"You're not hallucinating, are you?" Matt said to Warren.
Warren smiled wryly while adjusting the position of his glasses again. "I've got four eyes, Matt! Of course I know what I'm seeing! I'm not crazy and of course I don't eat hallucinogenic foods."
Matt nodded. "Full explanation, man!"
Warren glared. Since when did Matt become this annoying? "You'll see for yourself later."
The show had ended half an hour ago. Unfortunately, only Warren realized that Kim was playing Clara. Avril didn't say anything annoying like Matt did. Unfortunately, Avril also didn't have time to notice Clara's role in detail because the show ended as soon as Clara hugged her father. When Warren mentioned his findings, Avril and Matt didn't have time to clarify them at all.
Now, they were waiting for Kim backstage. Warren had prepared a bouquet of flowers earlier to congratulate Kim on her performance. On the other hand, Avril understood why Valerie looked really upset. To be in the Dolby theater, of course, was a huge accomplishment for them to achieve as ballet dancers.
"Are you okay?" Avril asked again.
Matt looked at Avril. "Yes. Why?"
Avril shrugged her shoulders. "I was just wondering if you were uncomfortable. You know? I mean, we're in a crowd."
Matt laughed with amusement. Avril was really funny. "Being in a crowd is different from being the center of attention, Marie"
Avril paused and then smiled a little. "That's right!"
Warren snorted. Matt was really annoying. While he was acting like a jerk earlier, afterwards he was busy making out with Avril. You bastard! In fact, the last time Warren saw him with Avril, the man seemed to indicate that knowing Avril was a natural disaster. Just look at his face now!
Fortunately, Warren was kind enough to let the matter pass. warren just wanted to meet Kim, give her a bouquet of flowers and go home to finish his project that was abandoned for the last 3 hours and 12 minutes. Warren looked over to the other side where reporters were still busy interviewing today's dance crew.
"I feel guilty for not bringing anything" Avril said.
Warren glanced at Avril. "That's okay. You're here on short notice, M! Blame him for not giving you the tickets on time."
Now Warren was really annoyed with Matt. Avril glanced at Matt. "Why didn't you give them to me yesterday?"
Warren glanced at Matt. Well done! Matt deserved that question. Matt moved restlessly. Remembering what happened yesterday in the corridor was not a good thing at all. Seeing Matt moving nervously like that, Warren felt guilty especially since Matt couldn't even answer Avril's question at all. Warren should never have raised the topic at all. Even though it was obvious that Warren knew the cause. To reprimand Avril took a lot of courage especially when she was in his group. Although yes, Avril was really fine to talk to like this.
"No need to answer, Matty, I understand," Avril said softly.
Matt glanced at Avril. Her words just now managed to lift the weight off Matt's shoulders. At the same time, Warren was surprised to hear Avril's words. Where did Avril actually come from? How could she say something nice like that? However, Warren held back his laughter while adjusting his glasses again.
"Oh, I just found out that you call yourself Matty! How cute! Should I start calling you Matty?" said Warren ignorantly.
"Oops! I missed it!" said Avril as she covered her mouth.
Meanwhile, Matt was glaring. "Shut up, Knock!"
"Nope. That's a really good name, really!" mocked Warren.
Matt snorted. Unfortunately, Matt couldn't blame Avril at all. more like didn't want to. Avril had just returned and Matt didn't want to ruin their moment today.
"Suit yourself!" said Matt in defeat.
"Good for you then, Matty!" mocked Warren again.
"Oh, you're such a prick!" said Matt again.
Avril laughed amusedly at Warren and Matt. In a way, Avril felt some progress today. Matt didn't reject her presence anymore like before. Matt didn't get angry when Avril called him Matty and even Matt's gaze at Avril softened. Does that mean that little by little Matt is accepting Avril's presence?
"Oh, my gosh! You guys really came!" said a voice.
Avril, Matt and Warren turned their heads. Walking towards them, a girl in Clara's clothes. Only, her hair was completely black this time. Matt glared. He glanced at Warren without saying anything and now the man smiled smugly as if to say that he was right.
Kim came over and hugged Warren and in turn hugged Matt. Avril glared. That easy for Kim to hug her? Avril had never even hugged Matt. It was hard for her to even get close to Matt. Who exactly is Kim?
"Thank you for coming!" Kim said with a big smile.
"Yes! We don't want to be killed by you" said Matt.
"You're as cruel as ever" Kim said and clucked. Kim then glanced at Avril. "Hi! Are you this guy's friend? He's really annoying!"
Warren took the initiative to introduce Avril. "She's Marie, Matt's friend"
"Oh, hi! You're so great for being friends with Matt!" Kim said, extending her hand. "I'm Kimberly. Just call me Kim."
Matt glared. "What the hell Kim?"
Avril laughed. "Yeah. I feel pretty great. I'm Marie. Avril Marie Miller."
Kim glared while Avril held back her laughter. Kim even openly looked at Avril from bottom to top. Yes, quite like Avril. Although her brown skin color and style were not Avril at all, everyone clearly recognized Avril's voice as the school radio announcer. The one just now was really Avril's voice.
"It's a long story! Matt will explain it later," Warren said.
"Why me?" protested Matt.
"Well, it has to be you. Besides, I gave you two free tickets" Kim continued supporting Warren.
Warren noticed Kim. Kim was completely different from her usual self. Gone was the typical emo makeup she usually wore. Her blue eyes were now really obvious. In fact, Warren thought Kim was really cute in Clara's costume. Kim's makeup today is really sweet with peach-colored lipstick. She usually wears purple or brown lipstick.
"he'll explain it," Warren forced. "Well, this is for you! Congratulations on your performance."
Kim looked at the bouquet of flowers with a twinkle and accepted it with joy. "Thank you! You're really nice Warren"
Avril glanced at Kim and Warren. they seemed to get along well. then Avril sighed when she saw Kim's gaze on Warren. yes! Looks like another person who has the same fate as Avril. It was obvious that Kim liked Warren Knock. At least, Avril was relieved that Kim wasn't after Matty. Avril glanced at Matt. The one who was glanced at, also glanced at Avril. Then, Avril smiled mischievously.
"So? You let me call you Matty?" Avril teased.
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