Billionaire's Sexy Contract Wife
By soursweet
Date: June 28, 2024
Ch. 8Especially

I was taken aback when he mentioned that he appreciates all things, as I didn't expect that from him. His appearance doesn't give away his true nature, making it seem like he's someone you can easily dominate. I had no idea he had a feminist side to him as well.

During dinner last night, we were both silent. I didn't choose the villa he preferred, so he decided to take charge. I didn't pay much attention to his words.

As we drove back to the city, the journey seemed longer than I realized. I didn't expect us to be so close.

"This isn't the way to the hotel," I pointed out.

He simply ignored me and continued driving. I had no clue where we were headed, but it wasn't close to Blade's company building. It wasn't far from the city, but rather in an area resembling a mansion-filled subdivision.

I was shocked when our car pulled up in front of a stunning villa. He drove us into a mansion with three other cars parked outside. The guard greeted him, and he returned the gesture.

He opened the door for me, revealing a massive cream-colored villa that looked incredibly inviting.

"What is this?"

" Our home, so you don't have to sell your villa."

He gently held my hand.

"I apologize for not thinking of this sooner. We were so preoccupied and had no other option but to spend our honeymoon in your villa, so this is my wedding present to you and this."

He explained, slipping a car key into my hand. We both pressed the unlock button simultaneously, and the car beeped as I spotted the Lamborghini. It was white, a truly enchanting color. My parents never allowed me to buy one, but here was my husband, spoiling me rotten.

I glanced at him, and he returned a soft smile before heading inside, with me following suit. The house was two stories high, with grand interior designs that I had seen in the catalog the day before.

"Don't say anything."

"Got it." He replied, gazing at his choice.

This mansion was worth 18 billion dollars. I recalled him overhearing me last night as I looked through the catalog he had given me. But wasn't it too extravagant for just the two of us, even with the maids and guards? So I inquired,

"I don't dislike it, but isn't it a bit excessive? Spending this much on just the two of us?"

I asked him, and he simply stared back.

"It's not for us, it's all for you," He said with a grin.

This man is out of his mind. Why does he have so much when he could donate to charity? It was as if he was implying that my parents' wealth wasn't enough to buy me this, but I was fortunate. I wasn't spoiled by my parents, and I marveled at the design of this stunning house. Who would have thought that my husband would be the one to spoil me? Psh.

“Feel free to invite a few friends to join you here. I'll head back to my condo since it's closer, but I'll make sure to visit every weekend or whenever I start missing you," he mentioned, gently lifting my chin.

"Are you being serious right now? Can my friends really stay here without paying rent?"

"Absolutely! You and your friends will have full access to the entire mansion and the pool. What more could you ask for? We even have a mini bar, so just let me know when you're heading out to a party, so I can keep track of your whereabouts and who you're with, or I can even pick you up."

"Wow, are you trying to play the role of a wannabe husband?"

I playfully teased him, looking into his eyes.

"I just want you to be safe. And hey, if Mom and Dad think I'm a bad husband for leaving you, it'll be all your fault," he said with a smirk.

I released his embrace as he gently touched both my cheeks and gave me a quick kiss, leaving a mark. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment, and couldn't help but smile. I think I could get used to this.

"But this villa only has 3 bedrooms and a master bedroom. I'll sleep in your room," Blade informed me, leading me up the stairs to the master bedroom, chuckling at my concerned expression.

"Don't worry, there's a sofa in the master bedroom, so I can sleep there," he reassured me with a grin.

"Hotel items."

"Everything is here; it was arranged last night."

Upon entering the room, I noticed the vintage colors and a picture of us on the bed. It seemed necessary in case our parents came in, and I spotted the sofa beside the king-size bed.

"You're serious," I chuckled.

He interrupted me, taking my hand as we walked together. Whenever I tried to pull away, he held on tighter. I knew we had a contract to act affectionate in front of our parents, but they were nowhere to be seen. I suppose I'll have to get used to this eventually.

As we made our way through the back door into the garden, Blade greeted our parents, who were enjoying tea outside.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter at his comment. It's truly astonishing to think that beneath his intimidating exterior, there lies a compassionate side. As a smile spread across my face, he reciprocated the gesture. Without hesitation, I hurried over to embrace him tightly, expressing my gratitude, "Blade, you've made my daddy's princess dreams come true. Thank you so much." Placing a gentle kiss on his cheek, I beamed at him warmly.

In a heartwarming moment, Brandon's parents and my own mom and dad rose from their seats to join us in a group hug. We continued chatting until the sun dipped below the horizon, deciding it was time for dinner.

Glancing at Brandon, I noticed he was already gazing back at me. I silently mouthed the words "thank you" into the air, and he responded by blinking both of his eyes.

I have no idea where this journey will lead us, but I must admit, I'm quite fond of this situation, especially with him.

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