Triplets Goddesses Series 1
By NamhyeBlueMoon
Date: July 10, 2024
Ch. 8Eight

Blue's Point of View)

I woke up to the feeling of the sun's rays hitting me.

I touched my head and looked around.

Wait a minute!! I remember being in a forest.

Then I suddenly felt a strong surge of energy flow through my body.

It was hard! I couldn't handle the pain. I also heard Red and Yellow calling out to me in my mind.

And everything went black.

How did I get here?

I stood up and performed my morning rituals.

My equipment was ready too, stored in an invisible magic cloak.

Its contents were minimal.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!" I said.

And in came Red and Yellow.

"Good thing you're awake, Blue. Are you ready?" asked Yellow.

"I'm always ready. What about you?"

"Same here," replied the two of them.

They sat on my bed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh, about yesterday, it's nothing, Blue," said Red.

I knew they didn't want to talk about it, so I didn't ask further.

We went down, and the five were waiting for us.

"Come on, we'll take you," Kaimin said with a smile.

Red rolled her eyes secretly.

What's her problem?

We started walking as we trailed behind them.

"Also, when you get there, be careful," warned Kristan.

"Don't trust everything you see because not all is as it seems," added Kai.

We nodded, even though we didn't understand what they were saying.

Be careful where? It's like we're going to hell.

We walked for hours.

My brow furrowed as it suddenly seemed like night.

I dismissed it, thinking I must have lost track of time.

My brow furrowed further as we entered a forest.

I tuned in to my surroundings, but I didn't sense anything unusual.

When we stopped in a vast meadow, the grass wasn't tall—this place would make a great hangout.

It seemed like we were in the middle of the forest.

Then suddenly, the five men were far away.

"Hey, what are you doing there?!" shouted Yellow.

"Hey, what's going on? Aren't we going to Arbexuelon Academy?!" Red exclaimed.

"They're probably messing with us," I said.

We were about to approach the five when suddenly, two moons appeared.

The light hit us, and the surroundings spun around, as if everything disappeared.

At the same time, our power marks glowed brightly.

We closed our eyes.

And when I opened them, I couldn't believe what I saw.

I pinched Yellow, and she yelped.

This is real!

(Yellow's Point of View)

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

It was beautiful.

When I opened my eyes, we were at the bottom of a waterfall with green, sparkling water.

And around us were countless green butterfly-like creatures fluttering.

"Where are we?" Red asked.

"I don't know! Let's walk around," Blue suggested.

I nodded, and we walked around.

By the way, we were wearing wigs because our hair would give people the chills.

We wore oversized T-shirts and red shorts that weren't too short.

I noticed Blue's ice mark glowing, so I held his hand.

My eyes widened because it felt like touching a corpse, it was so cold.

As I held Blue's hand longer, my hand suddenly got encased in ice, and Blue pushed me away.

"What's happening? Blue, why are you freezing? Control it!!!" I shouted at him.

Blue panicked.

His power marks glowed even brighter, making us cover our eyes.

What's up with Blue?

When I opened my eyes, Blue's skin was pale, and his lips were red.

I noticed his blue hair became more emphasized with hints of red and yellow.

His blue eyes changed, with a hint of red mixed in, which was terrifying.

"What's happening?!!!" I exclaimed.

I looked at Red, and his power marks were also glowing. His skin turned pale, and his lips became red.

Red's calm red eyes turned blood red mixed with violet. What happened to Blue and Red, their eyes were terrifying.

No one would dare look them in the eyes.

I approached Red and grabbed his arm, but quickly recoiled.

Red's skin felt like fire, extremely hot.

Our eyes widened.

Especially when I felt a strong surge of energy flowing through me.

It felt like electricity.

I noticed my skin turning pale.

I looked at a stream and watched my reflection.




My yellow hair changed color despite the wig; I could see it turning gold and my gray eyes becoming gold with hints of gray.

Red and Blue suddenly sat down when they touched me.

My body was enveloped in electricity.

"What's happening to us?!!!" Red asked.



We didn't realize we were in the dark part of the forest.

So we huddled together, but we didn't touch.

What if we exploded?

I felt something was going to fall on us, so we looked up.

It was a strange net.

Blue managed to catch it before it landed on us.

We were shocked when the net turned to ice and bounced back.

I saw the surprise on Blue's face.

Even we were shocked, especially when arrows started flying at Red.

Red looked at them, and they caught fire, turning to ash.

I saw Red's surprise at his own action.

I was even more surprised when I managed to strike down a series of knives aimed at me.

I didn't even control it.

It was as if our powers had a life of their own and were fighting back.

I was even more shocked when some people appeared—they looked like rebels.

And I was most shocked when they turned to ice, were engulfed in flames, and electrocuted.

And then they exploded one by one.

I closed my eyes tightly, feeling that we were the ones who caused that.

I sat down on the ground, as did Red and Blue.

"We've become more dangerous," Blue said.

"I didn't think it could get worse," Red added.

"People are now afraid of us! What should we do?!" I said.

I never thought it would come to this.

I could kill without effort.

We sat on the ground for a long time, so I decided to remove my wig.

My golden hair with gray and green strands flowed out.

My hair looked even more beautiful but terrifying.

"A-what happened to your hair, Yellow?!!!" Red exclaimed.

"I don't know; it just changed suddenly," I said.

Red also took off his wig.

We were surprised to see his hair had become even redder, a vibrant shade with hints of violet.

And we were most surprised by Blue's hair, which was previously curly but now straight with curls at the ends.

His blue hair was more emphasized, with red and yellow strands mixed in.

"It's like we're dead," Blue said.

"Exactly, and whoever touches me will burn, while anyone who touches you will freeze, and they'll be electrocuted if they touch you, Yellow," Red added.

We all sighed and put our wigs back on.

I reached into my pocket and felt a paper.

I quickly took it out and unfolded it.

'When you arrive, you must seek answers to your questions and find Arbexuelon Academy.

Learn what you want to learn and find temporary shelter.

You must properly control your powers and be cautious. Many things will happen, but I believe you three can overcome them.'

Crystal the fairy
It turns out this letter is from Mrs. Crystal.

Red and Blue read the paper too.

We decided to stand up.

We looked up at the sky.

It was already night.

"Let's go, we need to find a place to sleep," Blue said.

So we followed.

It was dark.

And the stars were many.

It was strange that there were three moons, and the night was clear.

We walked for a few hours.

I looked at my watch, and it was exactly 11 at night.

Then, a large house appeared in front of us, looking like a hotel.

Our eyes widened as ghosts appeared.


We all said.

Indeed, ghosts!

These were ghosts we were seeing, and it seemed like a ghost hotel.

They couldn't touch us.

So we walked closer.

And the hotel was beautiful, even from the outside.

"Wow! A ghost hotel, and it's even more lavish than a billionaire's house," I said.

"Exactly, let's ask if we can stay for the night," Blue suggested.

We walked in.

And we were amazed by the hotel's beauty, and we walked around.

Wow!!!!! 0

We approached the receptionist.

Who was clearly a ghost.

She smiled at us, but when she looked into our eyes, she turned to ash.

So we backed away.


The ghosts here panicked, and we suddenly felt something appear behind us.

We didn't turn around because we didn't want it to turn to ash.

"Who are you?!! You're not dead, but how did you find this hotel?!!!!" It said.

"We're lost, and we don't know much about this place. We need a place to stay for just tonight," Red replied.

"Alright, but you must leave before four o'clock, or else you'll disappear along with this hotel," it said.

We nodded.

And we closed our eyes tightly because suddenly a woman appeared in front of us.

She looked to be in her 30s.

"Open your eyes," she said.

But we didn't.

In the end, we chose to open our eyes.

She seemed surprised, and it was strange why she didn't turn to ash.

"Why didn't you turn to ash?!!!" I asked.

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