After his shower, Matt didn't decide to have breakfast at all. With Avril Miller hanging around in his own house, for Matt Avril was not a safe place anymore especially since he had experienced it earlier. Avril's presence made Matt unable to think clearly. If Matt used to think of himself as a loser, now he felt like an idiot. In fact, Matt was sure he could wag his tail in front of Avril if he was a dog.
Matt hadn't bothered to change himself at all. He was still the loser who wore a black hoodie in the summer. That's great, isn't it? It's just that Avril's words from last night are spinning in his head. Avril was right. Just because Matt was enjoying his life this way didn't mean he was a loser. Well, it seemed Matt was just happy that someone was defending him.
Matt sighed and looked out the bus window. The bus was moving past several objects and he wasn't even paying attention. Matt just felt like he was running away right now and the bus was helping him. Isn't that another sad fact? Even though Matt was running away from Avril, he was using her words to get through life. Now, Matt felt the power of Avril Marie Miller. The girl was affecting him even though they had known each other for less than a week.
Matt's school bus stop was visible in the distance. Matt stood up and got off quietly. Matt tried to remember what day it was. Oh, Matt would have to if he didn't want to meet Avril now. Oh, yes! It's Thursday! Avril doesn't hang around much on Thursdays because she's going to be on the radio. Looks like Matt will be safe today.
"hey!" someone called.
Matt turned around. Yes, of course! Although Matt was a loser, he also had a friend who was like him. Warren Knock. Warren was already the butt of jokes even on his first day of school because of his last name. Prankish students would say knock-knock jokes whenever they saw Warren.
Nevertheless, Warren has his advantages. Warren was a reliable IT expert. He could hack into the school website and probably do other things. I don't know, Matt didn't want to find out more. Besides, Matt didn't want to use his friends for unnecessary things like shaming bullies on their social media accounts. Matt just needed to be transparent.
"Hey!" Matt replied. "I'm not surprised you carry it around."
Warren knew Matt was talking about his laptop. The man smiled strangely with his thick glasses. Matt was used to it. But, not the other students. Warren was always teased for his smile. Warren's smile was not flexible at all so when the boy smiled, it was like he was mocking the other person. Warren was even beaten up for his smile.
"She's half my soul," Warren replied confidently.
"Well done! I'm sure if your laptop breaks, you'll replace it with a new one" Matt snickered.
Warren adjusted his glasses and then smiled again. "Isn't that great? That means I'm immortal"
Matt rolled his eyes. "You're crazy!"
Warren was now laughing. If Warren's smile was weird earlier, Matt thought the man's laughter was even weirder. How could it not be? Warren's laughter made no sound at all. Warren would only shake his shoulders with a sound like he was out of breath while his eyes closed. People who saw him might think he was dying or battling asthma. Warren didn't have asthma at all.
Matt didn't comment but he could feel people starting to notice them. Matt lowered his head while hiding himself under his hoodie. Fortunately, Warren stopped his laughter.
"I'm sorry, I let it go," Warren said.
Matt just nodded. "No problem! They'll forget about us anyway."
Warren understood Matt's point. Who cares about a couple of weird students walking into Western Senior High School? They only paid attention to the popular people. If for people like Warren and Matt, the walk to school was a pain in the ass, for the popular people the school walk was just like a runway. Red Carpet might be more suitable because they would be busy answering everyone's calls.
"I know!" Warren replied quietly. "Matt?"
"Yeah?" Matt replied lazily.
"Have you ever been sad about being transparent? No one will know that we're graduating from Western. Once we graduate, we'll disappear" Warren said quietly.
Matt didn't answer right away. Obviously, that wasn't a good thing. Matt himself wasn't sure if he was entirely okay with it. It was just that Matt had spent his school time being transparent in elementary school and even in junior high school. Matt would have no problem doing that in High School as well.
"I guess, I'm fine. Why, are you feeling sad?" Matt asked.
Warren nodded. "For some reason, thinking about it manages to make me feel empty."
Matt patted Warren on the shoulder. Warren was just a little weird but he had a good heart. Some people were just too blind to realize that. "You'll be fine, man! The world isn't going to end just because of that. They just don't realize how cool you are. After all, you're immortal."
Warren smiled again and Matt let him. Without Matt realizing it, his behavior had just been noticed by Avril. This morning, Matt annoyed Avril even more because he ran away again. Hey! Avril didn't even make a scary face. Avril didn't bite at all either. As far as Avril remembers, she didn't do anything rude to Matt either. So, what went wrong?
As soon as they walked towards the school building, Avril immediately realized that the boy wearing the hoodie was Matt. Avril chased after Matt who was already walking ahead while pulling Johanna. Unfortunately, Warren managed to get ahead of her. But, Avril didn't regret it at all because now she could see the other side of Matt. He was a kind and caring person!
"You look like you're watching a sad movie" Johanna quipped.
"You know me, J!" said Avril.
Johanna nodded. "Yes! It's only natural that you've been awarded the title of emotional queen."
Avril smiled. Her eyes were still watching Matt who was walking one meter in front of her. Avril had the task of making Matt realize that running from her was a futile endeavor. Avril was even confident that she could play hide-and-seek for the rest of her life like this. Matt just didn't know how crazy Avril was when she made up her mind.
"I'm going to say hello to them" Avril broke off.
"Don't take me, okay?" said Johanna with a flat face.
Avril nodded. Seconds later, she was walking fast and almost running. Then, at that very moment, she surprised Matt and Warren by stopping in front of them. Both of them were frozen in place while watching Avril.
Warren's eyes rounded at the sight of Avril. Who doesn't know Avril Miller? Warren didn't even know what to say. He just kept quiet while admiring Avril up close. The girl was something. Seeing Avril up close, Warren now realized why Avril had so many fans and was even always a hot topic in his school.
"Don't look at me in horror, Matty, I'm not a ghost," Avril said, raising one eyebrow.
"Matty?" repeated Warren incredulously.
"Yes, Matty. I made that call. We were supposed to go out together this morning" said Avril.
"I told you I didn't give you permission to call me that," Matt said lazily. Oh, my! Don't talk to Matt in the schoolyard like this.
"I told you I didn't ask for permission either," Avril said casually. "Hi! Are you Matty's friend? I'm Avril."
Warren could hardly believe his eyes when he saw Avril thrusting out her hand to get acquainted with him. Not to mention, the girl was smiling at him right now. Warren hurriedly welcomed Avril's hand.
"Warren," said Warren deliberately hiding his last name.
"I'll remember that," said Avril. "Shall we go to class together? What class are you in?"
Warren was just about to answer when Matt put his arm around him quickly. "Warren and I have something to do. So, yeah! We'll go first, I guess."
After saying that, Matt walked quickly away from Avril. Johanna watched her best friend then shook her head. What a pity! But, yes! Johanna didn't say anything.
"I haven't even said see you later" Avril protested.
Johanna sighed. "Apparently, Matt doesn't even want to hear that, A!"
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