought that this uncomfortable feeling would end when filming was over, but she was wrong. Very wrong, because as they sat on the street side of the compound grounds after the last scene ended, she still felt it.

"So, did you get terror yesterday?" asked Neon as he opened the bottle of mineral water that Sage had just handed him.
After taking the water bottle from Green, which had made her nervous, Matcha just nodded.

"Yes... I see."

He chuckled, stiffly, as he opened the bottle, gulping it down. Then accidentally glanced at Green. The man was struggling to unscrew the bottle cap, making Matcha pull it forcefully and open it. Green had time to thank her.
"Who do you think?" Sky thinned her lips. "Approximate, who hates you."

"I can't conclude that... I think." Because Matcha didn't know who Blue had problems with. Until he had to use all the blood terror. "But it seems like a Bakti Raya High School student?"

"Why do you think that?" asked Sage quickly.

Matcha glanced at Sage, briefly. "There's a letter. Bloodletter. In the locker."

"Just look up the CCTV, if you want to know," Navy muttered. The young master picked up the mobile phone. "Let me help you."

"The problem is, there is no CCTV near our high school lockers."

Navy sighed, putting her phone away again, when she heard what Sky had said. It was a bit strange.

"Isn't there? Or..." Navy's gaze wandered. "Was it planned?"

"You have a drama brain, Pi," Green said, throwing his water bottle. "How far away are we from this? Except you, Pi."

"The devil." Navy threw the bottle again. Green laughed and Sage egged them on.

Then, Neon's voice said, "Why don't we put the camera there? It leads to the locker."

"I have a camera at home, I'll bring it," Navy said. Matcha nodded, thankful. She was going to say that too, but Neon's speed.

"What's the camera for?" Famila sat next to Matcha, she didn't really care why Famila had taken so long since she had permission to go home. It was a good thing there were only a few scenes. The girl's bruised face, however, made her squint.

"Catch the terrorist," said Neon.


"Isn't your father, Sky?"

Navy's eyes narrowed, looking behind Matcha. She turned her head, as did the others. She saw a man approaching them with three Pizza Hut bags in his hand and four more being carried by the man beside him.

Sky rushed to his feet, approaching Irawan who had been smiling, standing right in front of him with a look of displeasure. "I still need some time. Don't-"

"I just sent this, for your friends," he said as he glanced at them, including Matcha. "That's Blue?"

"Can you come home now?" squeaked Sky. Her hands went to her sides. "Go."

There was a flash of anger there. Irawan sighed. "Please accept this first. After that, Daddy will leave."
"I don't need, don't want, and they don't like pizza."

Matcha who heard that grimaced. Her financial side told her to go over to Sky and accept the food. So, Matcha greeted Irawan, smiling, before Sky returned to shoo her away with the food.

"I like it. Don't listen to Sky too much," she said. Please, please, that food is something she rarely eats and if she takes it, Matcha can save money for today. If possible, she could carry Blue's money here into the future. "Thanks. Mr."

Matcha took the plastic bag Irawan thrust at her, as well as the person next to her, until her hands were already struggling to hold the plastic bag. Sky, meanwhile, gave him a cynical look, telling Om Irawan to leave again. For once, the man complied.

Now, Sky turned to Matcha, forcibly taking her crackle, feeling sorry when she saw Matcha struggling to carry it. "How shameless of you."

"All this food, if it were money, could feed me for a month!" Matcha grumbled. "If you don't want it, fine. Keep it for us."

"But I don't want my friends to eat from his money."

Matcha glanced at Sky, strange. She stepped up as she said, "As much as I hate my father, I still want his money."

"That's you, Matcha. Not me."

Afterward, Matcha's steps stopped, turning back to Sky who was still standing behind.

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