Today was a busy day as usual. Matt probably heard the rumors about Valerie, Kim, and the anonymous freak. But, no one noticed Matt with that strange look that meant Warren was right. No one knew Matthew's identity. Maybe actually, Matt did manage to be transparent.
When A Class walked in the corridor, no one was watching them with their usual adoring gaze anymore. Everyone ignored A Class now and even openly whispered when they passed by. Even worse, some of them deliberately talked about the incident in the cafeteria in a loud voice so Valerie got angry and yelled at the child. Unfortunately, this has only further tarnished Valerie and A Class' good name. They were now labeled as the school bully and received judgmental stares from almost the entire school.
Avril was still her usual self. She managed to become a topic of conversation too but of course, you'll only hear good things about Avril Marie Miller. This might sound crazy. But, people even praised Avril's line when confronting Valerie.
I can be an angel and a demon at the same time!
Everyone was talking about it like it was a neat scene from a movie they were watching. Some of them even demonstrated how relaxed Avril was sitting in her chair while Valerie sat with her hands clenched and her face as red as a lobster dish.
While Valerie's popularity dropped dramatically, the opposite was true for Avril. The girl's popularity went up. If you put it on a graph, Avril's popularity rose rapidly with a steep line. Avril was probably overwhelmed by the fact that almost everyone was greeting her in the corridors, on the way to school, and everywhere else. But, Matt thought Avril handled it well. She still smiles and returns greetings even from strangers. Thanks to that, everyone was talking about how friendly Avril was. Then, after the incident in the cafeteria, many people suggested not to look for trouble with Avril at all. Actually, Matt was pretty sure no one wanted to get into trouble with Avril.
There are several reasons people don't want to get into trouble with Avril. First, Avril hardly ever gets into trouble with anyone. She's a friendly girl that almost everyone likes. Secondly, everyone wanted to be friends with Avril. This time, Matt dared to say everyone because even he realized that spending time with Avril was fun even though she was a loser who shied away from crowds. Third, Avril has great friends who will support her. Antagonizing her was antagonizing the school. Valerie seemed to realize that. Val never dared to confront Avril at all. Unfortunately, she was unlucky because of the incident in the cafeteria yesterday. Fourth, Avril had many talents. Even teachers would praise Avril for what she did. Fifth, if you make friends with Avril and get into her circle, believe me, your popularity will rise dramatically as well. Avril is the golden ticket for someone to become popular in no time!
After putting his books in the locker, Matt walked towards the cafeteria again. There was a feeling of dread as he walked to the cafeteria. The incident with Valerie yesterday was still fresh in his mind. Matt could even feel his hesitation as he stepped into the cafeteria. Would Matt find something bad if he went back there? But, Matt hasn't seen Avril at all since this morning. Then, he was also still thinking about what the morning incident meant. Why did Avril avoid his gaze?
Some girls passed by him and told stories excitedly. "Oh, did you see how Avril was? Why is she so cool? I bet Avril could play a beggar and still look cool!" said one of the girls.
"If I were her, I'd already be shaking. They were just practicing. Who would've thought the audience would be that big?" her friend responded.
The school anniversary was coming up. The theater would present a play, of course. Almost everyone was looking forward to it. Matt included. For the first time, Matt was eager to go to a theater performance. Matt had never seen Avril act. Seeing Avril on stage and under the spotlights was a lot of fun. Just like the girl earlier, Matt wanted to see Avril at the school event soon.
Entering the cafeteria, Matt was immediately greeted by Evan's laughter and Avril's back. Avril's back was shaking. The girl was laughing in response to Evan's joke. Then, Jack had always been Evan's partner in crime. He said something and now the girl was laughing out loud. Oh, more! The sixth reason why everyone loved Avril. The girl had no image at all. Avril always acted as she was.
Matt took the food. Although he stepped away from the popular table, he sharpened his hearing and searched for Avril's voice in between Evan and Jack's booming laughter.
"Oh my gosh, that's ridiculous!" commented Avril.
"What's more ridiculous than Jack's puke video from yesterday?" Evan added.
Avril laughed and Alice uttered a long eww to indicate her disgust. Jack snorted. "Hey! Are you my friend or my opponent? Why do you keep bringing up that video?"
Matt finished his food and at that moment he turned around. Matt saw Evan stand up and then fix his seat. Everyone at the popular table noticed him and Evan calmed down in a matter of a few seconds.
"I can be an angel and a devil at the same time!" Evan said imitating Avril yesterday.
Laughter was heard after Evan imitated Avril. Evan himself laughed so hard that he even rubbed the corner of his eyes. Avril's saying has become a favorite quote in the school. While everyone was laughing, Avril, who was sitting across from Evan, was smiling very mysteriously. She propped up her face with her hands and as soon as Avril spoke all the laughter stopped. It was as if they were waiting for Avril's response.
" So, you want to see my demon Evan?" asked Avril threateningly.
Evan didn't answer. He shook his head stiffly. "Of course not!"
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