Mors grinned wildly, while Joshua Andrew caught the wild meaning of the remark. Joshua Andrew was silent for a moment, thinking about it for a moment.
Maybe Mors was right, but... something inside him seemed to reject that crazy idea.
“Oh, come on, Joshua Andrew," Mors coaxed quickly, this time sounding more enthusiastic than before.
“You know how long we haven't done that. I think he's an easy target and... imagine when his scent fills your sense of smell. You can’t handle it, right,” continued Mors again, really knowing what the real Joshua Andrew was like.
Yes, Mors is right. Joshua Andrew couldn't hold back the passion that burned in his body when he inhaled the woman's scent.
In fact, he had been imagining all night how he would torture that body until he was satisfied.
Yes, Mors is right. He's been holding back for too long. For too long he had only satisfied his desire for blood without enjoying the blood that belonged to him. Yes, it's been a very, very long time.
The strange turmoil in Joshua Andrew's body overwhelmed his senses again. His heart was beating fast, spurring all the adrenaline in Joshua Andrew's body, while his mind was filled with images of Soraya's body being tortured under his power. Joshua Andrew clenched his fists tightly. Somehow a part of him tried to resist the wild outburst that almost made him lose control.
Joshua Andrew closed his eyes, trying to remember the last time he satisfied that particular desire.
He also knows what will happen to the owner of the blood. Immediately, Joshua Andrew opened his eyes and looked at Mors who seemed to be waiting for his decision.
“"I can handle this," said Joshua Andrew quickly and flatly before deciding to go into the bathroom.
He closed the door causing a very loud bang. Yes, that's how strong the passion is that surrounds him right now.
Strange passion. Passion that makes him want to kill. Passion... which always appears every time he is aware of Soraya's presence.
Soraya finally arrived at Joshua Andrew's house in the Hillcrest Avenue area, Epping.
His eyes noticed a door made of dark brown wood with thick, frosted glass in the middle.
The woman who had just met her didn't let her in at all and asked Soraya to wait outside while the woman called Joshua Andrew.
Soraya's heartbeat was so strong that it pounded in her eardrums.
Soraya tried to calm herself while organizing the sentences in her mind. This time, he could no longer back down or even regret her decision.
Besides, his legs couldn't go anywhere. The feeling of tiredness mixed with nervousness that enveloped her throughout the journey made Soraya physically and psychologically completely drained.
He didn't know whether Joshua Andrew would welcome his arrival with open arms, or even chase him away. But at least Soraya was determined to express her problem to the man.
Whether Joshua Andrew accepts it or not, Soraya doesn't care. At least he could tell Kevin that he had really met Joshua Andrew.
Boredom came over him because he had waited so long in front of the door. He decided to take his cell phone out of his bag and open his social media.
His attention began to focus on several interesting photos, and it didn't feel like time had passed by.
“What are you doing here?”
The firm, deep and hoarse voice that Soraya knew so well shocked her so much that the cell phone fell from her grasp.
With a quick movement, Soraya looked down, picked up the cellphone, then put it back in her bag.
“S-sorry," said Soraya nervously. That was the only word that came to mind. The words that he had previously composed perfectly, just disappeared in shock.
Joshua Andrew, who appeared suddenly, looked fresh as if he had just finished showering. Soraya noticed that Joshua Andrew's face looked clearer when exposed to sunlight.
Visible eye bags indicate that the man didn't get enough sleep. The sharp angle of his jaw shows how masculine Joshua Andrew's face is.
The man was wearing black jogger pants. One hand was in his pocket, while the other hand was holding the door, as if forbidding anyone from entering the house.
The long-sleeved black t-shirt that Joshua Andrew was wearing made his body appear taller than Soraya remembered before.
Slicked back hair and thick eyebrows frame Joshua Andrew's sharp eyes, making the man look like a scary gangster head like on TV.
But at least, Joshua Andrew has sexy and seductive lips. Beautiful lips that Soraya believes can sweep a woman away with one kiss.
With difficulty, Soraya diverted her attention from those lips, and refocused her thoughts on the original purpose of her coming to Joshua Andrew's house.
However, before Soraya said a word, the man growled in annoyance.
“If you have nothing important to do, please leave!” said Joshua Andrew, who looked irritated by her arrival.
Seeing that Joshua Andrew intended to close the door in front of him, Soraya immediately held it as hard as she could.
She didn't know where his courage came from, but she had to prevent Joshua Andrew from throwing him out.
“What?” asked Joshua Andrew firmly as he frowned in annoyance. The sharp gaze accompanied by firm words made Soraya startled and took one step back.
“"I-it's like this... I-I need help," said Soraya nervously.
He looked into Joshua Andrew's eyes for a moment. Soraya thought the man's eyes were dark green, but when exposed to sunlight, she could see that the gray color dominated those beautiful eyes. Eyes that could trap his soul in an instant, until he forgot for a moment his main purpose here.
“I think I tipped more yesterday. Not enough?" asked Joshua Andrew sarcastically, bringing Soraya out of her high state of imagination.
“"N-that's not it... I-I want to hire... I mean... I-I need a lawyer," explained Soraya, still trying hard to organize her words so that she sounded like a normal human being.
“Really?” Joshua Andrew said sarcastically as he raised one of his thick eyebrows.
Finally, Joshua Andrew pushed the door wide open, but did not immediately let him in. The tall and sturdy body completely covered the door space.
“I need a lawyer," repeated Soraya.
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