Warren felt there was something strange here. Warren wanted to demand an explanation from Matt right then and there. Unfortunately, Warren was still sane enough to restrain himself. Since entering Los Angeles Senior High School, Warren has known Matt. He was the laziest guy Warren had ever met. Matt's life was completely monotonous. School and home. Warren wasn't even sure if Matt spent time for an afternoon walk.
When Warren found out that Matt knew Avril, he was quite surprised. Warren didn't even understand how Avril knew Matt. Now, the questions in Warren's head are compounded by Avril's disguise at school. Avril's disguise is pretty cool. If only Avril didn't make a sound, Warren would have no idea that Avril was undercover at his school. Anyway, what's with Avril's ridiculous appearance? No one wants to be silly when you're as cool as Avril Marie Miller. But apparently, Avril is an exception. She can even be silly like this.
"Hey, A!" said Warren as he turned around.
"I wanted to ask you. What are you doing looking like that? Are you doing theater?" Warren said.
Avril laughed amusedly. She glanced at Matt. Warren now glanced at Matt who was sitting stiffly next to Avril. What the hell is Matt doing sitting? People would probably think that Matt was on trial right now! But then Warren caught Matt's approval.
"Well, your friend sucks," said Avril.
"A pain in the ass?" said Matt incredulously.
Avril nodded honestly. "Don't you kick me out all the time?"
Matt had forgotten that he had ever done that before. These few days had been really crazy for him. Matt was constantly thinking about and even missing Avril Marie Miller. Matt even forgot that he had kicked Avril out before.
"Yeah" Matt said in a low tone.
"I don't blame you of course" Avril said. "Well, because I refused to stay away from Matt, I decided to become like this. Matt keeps complaining about me keeping him in the limelight.
"On that one, Warren understood. Matt really hated attention. In fact, even though Warren was friends with Matt, there were times when he didn't understand the man's way of thinking at all. Matt was even quite strange. Matt had no hobbies at all. His life was completely flat. In fact, Warren and Matt rarely had long talks like this.
"Yeah, he does suck!" Warren said.
Matt glared as soon as he heard Warren call him suck. "You're just as lame, man!"
Avril laughed. "Oh come on, you guys are cool in your own way!"
Warren glanced at Avril. Avril is the second person to call him cool. Kim was the first because Warren managed to help her with her IT problem yesterday. But, when Avril said they were cool, Warren wasn't convinced at all. Warren could even say that Avril was too nice. Warren could believe that Avril was making fun of them right now. Unfortunately, Avril seemed really sincere with her words at the moment. Warren could even feel his face heating up from Avril's praise just now.
"So? You go undercover every Friday?" Warren asked in conclusion.
"Exactly. It's also quite challenging for me. I'd love to laugh when my friends don't notice me at all. Even Johanna," said Avril."
Even Johanna?" said Warren incredulously. The thing is, Avril and Johanna are very close.
"Yup! She knows I'm in disguise. But, she doesn't know how I'm disguised" explained Avril.
Warren smiled meaningfully. "Relax. Your secret is safe with me. Can I make a suggestion?"
"Yes, please!"
"Maybe we could start calling you, Marie? I might not have realized you were Avril if Matt hadn't muttered your name and of course, your voice earlier" Warren suggested.
"Good idea. I agree" Avril said. "Call me Marie, okay?"
Matt just nodded. Many things were on Matt's mind. One of them was that Avril had lost her interest in Matt. However, seeing Avril like this, Matt felt relieved. There was only one problem now. What should Matt do now? Matt couldn't have a smooth conversation like Warren did just now. for God's sake! Was there anything he could do smoothly? Matt started racking his brain for a topic to chat about with Avril. Ah! There she was!
"A!" called Matt.
Avril turned her head while Warren silently watched. "Yes?"
"I haven't thanked you for Monday yet. Thank you for helping me" Matt said.
Avril was silent for a while. But then, she nodded. "No big deal, really! I'd do it again too if Val did it to someone else"
Matt nodded. After that, they were silent again. Oh, my! How could they talk so smoothly? Why did Matt feel like he really sucked? Oh my God! Matt didn't really care about things like this. Now, Matt regretted the years he spent not socializing. He felt like a primitive human now. Not long after, the place they were headed to came into view. The place was really crowded.
"Coulson, you don't need to park. I'll call you later" Warren said.
Matt, Warren and Avril came down. They started queuing and showed their tickets. Matt was busy watching the venue. Dolby Theater. Avril smiled.
"Kim must be very talented to be in a show like this" Avril said. "Is she the lead?"
Warren shook his head. "I don't know. Actually, Kim and I are also new friends."
New friends. At least, Warren hadn't done anything to shock Maddy like say that Kim was actually Matt's girlfriend. Maddy looked around the theater. The Dolby Theater was often used for the Oscar awards. The Dolby Theater itself is located in Hollywood, Los Angeles.
From the outside, the Dolby Theater looks like an ordinary building with a box-shaped main building that is ivory yellow in color. There are two supporting columns and a balcony visible at the top while the bottom is the entrance to the Dolby theater. At the top is the name Dolby Theater complete with the Dolby symbol. The front is almost like an archway as an entrance.
"Are we going to meet the artist later?" joked Avril.
Warren laughed. "Maybe."
Matt glanced at Warren and Avril. Hey! How can they chat so easily? Matt didn't know Warren had this ability. Matt snorted. Of course he does! Warren was really excited when he found out Matt knew Avril. Apparently, he was taking the opportunity to get to know Avril.
Warren adjusted his glasses. "Who do you want to meet?"
Avril looked thoughtful. "Jennifer Lawrence. I'm a Hunger Games fan."
Warren nodded. "I want to meet Angelina Jolie"
Matt hurriedly approached them. "Zendaya. I want to meet Zendaya"
Unfortunately, Matt said it fast and furious. Matt didn't want to lose his chance and he still felt annoyed that Warren could chat smoothly with Avril. Avril and Warren gave Matt confused glances. Then, Avril nodded her head.
"Okay. Zendaya is cool too" said Avril.
At that very moment, Matt wanted to dig a hole. This is crazy! Matt really looks stupid now!
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