A Heart's Desire
By Tani Writes
Date: August 17, 2024
Ch. 42Second Effort of Danesh

Some people in Danesh's family were also keen to marry their daughter to Danesh because Danesh was very handsome, intelligent possessed good morals, and was serving in a good government post. He was able to be a good companion.
Danesh's uncle also had a good relationship with him and Mr Ahmed respected him a lot. When Danesh requested him to talk to Tara, he refused to speak with Mr Ahmed as he wanted to marry his daughter with Danesh.

Danesh was telling his mother only one thing that he would not marry in his family and would do everything possible for Tara because he did not see a better companion in this world than Tara.
His mother realized that Danesh loves Tara to the extent of madness and that girl was also capable of it because she was a very sensible and decent girl.

Mr Ahmed's family members had threatened him to end the relationship and he could not cut ties with his family members by connecting with Danesh's family.
Tara and Danesh had confused their family as well with their confusion, Mr and Mrs. Ahmed on one side and Danesh's mother and his family on the other side were all worried.

No one don't know why this love happens where it is impossible to meet and the love that happens in such a place cannot be described in words. To understand this, the lovers have to make every possible effort to become one and then when nothing happens, they accept fate and accept this eternal love forever. They get safe in the corner and start trying to live their own lives, but that love can never end and that which happened to a beautiful and virtuous girl with a noble and respectable person.

Tara was the girl who used to cover herself and if any boy or unmarried man appeared in front of her, she would close both her eyes.
From her childhood she thought that her marriage would be according to her father's will and her companion would be a good person just like her father.

Just some time ago, Danesh came into her life and Danesh was exactly the kind of person, maybe as strong, high-spirited, and a person like Mr Ahmed, Tala wanted.
She had thought of blaming Danesh and at that time had forgotten that Danesh did not have Mr Ahmed's consent in her life, so now she became silent and left everything to God, and Mr Ahmed.

After Danesh's continuous insistence, his family went to Mr Ahmed's house. Mr Ahmed respected them a lot and was a little worried about why these people had come again.

After eating food, Danesh's mother addressed Mr Ahmed, "What was meant to be had happened, we are sorry that you have suffered a lot and now you do not want to have any relationship with our family, but without caring about the people and the world, you once gave your daughter, Look at her, she is very innocent and will bow her head to your every decision, but when instead of living her life in happiness, she will be just live her days, then you will be in a lot of pain. You know Danesh more than me that he doesn't like anything like that and not only likes but he has loved for the first time in his life and I am proud that his love is pure because he respects even the name of Tara. And for the rest of his life, he will keep her as a queen of his heart and life. Now, the decision is in your hands, but I am sitting in the cradle to put the star of your eyes and the happiness of my son in my cradle. I would not take your Tara as daughter-in-law, but my daughter. I will take it away and you will never get a chance to complain".

After listening to the emotional speech of Danesh's mother, tears came to Mr Ahmed's eyes and he began to feel very helpless and forced. After hearing about Danesh's love for Tara from his mother's mouth, he was also angry, but he all kept listening silently.

Mr Ahmed replied to Danesh's mother "If I establish a relationship with you, then my family members will break all ties with me, and then what will people say after the accident that has happened on your part, I am already confused very much because of this accident. I have to show shame, so for the happiness of one Tara, I can't trample the happiness of my disgraced and whole family's happiness under my feet".

Danesh's mother became upset and said "You alone can decide her life's decision, I have said what I wanted to say, and I hope for the best decision from you for your Daughter".

Tara was very nervous and doubled up in her room when Danesh's mother wanted to meet Tara once before she left. She was taken to Tara's room by Mrs. Ahmed and she was leaning on a chair with a book on her face when the door opened, she removed the book from her mouth, and seeing Danesh's mother, she ran and hugged her.
Danesh's mother put her hand on Tara's head and Mrs. Ahmed started crying when Danesh's mother also had tears in her eyes. She touched Tara's head and encouraged her.

Then Tara pulled herself together and asked Danesh's mother to sit down. Danesh's mother patted Tara's head and cheek with a slight smile prayed for her to be happy and left the room herself, she was a very brave lady. That's why she was maintaining her composure, otherwise, her eyes were wet when she gave a cold and long sigh and turned to Tara, who was looking at Danesh's mother with a longing gaze with her gazelle eyes.

Danes's Mother said goodbye to Tara with a gesture of her hand and Tara smiled and waved her hand while wiping her tears.

She hastened back to the house, but in her heart, there was a feeling of sadness and loss because she could not save the happiness of Danesh. Tara's downcast face was repeated with Mr Ahmed's words and she reached home in the same state with wet eyes.

Mr Ahmed went home very angry and addressed Mrs. Ahmed and said, "That's why I used to not allow the use of mobile phones. Now I see the result of using this mobile phone. It affects companionship. Tara was not like that, but people have made her like this, I am sorry that she has bowed my head because of her love in front of my acquaintances".

Tara was crying after hearing all the words of Mr Ahmed and saying "Yes, it is my fault that I loved someone different from the whole world but it was written in my destiny. It was already written, so I couldn't do anything. Now I was listening to all the words of these people and their decisions, then why are they angry and crying at me?"
She was talking to herself and was crying in loneliness while wiping away many tears and taking a long and cold sigh!

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