Silence Glasses
By Ree Yumee
Date: July 24, 2024
Ch. 10Harsh Words

"You know Avril?" Warren asked excitedly.

Matt chose to ignore Warren. He took some books from his locker and looked at Warren. "I need to get to math class."
Warren sighed. "You don't want to talk about it?"

Matt took off his hoodie and nodded. "I don't want to deal with him. Really!"

Warren furrowed his brow. "I don't understand. We're talking about Avril Miller here."

Matt closed his locker. "Exactly! So, let's pretend today didn't happen at all. Avril didn't talk to us at all. I just want to keep my world, Warren!"

Warren looked at Matt. The man didn't need an answer from Warren at all. After saying that, Matt walked away from Warren with a firm step. This was the first time Warren saw Matt like that. Matt was usually indifferent to everything around him. Anyone would want to be close to Avril Miller. Apparently, Matt was an exception.

That afternoon, Matt enjoyed his lunch well. He knew Avril wouldn't be hanging around the cafeteria during lunch. Matt grabbed some food and then started to choose a seat. Matt would usually choose a place away from the crowd. As usual, the popular students would gather in the center of the cafeteria. Matt could see Zed chatting with Alex the basketball captain while all eyes were on them. It felt like the center of the cafeteria was a stage for them.

Unfortunately, there were no empty seats at all except in the center. Well, that wasn't so bad since it was a few tables away from the popular students. As Matt passed by, he saw Johanna ignoring Dean who was chatting with her. J kept his head down and read his book. Then, their eyes met. As soon as Matt and Johanna met eyes, Johanna quickly averted her gaze.

Matt tried to ignore Johanna. This was better. Matt wasn't going to change what he stood for even for Avril Miller. Matt intended to spend the rest of his school days in the coolest way he could think of. Moving as light as the wind, and as fast as a cheetah. That's right! Matt just wants to hide his aura as cool as a ninja. Matt would do the best he could to make that happen.

Once home, Matt was afraid to open the door. Avril's surprise yesterday had scared him into thinking that she'd show up again. Fortunately, Avril wasn't there at all. Matt didn't even see Johanna's shoes. Relieved, Matt took off his shoes and sat on his favorite sofa. Afterwards, he took off his sweater and breathed a sigh of relief. It really sucks to wear a sweater in the summer.

Matt lay down and played with his cell phone. Warren sent him some messages about IT equipment he wanted to buy. Well, as a loser, Warren was lucky enough to come from a rich family. Reportedly, Matt even had an IT business. Matt wasn't convinced and he didn't really care either. Matt just wanted to live for himself.

At first, Matt thought he wouldn't care at all. However, once he saw the news about Avril on his social media, Matt couldn't hide his interest at all. Matt clearly saw how someone was filming Avril watching the waves in front of her. Her hair was floating beautifully and her smile was still as sweet as Matt remembered. Not long after, Johanna appeared and the video stopped there.

Feeling deprived, Matt searched for more videos. Avril playing in the waves, Avril hitting a volleyball and even Avril sitting quietly. Warren was right. Anyone would want to get to know Avril. In fact, she had her own fan club at Western Senior High School. In fact, some of the people who came to the match were Avril fans. Matt really didn't care about this kind of thing at all. However, ever since Avril came along and shattered his defenses, Matt realized that it was hard for him to ignore Avril Marie Miller.

Matt has even been watching Avril's videos for an hour. Whether he realizes it or not, Matt is indeed interested in Avril. Until, Avril's latest video was uploaded again. Unlike the other videos, this one shows Avril chatting with Zed with people cheering in the background. Oh, my! Actually, what is Matt doing? Matt immediately closed his cell phone and put it rudely on the table.

"Of course! Avril is more compatible with Zed" Matt muttered.

Afterwards, Matt picked up his bag and walked towards his room. Matt really needed a shower. Actually, why did Matt have doubts about his plan? Matt walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower faucet. The cold water ran and Matt got under it and closed his eyes. Avril's smile still haunted him and Matt tried hard to push it away.

"Move as light as the wind, and as fast as a cheetah. Be a ninja" Matt whispered to himself.

The next day, Matt came to school with strong determination. Matt made it through the corridors with flying colors. Today is Friday. It was a dangerous day because Matt could meet Avril anywhere.
Unfortunately, Avril is more skilled than the fake ninja named Matt. Avril could easily find Matt anywhere. The cafeteria, the field, even when Matt was incognito. Matt's plan fell apart. He even suspected that Avril had put a tracker on Matt.

Not only that, Avril did not hesitate to greet him in public. I don't know how many times Matt has been the center of attention because Avril invited him to chat. Why did Avril always manage to ruin Matt's plans? Matt should never have knocked on Johanna's door. If only he hadn't knocked on Johanna's door, Matt would still have his peace as an undetectable loser.

Unfortunately, the same thing happened again on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Matt could only breathe on Thursday because Avril was trapped in the radio broadcasting room. However, on that day, Avril's sweet voice could be heard all over the school.

Another problem is that Matt's memories of Avril are now growing. Previously, Matt only remembered Avril's sweet smile. Now, the image of Avril and Zed together haunts him until he feels slapped many times.

Johanna and Matt used to ignore each other. Now, with Avril Marie Miller around, Johanna was even more cynical because wherever they went ended with Johanna and Matt unexpectedly meeting. Johanna always made a disgusted face whenever they met like this. Feeling crazy because of Avril, Matt finally knew that he had to be firm with all of this.

"Oh, my gosh! Do you like shrimp? I like them too" Avril said with a smile. Her hands propped up her cheeks while her feet moved happily under the table. Avril found her back in the cafeteria. Well done!

Well, Matt admits that Avril is very cute. In fact, she now moves like a cute puppy with a big bow on her head. Yes, Avril in her cheers uniform is in front of Matt. Who could resist a sight like this? Unfortunately, the video slaps Matt again. Avril would have been better off with Zed.

"You're not practicing?" Matt asked uncomfortably. It would be best if Avril left him now. Oh my! Look! Everyone is now watching Matt.

Avril nodded as she stabbed the shrimp with her fork. Oh my! It was her shrimp and even her fork. "Of course after eating. You'll come to the field, right?"

Matt shook his head and took another bite. The only way to escape from this situation was to finish the food as soon as possible. Avril was so desperate! Of course they were the center of attention as Avril casually sat at Matt's table. Why didn't Avril understand at all that Matt didn't want any of this?

"Why is it, I've never seen you before?" Avril muttered.

Matt chose to ignore Avril. Of course Avril had never seen him. Remember Matt trying to become a ninja? Matt tried to restrain himself. But no! Apparently, Avril wasn't going to tolerate it at all.

"Whatever it is, Avril, you better go" Matty said losing his temper. How could he not? The past 2 weeks Avril had almost seemed to be stalking Matty. Matty could even hear whispers as she walked down the corridor which meant they were getting to know Matty.
"That was very rude," Avril said grimly. In fact, she looked shocked and a little sick?
Oh, my goodness! Did Matt just hurt an Avril Marie Miller? Why did Matt feel so tight?

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