Sitting on the terrace stroking Rocco's soft fur had become Briana's new hobby. It was ridiculous to say this because she had no idea what her hobbies had been for the past ten years. Briana remembered she only liked playing some kind of musical instrument and watching movies in theaters.
The sound of machinery from behind the house was heard and woke Rocco from her nap. The shaggy dog got up from Briana's lap and entered the house without care for her, the beautiful woman who had spoiled him earlier.
You could see that the dog had the exact same attitude as its master. Ignorant and cold. Did Sean teach it to act like that?
Oh... Speaking of Rocco's master, Sean Brosnan, he was seen keeping himself busy in the backyard in the past few days.
Yes, Sean is not back in town as usual. It seems like he has a lot of wood to chop or he is deliberately spending his time working while counting the days when he can kick Briana out of the house. Yup, after he took offense to Briana's words. She didn't mean to doubt Sean, but since then they never communicated again. It wasn't that Briana didn't want to apologize; she really did; it was just that Sean hadn't given her the chance to talk to him lately.
Sean spent his afternoon in the warehouse and did his work until the evening. He went to eat after Briana was done and went to bed when she wanted to join him in the living room. The only option for Briana to apologize would be to interrupt his work hours, but her guts were too small to disturb Sean at work. Although Briana hadn't known him long, she knew all too well that Sean hated having his work interrupted.
Briana shuddered at the thought of Sean strangling her with his muscular, Hulk-like arms. Despite the goosebumps, Briana went ahead anyway; better not be a coward and be ready to take all the risks. With a glass of lemon ice that she had just made, Briana went to the backyard, where Sean was doing his work. Rocco, who had left Briana a few minutes ago, was now sitting on the ground watching his master, who was busy working in the hot sun this afternoon.
Sean was creating a carving on the door leaf of the cupboard; the carving he was doing with his own hands using a chisel tool. Briana was amazed to see his half-finished carving; he was really talented in art.
"You? What are you doing here?"
Because he was too busy watching Sean's work without Briana realizing that the man had realized his existence and was now staring at her sharply. Yeah, Sean didn't like Briana being here, in his most private place.
"Err...I brought you a drink," she said nervously.
"I'm not thirsty," he snapped.
Briana stepped away from Sean to fill her tight chest cavity with fresh air. Without Sean's permission or caring about his rejection, she placed the cold drink on the wooden table. Sean's jaw hardened at Briana's impudence. Briana's forehead wrinkled deeply. She didn't understand what Sean had just said—who was it that was showing her care and compassion?
Briana made this drink as a form of apology; she added ice so that her anger could subside after she drank it. However, just by glancing at the water Briana brought him, he was already upset.
"On earth were you thinking, Mr. Brosnan?" she asked.
"You," he replied loudly, but then Briana saw the look of consternation on Sean's face. Although it wasn't too obvious, "I know you must feel sorry for me because I'm a poor guy who lives alone in the middle of the woods on weekends. Here I am not ironing my clothes, dressed in a mess, and living a disorganized life!" he said.
What's the heck he's talking about? Where did he get all that from? Briana never even thought badly of his lifestyle. She did call Sean weird for living alone in the forest, but it wasn't meant to insult him. Especially when she found out what Sean actually did for a living, which was pretty cool in her eyes.
"You've always thought badly of me, haven't you?" Sean listened with baited breath. "Or do you always think badly of everyone?" Briana had the upper hand and came to a one-sided conclusion.
Sean's jaw hardened for a moment, then he hissed softly, "I'm familiar with the nature of city girls like you."
Briana's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. This guy is getting weird, she thought. Briana ignored the last sentence that left Sean's lips. She immediately conveyed her purpose for coming to this place with the glass of lemon juice she had brought.
"I wanted to apologize," Briana said.
Sean snorted and then ignored Briana. He went back to his work.
Without caring about Sean's indifference, Briana brought herself to sit on the table and then began to explain the misunderstanding that happened between them a few days ago.
"I apologize if you took offense to my attitude the other day," she said. Briana licked her lower lip and continued, "I didn't mean to doubt you at all, Mr. Brosnan. I just miss home and my family; I want to see them soon."
Briana couldn't stop the tears from streaming down her face. Crying in front of Sean was definitely not her plan; she even cursed herself for being a crybaby in front of Sean. However, she couldn't hold on to this burden any longer. Briana missed her family and her home in the middle of nowhere. She wanted to go home.
Hearing Briana's sobbing voice, Sean left his work and immediately approached the woman. He stood right in front of Briana and didn't know what to do.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Brosnan," she said again as she sobbed. "I honestly didn't want to trouble you. It's not that I don't trust you or your friend in New York; I just want to get back to my home, that's all."
Sean's eyes softened. "You're not bothering me, Pearl," he whispered. Sean brought himself closer to me and said, "Don't cry; I can't take it."
Briana wanted to stop crying, but tears kept rolling down her cheeks. Sean's suddenly gentle demeanor more or less made her feelings more sensitive. Increasingly confused, Sean finally ventured to hug Briana. He opened her thighs, stood between them, and held Briana's body tightly. For a moment, Briana's body stiffened when in direct contact with his naked upper body. But gradually Sean's touch along Briana's flowing hair felt soothing. The stiff and careful touch made her feel comfortable, then without hesitation, Briana's hands began to wrap around his hips and return the embrace that Sean gave her.
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