The New Luna
By RonaldJames
Date: July 22, 2024
Ch. 4Changes

Maxine’s POV:

I was not having any of the bull that they were feeding me. I knew that they were keeping secrets and that I was not stupid to not be able to put two and two together like these two would think.

"Look, if you think-----"

A loud animal howling coming from the deepest and darkest part of the woods stopped me from whatever I was going to tell them. A shrieking, animal voice, a howl. Anguished and familiar. Suddenly, I felt my eyelids droop and go heavy and everything went pitch black.

I heard Betty scold my mother. "It's happening, Teresa. Don't tell me I am wrong."

I woke up on my bed. Still wearing the clothes that I was wearing last night. It was morning now. So, I slept through the night?

My head ached but I was sure that I did not drink any alcoholic beverage unless the lemonade my grandmother served was mixed with a little vodka, she wouldn't spike her granddaughter's drink, would she?
I remembered what happened yesterday. Whoa. Things escalated quickly and today is my official first day in Haven. I have a grandmother and I live in an area where the woods spooked me last night. They assured me that it was nothing. However, my gut tells me that I saw someone. A man. Of that, I'm sure.

"Strange." I stretched in bed.

I got up from bed and opened the drapes of my window. The Alabama sun was relentless and it pierced my eyes. It took me a moment to adjust to the blinding light. Just as I expected, it is daytime. The forest and the house had a good distance apart and I knew where exactly the man was standing last night.

If I was just imagining things, how come, I am still sure of the spot?

“How are you feeling?” It was my mother. If anything, she looked tired and as if she did not get some sleep. The only question was why? Heck, it seemed like instead of getting answers, I kept on getting more questions.

“I’m good. What happened last night? I think I fainted.”

“You did, fatigue maybe." She fixed my bed. "Mom says breakfast is ready.”

“I’m going to freshen a bit.”

I went down after changing into fresh clothes and smelled the pancakes. Instinctively, I knew it was pancakes and blueberries and waffles and that the coffee was Folgers before I even entered the kitchen. Betty also made some eggs and bacon. My stomach was grumbling and I did not know why. I was a light eater my whole life.

“There she is. Come, honey. As promised, I’ve made you breakfast and I am sure you will like it.” Betty looked like she did not also get some sleep like Teresa. She had bags under her eyes. They weren't there when we arrived.
“Thanks. I could smell them from the bathroom. Can I call you Grams? Grandma is a little too old.”

“Oh, that is lovely! Teresa, she gave me a new name! Grams. Can you believe it?” Betty was overwhelmed when my mom came back from the yard carrying a handful of gooseberries.

“Yeah. Charming. I wonder when she will start calling me mom.”

"I told you, PSP first." I shrugged as I chomped down on my plate.
“Don’t mind your mother. Eat.”

When Grams said eat, she did not expect me to almost wipe everything at the table off completely. I was amazed by my appetite too. On normal days, I could only consume one pancake and a half glass of orange juice. And that was it. Teresa and Grams looked at me while I was eating. They looked not surprised. The look on their faces was something I would closely associate with fear and concern.

“That was an awesome breakfast, Grams.”

"Anything for you, honey."

Teresa told me to get my stuff ready for school. It was weird because I was not even enrolled yet. But I was too satisfied with breakfast to argue with my mother. As usual, I did as I was told. I went up to take a hot shower and got dressed. I do not know if the school in Haven had a dress code but I wanted to play it safe. I just wore jeans, a navy-blue blouse, and my black hoodie since it was a little cold outside. I grabbed my backpack and checked myself in the mirror.

My hair is blonde and I have blue-green eyes. My friends in Manhattan would always tell me I looked pretty. I'm five foot six inches and was gifted both in the boobs and a** department. I wear makeup sporadically but I think this is a good day to wear a little lip stain. You know what they say, first impressions last. I was pleased with what I am seeing in the mirror.

For starters, I wanted to look good because the first day would also be the day when everybody's attention was directed to me. That, and the idea of introducing myself in class at least five times was enough reason to be vain.

I heard our car honking out front and I knew it was time to go. I looked at my reflection in the mirror one more time to give myself a little enthusiasm for today. The first day in a new school is either lovely or disappointing.

“Max, you can do this. You are a nice and charming girl. It's just another school. You can do this.” A nice pep talk courtesy by me was handy.

My mother was not the patient type and honked again and again until I reached the steps. “I am coming!” I yelled. "It's not like there's traffic here! Gosh!"

I passed by grandma drinking tea in the living room. “See you tonight, Grams!” I slid through the screen door.

“Have fun dear!”

I opened the door and went back inside again to kiss my grandmother. It was a lovely thing to do since she prepared awesome food last night and this morning. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Betty was pleased and slipped me two folded Benjamins.

“Hmm. Max was off to a good start for the day.”

Now that it is not dark like yesterday, I could see better how Haven looked. It was not bad at all. Little children were walking and people going about their own lives. The school was not even ten minutes away from our place. I could have walked and still not been late.

Teresa found a parking spot. Finding a parking spot was not hard. Since there were only a few cars parked. A huge number of parked bikes was on the other side and was marked as ‘student’s parking’. The town was so small that the kids did not even need cars here.

In front was a huge cemented wall that said: WELCOME TO HAVEN HIGH SCHOOL.

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