Mafia School
By Hea Noona
Date: July 24, 2024
Ch. 2Birthday Surprise

The next morning, Rose woke up at six o'clock in her nine-square-meter room. Consciousness slowly returned, followed by pain throughout her body.

"Ow, why does my whole body hurt?" she mumbled while stretching her stiff muscles. Slowly, yesterday's memories began to piece together in her mind.

"Wait a minute..." Rose frowned, trying to remember. "Yesterday, grandpa... did something that knocked me out. And I'm just waking up now?" Her hand reflexively rubbed her nape, feeling a slight pain there.

Her expression changed from confusion to annoyance. "Darn grandpa! Always going overboard. Knocking me out for fourteen hours? What's the point of that?"

Rose got out of bed, still a bit wobbly. Her brain was filled with questions. What really happened yesterday? Why did her grandfather act like that?

Rose stepped out of her room, walking down the long corridor that finally led her to the spacious living room. The room seemed like a window to the past, with elegant antique wooden furniture and large windows framing a stunning view of the hills.

Morning sunlight danced on the wooden floor, creating beautiful patterns that moved slowly. In the center of the room stood a sturdy wooden table, surrounded by chairs that looked comfortable despite being hundreds of years old.

Rose smiled at the gramophone in the corner of the room - the only 'modern' device in this house. No TV, radio, let alone a phone. But for Rose, this was paradise. She remembered how she secretly played Blackpink songs on that gramophone, creating a hilarious contrast between K-pop music and the antique music player.

Her eyes gazed out the window, looking at the well-preserved medieval landscape. Clean, warm air caressed her face, making Rose feel this was the most beautiful place in the world. Far from the crowds, on a quiet hill, she felt free to be herself - a little crazy and full of mischief.

Suddenly, a loud sound broke the morning silence. Not an alarm or phone, but Rose's growling stomach. She giggled, remembering that since the 'incident' with her grandfather yesterday, she hadn't eaten anything.

"Looks like breakfast should be a priority,"

Before heading to the kitchen, Rose's steps halted in front of a photo hanging on the wall. Like a morning ritual she never missed, Rose looked at the photo with a gentle smile. "Good morning, Dad, Mom," she whispered lovingly.

The photo captured a precious moment: her parents holding Rose as a baby, with Grandfather Delonix standing proudly beside her father. Her grandfather's face looked younger, without the deep wrinkles that now adorned his face. What touched Rose's heart most was the radiance of happiness in all their eyes, as if the whole world revolved around the tiny baby in their arms.

Rose's fingers gently touched the surface of the photo, as if trying to reach the warmth emanating from it. This was the only memory she had of her parents. Grandfather Delonix once told her, with a slightly trembling voice, that both her parents died in an accident when Rose was only four weeks old.

However, thanks to her grandfather's love and upbringing, Rose grew into a cheerful and spirited girl. The freedom given by her grandfather made her brave enough to dream and explore. Only one thing was consistent in her free life: martial arts training every day at four in the afternoon, a routine she still complained about to this day.

Rose smiled widely. Although her grandfather was sometimes harsh, Rose knew that behind his stern attitude, he held boundless affection.

"By the way, where's grandpa?" Rose muttered, feeling strange about the house atmosphere that suddenly felt too spacious and quiet. But there was no answer. "Did grandpa leave this early in the morning?"

As she returned the photo frame, something fluttered to the floor, catching Rose's attention. A yellow envelope lay on the floor, as if waiting for her.

With a pounding heart, Rose opened the envelope. Her eyes widened as she read the opening sentence: "Happy fifteenth birthday, Rose!"

"Oh my, I completely forgot! It's March 7th today." Rose smiled impatiently to read the next verse of the letter. Because it was rare for her grandfather to give such a letter.

"Happy fifteenth birthday, Rose! This year, grandpa has prepared an adventure that will change your life forever. Listen carefully, my granddaughter, because every second is precious.

At eight o'clock this morning, your destiny awaits on the island of Sicily. A secret map is enclosed behind this letter - follow it carefully, I'm sure you can do it on your own.

Don't worry, grandpa has prepared money and transportation instructions hidden under your favorite vinyl record. Remember, Rose, a true journey begins with the first step.

Upon arriving in magnificent Sicily, look for the Oleander couple's house, old friends of grandpa. They're legendary pizza sellers there. The address? Of course, it's a code you have to crack.

Now, after this, don't bother looking for grandpa. With that shrimp brain of yours, grandpa's sure you won't find me. Haha! But don't worry, when you've found your true self, I'll be the one to find you.

Always remember grandpa's message: 'Audaces fortuna iuvat. Carpe diem.' Fortune favors the bold. So, seize your destiny with both hands!

Oh, and one more very important thing: Guard your identity! In Sicily, our family name is a big secret. Only the Oleander couple should know. You'll understand why later.

Walk slowly and find your true self. Now, what are you waiting for? Get going, dummy!

Your mysterious grandfather,

Delonix Alianovna."

Finishing reading, Rose felt her world spin. Her face turned pale before flushing red like a ripe tomato. Cold sweat poured profusely, dampening her furrowed brow. Emotions raged within her - panic, annoyance, and disbelief mixed into one.

"This can't be! Grandpa must be pranking me like in those viral videos out there, right?" she exclaimed, her voice trembling between anger and fear. "Yeah, this must be a prank!"

Without thinking twice, Rose dashed to Grandfather Delonix's room, her feet barely touching the floor. However, the sight that greeted her made her heart seem to stop beating.

The room was completely empty, every corner clean of any trace of her grandfather's existence. As if Grandfather Delonix had vanished into thin air, taking his entire life away in one night.

Amidst her shock, Rose's stomach growled loudly, its sound echoing miserably in the room that now felt alien and cold. The sound seemed to mock her chaotic situation.

"No... impossible!" Rose screamed, her voice breaking with overwhelming emotion. "Grandpa! This isn't funny! What kind of birthday surprise is this?"

Her frustrated screams bounced off the empty walls, returning to her unanswered. Rose stood frozen, her body shaking violently. Reality began to hit her - the biggest adventure of her life had just begun, and she was not at all ready to face it.

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