The ExtraOrdinary Luna
By Alexandra Heart
Date: August 6, 2024
Ch. 13Survival

Twenty years ago...

A group of five climbers were walking along a plain covered by heavy snow. Their food and drink supplies are running out. They have been trapped in Vitosha for two weeks. Currently, snow is unable to fall to the ground after three days of non-stop snowfall.

"I'm so hungry. At least we have to hunt or we'll die on this mountain, Cliff!" said a man of thin stature.

"Okay, let's rest here first. I hope we can work together at a time." Cliff lowered his backpack and sat down by the snow-covered tree trunk.

"Do you still have water, Dean?" asked one of the tallest men among them.

"Stay a little; here's a drink!" The man named Dean handed the tall man his water bottle.

"Well, Dean and I are going to find firewood. You and Charlie are looking for any animal we can eat and water, while Oliver prepares equipment for us to spend the night here." Remember to mark the path you have passed." Cliff divided the tasks for the five of them.

Four of them walked in different directions. A man named Oliver pitched a tent to rest at night. He looked for rocks to support the tent pole so it could stand firmly.

After the tent was up, he turned to the front of the tent. He arranged stones and wood to roast their hunt. Surviving in the wild with minimal logistical supplies is not a big deal for him, but not in the cold weather like this time.

In the midst of preparing equipment, Oliver heard the rustling sound of bushes not far away. His alert level increased. He pricked his ears and blurted out, "Who is there? Cliff, Dean, Charlie, Sam... is that you guys?"

Oliver did not hear any sound afterwards. He picked up a knife from inside his boot and lifted it into the air. He twisted his body slowly without making a sound to be aware of his surroundings. He squinted his eyes to look at the source of the sound.

"Show yourself! I know you're human... and very... beautiful!"

His eyes caught the figure of a beautiful woman in her early twenties, with long white hair in a light green dress, coming out of the bush in front of him.

The woman's face looked clumsy when she was stared back at by Oliver. She pulled the corner of the dress, and her eyes looked left and right at her side, then she stood still in place. Oliver couldn't believe his vision. He blinked his eyes and even rubbed them a few times to confirm the figure he saw.

"Who are you?"

The woman was silent and just stared back at Oliver, but she moved her steps closer to Oliver. The woman was right in front of Oliver. She touched Oliver's brown hair and walked around the man. 

Oliver had goosebumps when the woman was behind him. He thought that the figure of the woman must be a ghost or that he must be hallucinating at this time. Naturally, because he and his four friends had been lost for two weeks on this mountain.


One word he said made Oliver realise that the figure could speak with an accent that indicated that the woman might be a local. Oliver's consciousness did not last long as the woman hummed in a language Oliver did not understand and was instantly lulled by her beautiful voice.

Oliver had never listened to such a beautiful voice in his life. He closed his eyes and felt that her melodious voice was like a hum that calmed her heart. His eyes suddenly opened when a soft and warm touch touched his face. He saw the woman stroking his face and smiling at him.

"Oli, see what I caught?"

The shouts shocked Oliver as well as the woman. Oliver saw her disappear instantly, like she was blown away by the wind, even though there was no gust of wind at all. He was shocked when she disappeared right in front of him. To be honest, Oliver really liked the beautiful voice that the woman had.

Oliver returned to full consciousness. He thought that what he had just experienced was just a hallucination, so he decided to avenge the shout from his friend, who was seen from behind a tree.

"We are lucky that the rabbits went out to find food after yesterday's snowfall. Sorry bunnies, we have to survive on this mountain!" Charlie smiled, showing off the denial of his teeth.

"Where’s Sam?" 

"He's behind. He must be coming soon!"

And sure enough, a few seconds after Charlie said it, Sam came out from behind a bush. The man looked troubled by the many forest berries wrapped in his clothes.

"In the middle of winter like this, there are still berries growing. I think we are really lucky." Sam said the same thing as Charlie.

The conversation about the results of hunting and forest berries did not distract Oliver from thinking about the woman. He was still curious about her figure halfway up the snowy mountain. What is the woman doing in a place like this? The weather was very cold. Oliver just put on a thick down jacket to ward off the cold, but the woman only wore a thin dress.

"Hey, what are you thinking about? You're hallucinating meeting a beautiful woman, huh? Look at your ears turning red!"

"Indeed!" Oliver's short answer made his two friends look at him instantly. They laughed after the scene of exchanging glances with each other.

"Hahaha...drink this! Maybe because you are too thirsty, you become insane, Oli! Fortunately, I found a spring while picking the fruit." Sam stretched out a drinking water bottle that was already full.

An hour passed. The two friends who were looking for firewood returned to the place where they gathered. For the rest of the day, they were busy cooking the rabbit and preparing their own equipment for the night. Before the five felt tired and sleepy, they talked interspersed with jokes, accompanied by the light of a campfire dancing in the dark of night.

Drowsiness now plagued the five of them. They use sleeping sacs as protection from insects at night. 

"Good night, guys!" 

Oliver closed his eyes. He hopes that tomorrow they will be able to get out of this mountain and return to his home in Surrey. But his hopes were threatened to be dashed because the wind began to blow strongly. Snow fell again, limiting visibility. No one realised it yet because the five were sleeping soundly.

The wind instantly turned into a tense storm. The fierce exposure made their tent collapse and sweep away. The five woke up with a great sense of shock. "All of you, can you hear my voice?" asked Cliff hoarsely.

"Cliff, where are you? Gosh, the storm is so horrible, I can't see anything else!" Dean, who was looking for the whereabouts of another friend,. 

A rumble sounded from a distance. Oliver saw Dean and Cliff sheltering behind a large tree across from him as he ran to escape the storm. He felt the ground tremble where he stood.

In the midst of this kind of storm, he couldn't see the origin of the rumbling sound. He didn't have time to pick up a flashlight because he was too panicked to save himself. He didn't know how his other friend was doing. Fear struck his mind, but he still had time to pray that he could survive the disaster.

The rumbling sound got closer to his sense of hearing, and a few seconds later, Oliver felt a very violent impact hit his whole body. Oliver had felt that the impact made him roll several times until he was finally unable to resist the force that was pushing him.

His vision became blurred, and his voice became choked in the throat. He was unable to make a sound because rumbling sounds rang out around him.

For a moment, he saw a bluish beam of light breaking through the snow that was surrounding him. The light is getting closer. From behind the light, Oliver saw the silhouette of a woman moving closer to him. Oliver couldn't clearly see the figure of the woman before him. He felt so much fatigue that his vision darkened perfectly.

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