By Nona Lyanna
Date: July 24, 2024
Ch. 3Chapter 3

Part: 3

"I will go home with you, but apologize to her first!" Mr. Abraham commanded, pointing towards me.

"What, Sir? Do I have to apologize to this cheap woman?"

"Luka is not a woman like that, Jelita. She is a victim of the harshness of life that brought her here. I will explain everything at home."

Madame Jelita then examined me from head to toe.

"Sorry," she whispered.

I smiled and nodded.

After that, Mr. Abraham left with Madame Jelita. I was left alone in this large apartment.

I felt relieved. Finally, I could sleep peacefully.

The call of dawn was heard, and I woke up from my sleep. I got up and cleaned myself. Then, I performed the daily duties that my mother had taught me since I was a child.

"Don't bother praying every day! You won't go to heaven as a former night woman like you!" Aunt Ratna said harshly.

"It's okay, Ratna. Heaven belongs to whoever truly wants to reach it," my mother said gently.

Aunt Ratna's lips trembled upon hearing Mother's response. Meanwhile, I smiled in admiration.

Although people said that Mother was a despicable woman in the past, her attitude in front of me was very wise.

Tears fell as I remembered the memories with my mother.

As the afternoon approached, the doorbell rang, and I quickly got up to open the door.

"Luka," Mr. Abraham whispered.

I smiled. Beside Mr. Abraham was Mrs. Jelita, leaning on his arm.

"You're not going anywhere! Mr. Abraham and I are going out of town today. All the necessities for you are in this suitcase," Mrs. Jelita explained gently.

"Thank you, Madam. I am greatly indebted to you," I said.

Mrs. Jelita hugged me before leaving with Mr. Abraham.

I felt lucky to have met this married couple. I also prayed for their relationship to improve and be happy.

Time passed, days changed. The apartment bell rang again.

I eagerly opened the door. It must be Mr. Abraham and Mrs. Jelita.

But when I opened the door....

"Capture her!" Mery commanded two muscular men.
I screamed for help. "Help!"

But Mother Mery immediately threatened me with a rope.

"Look, Luka! Your uncle and aunt are under my surveillance. If you dare to rebel, then I will eliminate both of them."

I trembled. The video clearly showed Aunt and Uncle pleading for mercy to be released.

"Why are you holding them hostage? Isn't my time here two days? I will be back this evening. Wait until Mr. Abraham comes," I said trembling.

"Fool! I already know your plan with Mr. Abraham. Now, come with me!"

I had to obey for the sake of Uncle and Aunt.

Tears fell again as I had to step towards that cursed place again.

Will anyone save me after this?

I, Luka. I shouldn't be afraid of anything, right?

I arrived at the old warehouse where Aunt and Uncle were kept.

"Finally, you're back, Luka. Obey all of Mother Mery's orders! Accept your fate that you have to inherit your mother's fate, Purnama," Aunt Ratna said casually.

There was no fear or sadness in their eyes. They were even smiling happily.

"Take this! Both of you can go! Thank you for your extraordinary cooperation," Mery said, handing an envelope to Uncle.

My eyes widened hearing that statement. How could Aunt and Uncle sell me for money?

"Don't leave me, Aunt... Uncle. I don't want to become a night woman," I said, tears falling.

Aunt and Uncle didn't care about my tears. They just left after getting paid.

"Take this girl to our entertainment hut in the city center! Watch her every move and who will pay for her! Don't let Mr. Abraham find Luka again!"

"Understood, Mother Mery."

I was forcibly pulled into the car. Mery was truly cunning and cruel. I didn't know where her men were taking me.

Mr. Abraham and Mrs. Jelita must be searching for me in confusion.

Oh God, don't let me be disgraced by the hands of this devil. Please help me. Save me.

Five hours had passed, and I arrived at the same terrifying place where I was first abandoned.

"Mother Asni, this is the girl named Luka. Mery has left Luka here completely. She is still a virgin," the man sent by Mery proudly said.

"Perfect. Luka, you will be my favorite prima donna here."

I didn't say anything. My strength had vanished, I couldn't even speak.

I had given up now.

Now I want to see Your role, oh God. If You don't save me, then everything people said to me in the past, I will accept as the truth.

That I am a bastard child, and I will follow the footsteps of the forbidden one.

I am truly waiting for Your intervention this time.

"Take Luka to rest in the room I prepared earlier! Tonight, let her be alone," Asni said.

I walked slowly, guided by two older women she sent. They were older than me.

"My name is Riana. Go to sleep, and wipe away your tears! There is no justice or mercy in this place, Luka. I have been in your position. I rebelled, I wanted to escape. But in the end, I gave up. Now I enjoy all of this, Luka. Life is cruel, so we must not be weak," Riana said.

I remained strong. I repeated once again, I am still waiting for God's help. If not, then I will accept this situation.

The next night, I was already dressed neatly. There was no rebellion from me, no words spoken.

I stood in front of the mirror reflecting my image. This beauty is a disaster.

If I were born ugly, surely this trash place would not accept and desire me so enthusiastically.

"Luka, are you ready? Many guests are waiting outside. They will choose for themselves. And I'm sure you will be the star tonight," Riana said.

I didn't respond. Only my steps accompanied her.

Now, I am among the others. Sitting there with a smile on my face to attract the men. I really couldn't do it yet.

Not to mention smiling like the other women here, I had no intention of speaking.

"Asni, I want this girl." One of the pot-bellied men pointed at me.

"I also choose her," said another.

"Just give her to me! I am willing to pay more than them."

Suddenly the room, which was already crowded, became even more crowded with the arguments of the crocodile men.

Asni smiled proudly. She was delighted with the offers that were so large.

And me?

I am still waiting for God's help.

I believe that my Lord will not let me be tarnished in this dirty place.

"The highest price will get her, Luka. You must know, Luka is still completely genuine. The price should not be underestimated," Asni said, twisting her curly hair.

There was no help for me. Hope shattered by the situation.

I was in a room with a man who managed to pay more than the others.

A middle-aged man with a thick mustache, pot belly, big eyes, and slightly long teeth.

Can you imagine how creepy this man was?

But I was no longer afraid. My request to God had not been granted. That meant I had to surrender to the situation.

My name is Luka. Now, I am a woman who has lost hope and must willingly surrender the crown to the greed of its creatures.

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