Claro, aqui está a tradução com as aspas:
The rehearsed smile of the waiter serving me champagne is practically the same as all the others I’ve seen here. The subtle difference, however, is that the waiter will go home, be thankful for the day’s work, for the tips, and not be a complete idiot.
I can’t say the same about the guests.
They are all dressed in their most elegant clothes, from expensive suits to extravagant dresses. Some necklines are more discreet than others, and the jewelry around their necks reflects the light from the chandeliers spread across the ceiling. Yes, chandeliers. I don’t know if this is a party or a royal ball.
After the greetings and the bureaucratic part of the event, where all the businessmen burped out arrogance and exaggerated their numbers, a small orchestra was called to entertain us and provide an appropriate soundtrack so we could, um, socialize. In other words, the nest of snakes was in an uproar, with whispers here and there that I should bravely resist.
All that pompous nonsense seemed to get worse over time. And the saddest part is that I couldn’t run back home without further explanation, not without sinking Urus’s popularity in seconds.
I hear the chords of the cello and violin, deeply bored but disguising it as best as I can. I sip the champagne and hear the voice that, years ago, used to cause me various kinds of shivers.
The two syllables are uttered with politeness, firmness, and a tone similar to restrained anger. I look back, trying to maintain neutral features.
She was more or less as I remembered her, but different. Her hair, which used to reach her neck, is now longer, almost to the middle of her back. Instead of black, it’s dyed a vivid red that stands out among all the guests. The arched eyebrows and full lips, as well as the naturally assertive look, however, remain the same; perhaps more present than before. Her black dress is long, discreet, and apparently very expensive judging by the stitching.
In her hand is a nearly full glass of champagne. Her chin lifts imperceptibly, arrogance stamped on her expression.
"I congratulate you on Urus’s great achievements in recent years."
"That’s very kind of you. Jew is thriving too."
"Naturally," she boasts and smiles, but there is no happiness in her eyes. "Where is your faithful sidekick?"
That’s how she refers to Donovan, especially in the years following the divorce. My impression, however, is that she didn’t like him much even when we all got along well. But I can’t prove it; it’s just a suspicion.
"He’s taking care of personal business."
"I see. But isn’t he the most interested in the company’s achievements? It’s at least rude not to show his face at such an important event as this."
"I am the owner of Urus," I mimic the smile she gave me earlier and sip the champagne. "I am the most interested in absolutely anything involving my company."
Alexandra looks at me with disdain but quickly changes her look to something contemplative rather than accusatory.
"I could swear you were eager to get rid of responsibilities and focus on that little course..."
"The little course, as you called it, is highly profitable for me and is in high demand in various spheres of the country."
"One more reason to abandon ship, isn’t it?"
I want to stand up and shout obscenities, but I hold back and just relax in the chair. She still remains standing, and obviously, I have no reason to allow her to sit at the table.
"Do your questions have any purpose? Or is James ignoring you so vehemently that you felt obliged to entertain yourself with me?" my words are spoken quietly and politely, but I see how they affect her. I don’t know if they have something going on, but I never forgot when I saw him leaving that meeting room, nor the mocking smile he gave me. I want to make it clear to Alexandra that all her venom will never match mine.
She blinks quickly, her only sign of irritation, and retorts through gritted teeth:
"You’re still the same stupid jerk."
"The stupid jerk who remains the man of integrity in business that everyone greets and fawns over, my dear."
"I am not your dear. And you have absolutely no integrity, Gavin. Or do I need to refresh your memory?" she points to the glass in my hand. "No whiskey and moonshine this time?"
I stare at her, and my embarrassed silence is enough for her to feel comfortable continuing to insult me.
"It’s very easy to play the poor guy who divorced a woman who shattered him, but you never told people that you cheated on me. And worse, accused me of something you can’t prove."
"You don’t even try to deny that something happened, listen to yourself."
"Oh, you..."
"And one more thing. In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t want to talk about what did or didn’t happen. I’m here to fulfill an agenda, and as soon as all this is over, I will go back home... To take care of my tasks and the things that really matter to me. I thought you were making progress with your company, and I also thought you were too busy to bother coming to me just to test my patience." I stand up, looking her straight in the eye. "Apparently, I was mistaken. Have a good afternoon, Miss Ramirez."
Then I greet her with a short nod and go to the snack table. I am a bit embarrassed and irritated, but not for the reasons I thought I would be. I’m not jealous of her, nor do I want to know about her history or possible affair with my archenemy. Actually, if they were together, it would even be a relief. That way, they would focus on each other and wouldn’t have time to bother me.
The only thing they could use against me is in my house now, safe and being very well taken care of. There was no reason for any concern on my part. Everything would be fine. I just needed to bravely resist my instinct to run like crazy to the parking lot and speed away like a madman.
I sigh. Everything will be fine. Patience is a virtue that would suit me well right now.
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