Avril is feeling energized today. Avril had been holding herself together as best she could for the past week. Oh, my! Just imagining it was hard for Avril. Avril hadn't bothered Matt for a week. It's a tough challenge and of course Avril can handle it well. Avril secretly praised herself. Well done! At this rate, Matt won't kick her out again, right? Avril had done her best not to disturb Matt's little world and certainly tried not to think about it. In a way, Avril was grateful that she had a busy schedule. It helped her to restrain herself a little.
Come to think of it, Avril was pretty good at restraining herself. Surprisingly, Avril was seeing Matt more and more as she decided to stay away from him for a while. On Tuesday, Avril bumped into Matt in the morning. On Wednesday, Avril saw Matt in the cafeteria and the corridor. Even on Thursday, Avril saw Matt in a part of the school building where unauthorized children rarely pass. Avril shook her head. Matt should have known how much Avril was holding back. In fact, Avril was not the type of person who could endure at all.
Avril was already in her disguise again. Her exotic skin made Avril believe she could enter Matt's world today. only one day a week, Avril could enter Matt's world. Avril walked into the school area. Okay! Actually, Avril was very excited that day. But, instead of walking full of energy as usual, Avril walked slowly. One of the arts of disguise is to explore the character well. Avril fought hard for that.
I don't understand why you do it! But, this is really ridiculous. You should just be yourself, A!
Johanna Connor
This morning, Avril decided to call Johanna. How could she not? Avril decided to prevent a civil war before it happened. Johanna would be furious if Avril didn't give her any news like she did yesterday. Since Johanna loved the nerdy Johanna, Avril decided to get her permission.
Avril chuckled. Her best friend had no idea what conquering a challenge meant. Avril was sure that all Johanna knew was how to solve difficult problems. Fortunately, Avril loved Johanna.
I'm conquering the challenge, J! Don't look for me, okay? I'll be in disguise.
Avril Miller
Avril looked down at her phone. Today was a quiet day for Avril. Usually, as soon as Avril walks on the field, people start saying hello to her. People just pass her by and Avril is happy about that fact.Avril looked at her cell phone. There was no reply at all from Johanna. Was Johanna upset? Not long after, Avril heard Johanna's voice beside her.
"How ridiculous! What a disguise!" Johanna grumbled.
Johanna was wearing black jeans, a black t-shirt and an army green shirt. Johanna jammed her hands into her shirt pockets impatiently. But, Johanna passed by Avril just like that. apparently, Johanna didn't realize at all that it was Avril.
"Wait for me, J!" shouted Albert.
Albert chased after Johanna while the girl was still walking quickly. Johanna didn't hear Albert at all. The girl was still walking impatiently. What a pity, Albert! He obviously liked Johanna. Unfortunately, his best friend was crazy about books. Losing out to a book was definitely not appealing to Albert. It was probably the worst experience of his life.
Regardless, Avril walked comfortably to school. Avril deliberately didn't even put her belongings in the lockers. People would probably look at her strangely if she stopped at her own locker.
That day, Avril had an art class. Then, she looked for Matt. Why didn't he show up on Friday? Please don't tell me that Matt didn't run away from Danish. That really sucks! Avril thought Matt and she had made a deal.
By noon, Avril walked listlessly to the cafeteria. Matt had really disappeared today. Avril resisted the urge to make a search announcement for the missing Matt. But, Avril quickly dismissed that crazy thought. How could she not? Matt could have disappeared if Avril had actually done it. Besides, Avril more or less understood why Matt was like that. People treated them differently. Even though they were the same. Avril could literally die today from not being able to do anything and that sucks!
"You're so slow!" someone complained.
Avril glanced at the person while dragging her feet. Her glasses were a little thick. No, they weren't! They were thick. The man's appearance was too polite for their age. Not even Matt looked like that. He carried a laptop bag and other bags that were quite suspicious. Why was this man carrying so much baggage? In fact, another thing that caught Avril's attention was his very neat hair.
Avril has no problem at all with her appearance. Maybe the man was comfortable like that. Avril would let him be. Really! Everyone has their own world. The man walked away. Whatever he was doing, he was in a hurry now. Let's hope he didn't bump into anyone in the corridor.
Avril was just about to turn into the cafeteria, when she heard a familiar voice. "So cute! You're so excited," someone said.
Avril backed away. Her feet that had already stepped into the cafeteria came back out of it. That wasn't Avril's shadow, was it? Avril noticed the man who was chasing her friend. He wasn't wearing a hoodie. But, by golly! Even just by looking at his back, Avril knew he was Matthew Connor.
Matthew was wearing blue oversized jeans with a black t-shirt. His shoes were white. But, that's not what Avril was concerned about! Where are you going, Matt? He'd been missing all day and when he showed up, he was walking fast and in a hurry.
Finding her target, Avril stepped quickly after Warren and Matt. Avril's posture was not favorable at all, really! How could they be walking that fast? In fact, they were already walking outside the school building by now. No! Avril wasn't going to miss her chance at all.
Avril quickened her pace. Avril didn't even care about people's strange looks. Once outside the building, Avril forced herself to run.
Warren and Matt walked towards their waiting car. No time, damn it! Avril cursed inside herself. At that very moment, Avril put forth her final effort.
"Matthew Connor! Stay where you are!" Avril shouted.
Fortunately it was daytime. Not many people were on the field. Everyone must have realized that she was the Avril they knew. So did Matt and Warren. Matt stopped at that very moment and Avril smiled widely. Oh, my! Her stomach hurt a little from running. Unlike Matt, Warren was wobbling here and there.
Avril sighed and then tried to catch her breath. This really sucks! But, Matt seemed to be surprised by Avril's presence. He looked straight at Avril then his mouth mumbled something that Avril could guess.
"Avril" Matt called out unconsciously.
Next to him, Warren glared at Matt then hurriedly glanced at Avril while adjusting the position of his glasses.
"She's Avril?"
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